2013年3月-2016年2月 理学博士,应用数学专业,韩国仁荷大学(Inha University),指导教授:Hyundae Lee教授
2011年3月-2013年2月 理学硕士,应用数学,韩国仁荷大学(Inha University),指导教授:Hyundae Lee教授
2006年9月-2010年6月 理学学士,信息与计算科学,江南大学
2018年9月-至今 校聘副教授,浙江工业大学,中国杭州
2017年9月-2018年8月 博士后研究员,韩国仁荷大学(Inha University)应用数学研究所,韩国仁川,合作导师:Hyeonbae Kang院士
2016年2月-2017年8月 博士后,南方科技大学数学系,中国深圳
2016年11月-2017年1月 访问学者,香港浸会大学,中国香港
1. 国家自然科学基金-青年项目,11901523,偏微分方程反问题中的弱隐身结构设计的理论和方法研究,2020.01-2022.12,26万,主持,在研。
2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目资助二等, 2017M612490, 电磁波内传输特征值问题的研究及其在隐形方面的应用, 2017.05-2018.05, 5万元,主持,已结题。
1. 作为会议组织者(1/3):Young Scholars Workshop on Inverse Problems, Imaging and PDEs, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China, Mar. 25- 27, 2017. 参会人数30名
2. 作为会议组织者(1/3):反问题理论与计算研讨会,地点:武汉大学,2018年3月30日-4月1日, 参会⼈数22名
[1]. Hyeonbae Kang, Xiaofei Li* and Shigeru Sakaguchi. Existence of coated inclusions of general shape weakly neutral to multiple fields in two dimensions, Applicable Analysis, to appear, 2020.
[2]. Yong-Gwan Ji, Hyeonbae Kang, Xiaofei Li, Shigeru Sakaguchi. Neutral inclusions, weakly neutral inclusions, and an over-determined problem for confocal ellipsoids, GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES FOR PARABOLIC AND ELLIPTIC PDE’s, Springer INdAM series, to appear., 2020.
[3]. Hyeonbae Kang and Xiaofei Li*, Construction of weakly neutral inclusions of general shape by imperfect interfaces, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 79(2019), 396-414.
[4]. Xiaofei Li, Jingzhi Li* and Fang Zeng*, Maxwell exterior transmission eigenvalue problems and their applications to electromagnetic cloaking, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 9(2019), pp. 312-329.
[5]. Xiaofei Li*, Jingzhi Li, Hongyu Liu, Yuliang Wang, Electromagnetic interior transmission eigenvalue problem for inhomogeneous media containing obstacles and its applications to near cloaking, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, (2017)82,1013-1042.
[6]. Xiaofei Li*, Hyundae Lee, Yuliang Wang. Using the Neumann-Robin model to solve the Narrow Escape Problem in a Domain with a Long Neck in 3D, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 50(2017) 325203(14pp).
[7]. Eemeli Blasten, Xiaofei Li, Hongyu Liu* and Yuliang Wang. On vanishing and localizing near cusps of transmission eigenfunctions: a numerical study, Inverse Problems, Volume 33, Number 10, 2017.
[8]. Hyeonbae Kang*, Kyoungsun Kim, Hyundae Lee, Xiaofei Li and Graeme W. Milton. Bounds on the size of an inclusion using the translation method for two-dimensional complex conductivity, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 74(4), 939-958, 2014.
[9]. Xiaofei Li*, Matched asymptotic analysis to solve the narrow escape problem in a domain with a long neck, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 47, 505202, 2014.