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孙霁宇:女,1976年。工学博士,教授/博导。2012年授获中国农业工程学会第六届青年科技奖。2015年荣获长春市第六批有突出贡献专家称号。负责国家自然科学基金4项、十二五国家科技支撑计划项目1项,十三五国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项1项、装备预研领域基金项目1项、十三五装备预研兵器工业联合基金1项、吉林省科技发展计划项目4项等。发表学术论文70余篇,其中作为第一作者/通讯作者SCI收录论文30余篇(他引770余次),h-index = 16。申请国家发明专利22件,获批11件。 主要履历 2014.10-至今 吉林大学生物与农业工程学院/工程仿生教育部重点实验室,教授/博导 2008.09-2014.09 吉林大学生物与农业工程学院/工程仿生教育部重点实验室,副教授/硕导 2011.03-2012.03 美国俄亥俄州立大学,访问学者 2002.09-2005.06 吉林大学,农业机械化工程,博士 1999.09-2002.06 吉林大学,农业机械化工程,硕士 1995.09-1999.07 原吉林工学院,本科 获得的奖励与荣誉称号 2015年,长春市第六批有突出贡献专家 2012年,获中国农业工程学会第六届青年科技奖 2011年,教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖技术发明二等奖(第三名) 承担省部级以上科研项目主要如下: 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31970454、“迁飞性甲虫可折叠后翅自锁-形变作用机制及柔性仿生可折叠翼系统研究”、2020/01-2023/12、61万元、主持 国家自然科学基金项目,31672348、“可逆/不可逆变色甲虫构色机制及可变色复合材料仿生耦合机理”、2017/01—2020/12、63万元、主持 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31172144、“金龟子后翅展开/折叠液压作用机理及可折叠膜结构系统研究”、2012/01-2015/12、53万元、主持 国家自然科学基金(青年基金)项目,30600131、“金龟子轻质层构表皮纳米力学研究”,2007/01-2009/12、18万元、主持 装备预研领域基金重点项目,61400040404、“涂层自修复强化机理研究”、 2018/11-2020/12、250万元、主持 十三五国家重点研发计划-政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项子项,2016YFE0112100、“润湿、粘附、反射可控功能表面设计与制造”、2016/12-2019/11、110.46万元、主持 十二五国家科技支撑计划项目,2014BAD06B03、“大豆、马铃薯机械化高效生产技术及装备研究与示范”、2014/01-2016/12、769万、主持 吉林省科技发展计划项目,2013030304NY、“三年轮耕耕作模式及配套机具中试与示范”、2013/08-2015/12、45万元、主持 吉林省科技发展计划项目,2010GB2B100110、“2BGZ-4多功能智能耕播机中试与示范”、2010/04-2012/12、30万元、主持 吉林省科技发展计划项目,20115024、“1GFZ-4(2)仿生智能耕整机中试与示范”、2011/04-2013/12、30万元、主持


1、农业仿生机械 2、仿生微飞行器 3、生物材料纳米力学


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Wang Y M, Li N, Ma Y H, Tong J, Sun J Y*. Field experiments evaluating a biomimetic shark-inspired (BioS) subsoiler for tillage resistance reduction. Soil & Tillage Research, 2020, 196, 104432 2. Sun J Y, Liu C, Li F D, Bhushan B, Wu W, Tong J. The effect of vein microstructure on mechanical behaviors of Asian ladybeetle hindwing. Tribology International, 2020, 142, 105719 3. Sun J Y, Wang Y M, Li N, Tian L M. Tribological and anticorrosion behavior of self-healing coating-containing nanocapsules. Tribology International, 2019, 136, 332-341 4. Sun J Y, Liu C, Bhushan B. Beetle hindwings: Structure, mechanical properties, mechanism and bioinspiration. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2019, 94, 63-73 5. Sun J Y, Wu W, Song Z L, Tong J, Zhang S J. Bio-inspirations for the development of light materials based on the nanomechanical properties and microstructures of beetle Dynastes tityus. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2019, 16(1), 154-163 6. Wang Y M, Xue W L, Ma Y H, Tong J, Liu X P, Sun J Y*. DEM method and soil bin study on biomimetic disc furrow opener. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2019, 156, 209-216 7. Sun J Y, Bhushan B. Nanomanufacturing of bioinspired surfaces. Tribology International, 2019, 129, 67-74 8. Sun J Y, Liu C, Bhushan B, Wu W, Tong J. Effect of microtrichia on the interlocking mechanism in the Asian ladybeetle, Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2018, 9, 812-823 9. Sun J Y, Wang Y M, Ma Y H, Tong J, Zhang Z J. DEM simulation of bionic subsoilers (tillage depth >40 cm) with drag reduction and lower soil disturbance characteristics. Advances in Engineering Software, 2018, 119, 30-37 10. Zhang Z J, Sun X W, Du P Y, Sun J Y*, Wu Y F. Design of a hydraulically-driven bionic folding wing. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2018, 82, 120-125 11. Sun J Y, Liu C, Du H Y, Tong J. Design of a bionic aviation material based on the microstructure of beetle’s elytra. