1. Hydrothermal synthesis of honeycomb-like SnOhierarchical microstructures assembled with nanosheets, Guang Sun, NaitengWua, YanweiLi*,Jianliang Cao, Fengxiao Qi , Hari Bala, Zhanying Zhang, Materials Letters, 2013,234-237.
2. A facile and reliable solvothermal route forSnO microstructures with different morphologies, Guang Sun, Fengxiao Qi, YanweiLi*, Naiteng Wu, Jianliang Cao, Hari Bala, Zhanying Zhang, InternationalJournal of Nanomanufacturing, 2013, 261-269.
3. Synthesis and enhanced gas sensing properties of flower-like SnO2hierarchical structures decorated with discrete ZnO nanoparticles, Guang Sun,Fengxiao Qi, Saisai Zhang, Yanwei Li, Yan Wang, Jianliang Cao, HariBala,Xiaodong Wang, Tiekun Jia, Zhanying Zhang,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2014, 192-199.
4. Solvothermal synthesis and characterization ofultrathin SnO nanosheets, Guang Sun, Fengxiao Qi, Yanwei Li*, Naiteng Wu,Jianliang Cao, Saisai Zhang, Xiaodong Wang, Guiyun Yi, Hari Bala, Zhanying Zhang,Materials Letters, 2014, 69-71.
5. Solvothermal Synthesis of Zn2SnO4 Nanocrystals andTheir Photocatalytic Properties, Guang Sun, Saisai Zhang, and Yanwei Li,International Journal of Photoenergy, 2014, 580615,7p.
6. Solvothermal synthesis and characterization fo porous zinchydroxystannate microspheres, Guang Sun, SaisaiZhang, Yanwei Li,TiekunJia, HonglinChen, JianliangCao, Hari Bala, XiaodongWang, YanWang,ZhanyingZhang, Materials Letters, 2015, 105-107.
7. Core-shell ZnO/SnO2 Nanorods: Two-step Synthesis and EnhancedEthanol Sensing Performance, Guang Sun, Saisai Zhang, Yanwei Li,Fengxiao Qi, Honglin Chen and Zhanying Zhang, Current nanoscience, 2015,405-412.