2011年8月-2013年8月,国家公派纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校联合培养博士,在M. Stanley Whittingham教授课题组学习,研究方向为化学材料。
1. Zehua Chen, Qiyuan Chen, Haiyan Wang, Ruibo Zhang, Hui Zhou, Liquan Chen, M. Stanley Whittingham, A β-VOPO4/ε-VOPO4 composite Li-ion battery cathode [J]. Electrochemistry communications, 2014, 46: 67-70.
2. Chen Ze-Hua, Huang Ke-Long, Liu Su-Qin, Wang Hai-Yan, Preparation and characterization of spinel LiMn2O4 nanorods as lithium-ion battery cathodes [J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010, 20: 2309-2313.
3. Zehua Chen, Qiyuan Chen, Liquan Chen, Ruibo Zhang, Hui Zhou, Natasha A Chernova, M Stanley Whittingham, Electrochemical Behavior of Nanostructured ?-VOPO4 over Two Redox Plateaus [J]. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2013, 160: A1777-A1780.
4. Zehua Chen, Pengcheng Ma, Yanyang Zeng, Jianliang Cao, Guang Sun, Hari ala, Chuanxiang Zhang, Zhanying Zhang, Synthesis and characterization of ε-VOPO4 nanosheets for lithium battery cathode, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, (Accepted)
5. 陈泽华,陈启元,陈立泉 锂离子电池纳米 ε-VOPO4 正极材料的合成与电化学性能,中国有色金属学报,2014年5月,24卷,5期,1306-1310. (EI)
6. Nicholas F. Quackenbush, Zehua Chen, Shawn Sallis, David O. Scanlon, Ruibo Zhang, Natasha A. Chernova, M. Stanley Whittingham, Louis F. J. Piper Ex-situ electrochemical lithiation studies of the high capacity cathode material ε-VOPO4 using soft x-ray spectroscopy,YRS symposium at BNL,2013, November 15th。
7. Natasha A. Chernova, Ruibo Zhang,Zehua Chen, Fredrick Omenya, Nicholas F. Quackenbush, Louis F. J. Piper and M Stanley Whittingham,Interfacial Effects of Electrochemical Lithiation of ε-VOPO4 and Evolution of the Electronic Structure,2013 Spring, MRS, April 1-5, 2013, San Francisco, California.
8. Hanna He, Guanhua Jin, Haiyan Wang, Xiaobing Huang, Zehua Chen, Dan Sun, Yougen Tang, Annealed NaV3O8 nanowires with good cycling stability as a novel cathode for
Na-ion battery. J. Mater Chem A, 2014, 2(10):3563-3570
9. Jinlong Liu, Yaqian Zhang, Yaping Li, Jun Li,Zehua Chen, Haibo Feng,Junhua Li, Jianbo Jiang, Dong Qian, In situ chemical synthesis of sandwich-structured MnO2/graphene nanoflowers and their supercapacitive behavior, 2015, 10(173):148–155
10. R. Zhang, Y. Chung, Z. Chen, B. Wen, Y. Lin, J. C. Woicik, N. A. Chernova, S. P. Ong, M. S. Whittingham, and L. F. J. Piper , Interfacial effects in ε-LixVOPO4 and evolution of the electronic structure. N. F. Quackenbush, L. Wangoh, D. O. Scanlon, , Chemistry of Material,2015, 27,82511-8219
11. Guang Sun, Honglin Chen, Yanwei Li, Zehua Chen,Saisai Zhang, Guangzhou Ma, Tiekun Jia, Jianliang Cao, Hari Bala, Xiaodong Wang, Zhanying Zhang Synthesis
and improved gas sensing properties of NiO-decorated SnO2 microflowers assembled with porous nanorods, Volume 233, 5 October 2016, Pages 180–192