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017, 114, 62-72 12. Sun J Y, Du R J, Liu X F, Bechkoum K, Tong J, Chen D H. A simulation of the flight characteristics of the deployable hindwings of beetle. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2017, 14(2): 296-306 (cover) 13. Sun J Y, Wu W, Liu C, Tong J. Investigating the nanomechanical properties and reversible color change properties of the beetle Dynastes tityus. Journal of Materials Science, 2017, 52(11): 6150-6160 (cover) 14. Sun J Y, Wu W, Ling M Z, Tong J, Ren L. Fluid analysis of vein of beetle hindwing during unfolding action. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2016, 101:379-386 15. Sun J Y, Wu W, Ling M Z, Bhushan B, Tong J. The hydraulic mechanism in the vein of hindwing of Cybister japonicus Sharp (Order: Coleoptera), Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2016, 7, 904-913 16. Sun J Y, Wu W, Ling M Z, Bhushan B, Tong J. A dynamic nanoindentation technique to investigate the nanomechanical properties of colored beetle. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(82): 79106–79113 17. Sun J Y, Wu W, Xue W L, Tong J, Liu X P. Anisotropic nanomechanical properties of bovine horn using modulus mapping. IET nanobiotechnology, 2016, 10(5):334-339 18. Sun J Y, Wu W, Xue WL, Ren L, Akhtar R, Tong J. Quantitative nanomechanical properties of the cuticle of the multicolored Asian lady beetle using the modulus mapping technique. Current Nanoscience, 2015,11(2): 245-252 19. Tong J, Chang Z Y, Ling M Z, Zhang J, Sun J Y*. Nanoindentation mechanical properties and structural biomimetic models of three species of insects wings. Journal of Wuhan Unversity of Technology (Materials Science Edtion). 2015, 30(4): 831-839 20. Zhang Z J, Jia H L, Sun J Y*. Bioinspired design of a ridging shovel with anti-adhesive and drag reducing. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 7(3):1-11 21. Sun J Y, Ling M Z, Pan C X, Chen D H, Tong J, Li X. Biomimetic structure design of dragonfly wing venation using topology optimization method. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology. 2014,14(4): 1450078-1-17 22. Sun J Y, Ling M Z, Wu Wei, Bhushan B, Tong J. The hydraulic mechanism of the unfolding of hind wings in Dorcus titanus platymelus (Order: Coleoptera). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2014, 15(4), 6009-6018 23. Sun J Y, Ling M Z, Wang Y M, Chen D H, Zhang S J, Tong J, Wang S. Quasi-static and dynamic nanoindentation of some selected biomaterials. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2014, 11(1): 144-150 24. Sun J Y, Bhushan B, Tong J. Structural coloration in nature. RSC Advances, 2013, 3(35): 14862-14889 25. Zhang ZJ, Jia HL*, Sun J Y*, Wang Y M, Ling, M Z, Tong J. The differential constitutive equation and model of abalone nacre by nanoindenter. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology. 2013, 14(2), 1340011-1-12 26. Sun J Y, Bhushan B. Structure and mechanical properties of beetle wings: A review. RSC Advances, 2012, 2(33), pp 12606-12623 27. Sun J Y, Bhushan B. Hierarchical structure and mechanical properties of nacre: a review. RSC Advances, 2012,2(20), 7617-7632 28. Sun J Y, Bhushan B. The structure and mechanical properties of dragonfly wings and their role on flyability. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 2012,340(1–2): 3–17 29. Sun J Y, Pan C X, Tong J, Zhang J. Coupled model analysis of the structure and nanomechanical properties of dragonfly wings. IET Nanobiotechnology, 2010, 4(1):10-18


