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细胞工程研究中心负责人。在Helmholtz慕尼黑中心、德国环境健康研究中心从事神经发育、干细胞分化机制和干细胞转分化研究十余年。在神经系统退行性疾病的干细胞治疗和基因治疗研究中取得了较多成果,获得江苏省高层次创新创业人才、姑苏重大创新团队领军人才、北京市科技新星、北京市科技进步二等奖、中华医学科技奖三等奖等荣誉称号和奖项。2016年作为课题骨干参与国家重点研发计划“帕金森病早期诊断生物标记及综合诊断指标体系研发”。发表论文40余篇,申请专利9项,授权发明专利1项,获得各级经费2600万元。 承担项目情况: 1.姑苏重大创新团队项目:干细胞关键技术研发及其核心装备产业化开发(领军人才,经费:1000万元)。 2.江苏省重点研发计划:基于CRISPR/Cas9技术制备可多模态示踪多巴胺神经元及其治疗帕金森病的临床前研究(项目负责人,经费:300万元)。 3.中科院战略性先导科技专项(A类):三维培养及人工皮肤三维重建装置为基础的皮肤类器官构建(任务联合负责人,经费:120万元) 4.中科院苏州医工所重大专项:细胞治疗型样本库的建立(负责人,经费:1000万元)。 5.江苏省高层次创新创业人才计划资助项目:临床级别脂肪干细胞制备及其应用(项目负责人,经费:50万元)。 6.国家重点研发专项:帕金森病早期诊断生物标记及综合诊断指标体系研发(子课题负责人,经费:60万元)。




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[1]Qingfei Chen,Feifei Wang,Yunchao Zhang,Yan Liu,Li An,Zhongliang Ma,Jingzhong Zhang,Shuang Yu.Neonatal DEX exposure leads to hyperanxious and depressive-like behaviors as well as a persistent reduction BDNF expression in developmental stages.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,2020,Accepted.(Corresponding author) [2]Yang Z,Zheng C,Zhang F,Lin B,Cao M,Tian X,Zhang J,Zhang X,Shen J.Magnetic resonance imaging of enhanced nerve repair with mesenchymal stem cells combined with microenvironment immunomodulation in neurotmesis.Muscle Nerve.2020 Mar 14.doi:10.1002/mus.26862. [3]Mao J,Cao M,Zhang F,Zhang J,Duan X,Lu L,Yang Z,Zhang X,Zhu W,Zhang Q,Wang Z,Shen J.Peritumoral administration of IFNβupregulated mesenchymal stem cells inhibits tumor growth in an orthotopic,immunocompetent rat glioma model.J Immunother Cancer.2020 Mar;8(1).pii:e000164.doi:10.1136/jitc-2019-000164. [4]Liu Y,Song H,Yu S,Huang K-H,Ma X,Zhou Y,Zhang J,Chen L.Protein Kinase D3 promotes the cell proliferation by activating the ERK1/c‐MYC axis in breast cancer.J Cell Mol Med.,2020;24:2135–2144.(Co-corresponding author) [5]Liu Y,Zhou Y,Huang KH,Li Y,Fang X,An L,Wang F,Chen Q,Zhang Y,Shi A,Yu S,Zhang J.EGFR-specific CAR-T cells trigger cell lysis in EGFR-positive TNBC.Aging(Albany NY).2019 Dec 4;11(23):11054-11072.(Corresponding author) [6]Yan Liu,Yuzhi Wang,Shiyi Yu,Yehui Zhou,Xinxing Ma,Qian Su,Li An,Feifei Wang,Aihua Shi,Jingzhong Zhang,Liming Chen.The Role and Mechanism of CRT0066101 as An Effective Drug for Treatment of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry,2019;52(3):382-396.(Co-corresponding author) [7]Yu N,Zhang X,Gao Y,You H,Zhang J,Miao P.Highly Sensitive Endotoxin Assay Combining Peptide/Graphene Oxide and DNA-Modified Gold Nanoparticles.ACS Omega.2019,22;4(10):14312-14316.(Co-corresponding author) [8]Liu Y,Li J,Ma Z,Zhang J,Wang Y,Yu Z,Lin X,Xu Z,Su Q,An L,Zhou Y,Ma X,Yang Y,Wang F,Chen Q,Zhang Y,Wang J,Zheng H,Shi A,Yu S,Zhang J,Zhao W,Chen L.Oncogenic functions of Protein Kinase D2 and D3 in regulating multiple cancer-related pathways in breast cancer.Cancer Med.2019;8(2):729-741. [9]Zhenzhen Guo,Jun Xu,Jingzhong Zhang,Yayun Hu,Yue Pan,Peng Miao.Facile Strategy for Electrochemical Analysis of Hydrogen Peroxide Based on Multifunctional Fe3O4@Ag Nanocomposites.ACS Appl.Bio Mater.2018,1,367?373. [10]Yu S,Zutschi I,Stoffel R,Zhang JZ,Silva PV,Sousa N,Costa PS,Holsboer F,Patchev A,Almeida OF..Antidepressant responsiveness in adulthood is permanently impaired after neonatal destruction of the neurogenic pool.Trans Psychiatry.2017,7(1):1~9. [11]Garrett L*,Zhang,J.*,Annemarie Zimprich,Kristina M.Niedermeier,Helmut Fuchs,Valerie Gailus-Durner,Martin HrabMe de Angelis,Daniela Vogt Weisenhorn,Wolfgang Wurst and Sabine M.H?lter.Conditional Reduction of Adult Born Doublecortin-Positive Neurons Reversibly Impairs Selective Behaviors.