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赵凌霄,博士,博导。由荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(TU Delft)与荷兰皇家飞利浦医疗(Philips Healthcare)联合培养获得硕士和博士学位。在荷兰攻读学位期间,作为主要研发人员参与了荷兰飞利浦医疗CT虚拟肠胃镜高级技术的重大项目。先后在相关领域的国际顶级和一流期刊或会议中发表多篇高质量论文。在回国之前长期在荷兰飞利浦医疗研发总部工作,参与多项医学影像后处理技术和产品的研发与成果转化,并主持过飞利浦医疗最新一代医学影像平台软件产品中多个主要模块和高级功能的开发。具有多年研发团队的技术指导经验,熟悉并掌握多项世界先进的医学影像分析处理和可视化软件核心技术与产品,以及先进的商业软件研发过程和项目服务管理经验。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

L. Zhao, C.P. Botha, J.O. Bescos, R. Truyen, F.M. Vos, and F.H. Post. Lines of curvature for polyp detection in virtual colonoscopy. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG是计算机图形学和可视化领域顶级期刊), Volume 12, No. 5(885-892), Oct 2006.  R.S. Laramee, H. Hauser, L. Zhao (co-first author), and F.H. Post. Topology-based flow visualization, the state of the art. In Topology-Based Methods in Visualization (H. Hauser, H. Hagen, and H. Theisel, eds), pp. 1—20, Springer Verlag, Mathematics and Visualization Series, 2007.  L. Zhao, C.P. Botha, J.O. Bescos, R. Truyen, F.M. Vos, and F.H. Post. Curvature lines for colonic polyp characterization. In Proc. of the 13th Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI'07).  L. Zhao, C.P. Botha, R. Truyen, and F.H. Post. Efficient seeding and defragmentation of curvature streamlines for colonic polyp detection. In Proc. of SPIE Medical Imaging 2008: Physiology, Function, and Structure from Medical Images, vol.6916, Xiaoping P. Hu, Anne V. Clough, Editors, 69160E, March 12, 2008.  L. Zhao, V.F. van Ravesteijn, C.P. Botha, R. Truyen, F.M. Vos and F.H. Post. Surface curvature line clustering for polyp detection in CT Colonography. In Proc. of the first EuroGraphics workshop on Visual Computing for Biomedicine (EuroGraphics VCBM'08), 2008:53-60.  V.F. van Ravesteijn, L. Zhao (co-first author), C.P. Botha, F.H. Post, F.M. Vos and L.J. van Vliet. Combining mesh volume and streamline representations for polyp detection in CT Colonography. In Proc. of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI'09), 2009: 907--910. June-July Boston, 2009.