(*Co-first author)Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.2015,9:302. [12]Yoshiyasu Fukusumi*,Florian Meier*,Sebastian G?tz*,Friederike Matheus,Martin Irmler,Theresa Faus-Kessler,Eleonora Minina,Benedict Rauser,Jingzhong Zhang,Elizabeth Andersson,Johan Ericson,Meng Li,Christof Niehrs,Antonio Simeone,Johannes Beckers,Wolfgang Wurst and Nilima Prakash.Dickkopf 3 Promotes the Differentiation of Substantia Nigra Dopaminergic Neurons In Vivo and from Pluripotent Stem Cells In Vitro.Jounal of Neuroscience.2015,35(39):13385–13401. [13]Marina Theodorou*,Benedict Rauser*,Jingzhong Zhang,Nilima Prakash,Wolfgang Wurst,Joel A.Schick.Limitations of in vivo reprogramming to dopaminergic neurons via a tricistronic strategy.Human gene therapy Methods.2015,26(4):107-22. [14]Jingzhong Zhang,Sebastian G?tz,Daniela M.Vogt Weisenhorn,Antonio Simeone,Wolfgang Wurst and Nilima Prakash.A WNT1-regulated developmental gene cascade prevents dopaminergic neurodegeneration in adult En1+/–mice.Neurobiology of Disease.2015,82:32-45. [15]Michaela Matthes*,Martin Preusse*,Jingzhong Zhang*,Julia Schechter,Daniela Mayer,Bernd Lentes,Fabian Theis,Nilima Prakash,Wolfgang Wurst,Dietrich Trümbach.Mouse IDGenes:A reference database for genetic interactions in the developing mouse brain.(*Co-first author)Database:The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation,2014 Aug 20;2014.pii:bau083.1-16. [16]Giesert F,Hofmann A,Bürger A,Zerle J,Kloos K,Hafen U,Ernst L,Zhang J,Vogt-Weisenhorn DM,Wurst W.Expression analysis of lrrk1,lrrk2 and lrrk2 splice variants in mice.PLoS One.2013,8(5):e63778 [17]Peng C,Li N,Ng YK,Zhang J,Meier F,Theis FJ,Merkenschlager M,Chen W,Wurst W,Prakash N.A unilateral negative feedback loop between miR-200 microRNAs and Sox2/E2F3 controls neural progenitor cell-cycle exit and differentiation.Jounal of Neuroscience.2012,32:13292-13308. [18]Glasl L,Kloos K,Giesert F,Roethig A,Di Benedetto B,Kühn R,Zhang J,Hafen U,Zerle J,Hofmann A,de Angelis MH,Winklhofer KF,H?lter SM,Vogt Weisenhorn DM,Wurst W.Pink1-deficiency in mice impairs gait,olfaction and serotonergic innervation of the olfactory bulb.Exp Neurol.,2012,235:214-227. [19]Zhang J,Giesert F,Kloos K,Vogt Weisenhorn DM,Aigner L,Wurst W,Couillard-Despres S.A powerful transgenic tool for fate mapping and functional analysis of newly generated neurons.BMC Neurosci.,2010,11:158. [20]Yu S,Patchev AV,Wu Y,Lu J,Holsboer F,Zhang JZ,Sousa N,Almeida OF.Depletion of the neural precursor cell pool by glucocorticoids.Ann Neurol.,2010,67:21-30. [21]Yu S,Zhang JZ,Xu Q.Genes associated with neuronal differentiation of precursors from human brain.Neuroscience,2006,141:817-825. [22]Zhang Jingzhong,Yang Hui,Duan Deyi,Duan Chunli,Zhao Chunli,Sun Xiaohong,Zhang Jinlu,Xu Qunyuan.Long-term therapeutic effects on parkinsonian rats of intrastriatal co-grafts with genetically engineered fibroblasts expressing tyrosine hydroxylase and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor.Int J Neurosci.,2005,115:769-779. [23]Duan D,Yang H,Zhang J,Zhang J,Xu Q.Long-term restoration of nigrostriatal system function by implanting GDNF genetically modified fibroblasts in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease.Exp Brain Res.,2005,161:316-324. [24]S.Yu,J.Z.Zhang,C.L.Zhao,H.Y.Zhang Q.Xu.Isolation and characterization of the CD133+precursors from the ventricular zone of human fetal brain by magnetic affinity cell sorting.Biotechnol Lett,2004,26:1131–1136.


