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许雪梅,博士,副教授,曾获得中南大学“”十佳“”青年上课教师称号,湖南省青年骨干教师,美国访问学者。 主要研究信号的采集、传输与处理。先后研究开发视频终端无线传输系统、基于CCD图像传感技术的种子计数系统、气体传感器、光纤传感振动测量系统。主持完成国家博士后基金项目1项、中南大学发展基金1项、横向课题多项;作为主要骨干参与完成国家自然科学基金面上项目2项;申请项目专利20余项,已授权4项,第一作者发表论文近80篇,多篇被SCI和EI收录. 讲授课程 曾讲授课程有: 1 本科生课程:《高频电子电路》、《光电子学》、《光纤通信》、《现代电子技术进展》、《MATLAB科学计算》、《大学物理》、《大学物理实验》、《科技英语》、《原子物理与近代物理》 2 研究生课程:《高等量子力学》、《半导体光电子学》、《光电子学》 已授权发明专利 [1]许雪梅,李岸,曹建,孔德明,尹林子,赵岩,郭巧云,郭远威,一种基于分层背景建模的实时运动目标检测方法,中国,发明专利,授权号ZL201110052980 [2]许雪梅,李俊杰,曹建,倪兰,肖亮,桑延奇,尹林子,吴建好,医用药剂中可见异物的一种机器视觉检测方法,中国,发明专利,授权号ZL2011100546746 [3]许雪梅,李岸,石振宇,基于颜色和梯度特征的运动阴影检测方法,中国,发明专利,授权号ZL201110052980 [4] 陶少华, 杨兵初,许雪梅, 丁家峰, 邓宏贵. 基于微谐振环阵列分光技术的微量气体探测方法及探测器, 中国, 发明专利, 授权号 ZL201010228839.2. 学术奖励 [1] 邓宏贵, 陶少华, 许雪梅, 丁家峰, 胡志坤, 杨兵初. 基于光声光谱和光镊原理的微量气体检测光学传感器. 2015年湖南省技术发明三等奖.


1 传感器电子学 2 微弱信号采集传输与处理 3 机器视觉学习


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

2010-2016发表论文: [1]Qin-Bin Huang(黄秦斌), Xue-Mei Xu(许雪梅), Chen-Jing Li(李晨静), Yi-Peng Ding(丁一鹏), Can Cao(曹粲), Lin-Zi Yin(尹林子), and Jia-Feng Ding(丁家峰). Self-calibration wavelength modulation spectroscopy for acetylene detection based on tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy. Chin. Phys. B, 25, 11, 114202, 2016 [2] H.H.Peng,X. M.Xu*, B.C.Yang, L.Z.Yin.Implication of Two Coupled Differential van der Pol-Duffing Oscillator in Weak Signal Detection.Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,85, 044005, 2016 [3]X.M.Xu*,L.C.Zhou,Q.Mo,Q.Y.Guo,Vehicle detection Algorithm based on codebook and LBP, Journal of Central South University,1(22):593-600, 2015 [4]Y.Z.Li,X.M.Xu, C.C.Wang, C.G.Wang, F.Y. Xie, J.L.Yang, Y.L.Gao, Degradation by exposure of coevaporated CH3NH3PbI3thin films, J. Phys. Chem. C, 119: 23996- 24002, 2015 [5] Y.Z.Li,X.M.Xu,C.C.Wang, C.G.Wang, F.Y.Xie, J.L.Yang, Y.L.Gao, Investigation on thermal evaporated CH3NH3PbI3thin films, AIP Adv., 5: 097111, 2015 [6] C.G.Wang, X.L.Liu, C. C. Wang,X. M. Xu, Y.Z.Li, F.Y. Xie, Y.L.Gao, Molecular orientation of copper phthalocyanine thin films on different monolayers of fullerene on SiO2or highly oriented pyrolytic graphite, Appl. Phys. Lett., 106:121603, 2015 [7] M.P.Li,X.M.Xu*,B.C.Yang,J. F.Ding,A Circular zone counting method of identifying Duffing oscillator state transition and determing critical value in weak signal detection,Chinese Physicals B,24(6): 060504, 2015 [8]J. F. Ding,X.M. Li*,J.Cao,L.Sheng,L.Z.Yin,X. M.Xu,New sensor for gases dissolved in transformer oil based on solid oxide fuel cell,Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical,202(10):232-239,2014 [9] P.H.Hang,X.M.Xu*,L.X.Li,M.P.Li, L.Z.Yin, C.Cao, Detection of Foreign Particles in Medical Solution Using Modified Affinity Propagation,CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS, Accepted. [10]许雪梅*,倪兰,张键洋,刘丽娟,邓联文,曹粲,杜作娟,高速串行系统码间干扰等效电压噪声,浙江大学学报自然科学版,48(1), 118-123, 2014 [11]许雪梅*,李奔荣,杨兵初,蒋礼,尹林子,丁一鹏,曹粲,基于光声光谱技术的NO、NO2气体分析仪研究.物理学报, 62(20), 200704-1, 2013 [12] 许雪梅*,戴鹏,杨兵初,尹林子,曹建,丁一鹏,曹粲,光声池中微弱光声信号检测,物理学报, 62(20), 204303-1,2013 [13] 聂雅琴,许雪梅*,李奔荣,杨兵初,基于动态采样的锁相放大微弱信号检测,传感技术学报, 26(9): 1243-1247, 2013 [14] 许雪梅*,张键洋,倪兰,刘丽娟,邓联文,杜作娟,高速电子系统非均匀传输线辐射问题,浙江大学学报自然科学版,7, 1238-1245, 2013 [15]X. M. Xu*,Y.W.Guo. Cloud Image Detection Based on Markov Random Field.CHINESEJOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS, 29 (3/4), 2012 [16]X. M. Xu*, Z.Y. Huang, Q. Y. Guo, A. Li, Q. Mo, A Multi-layer background subtraction based on Gaussian Pyramid for Moving Objects Detection, Journal of Control Engineering and Technology , 2 (4), 160-167, 2012 [17]许雪梅*,李丽娴,张键洋,倪兰,黄征宇,曹建,透明液体药剂中可见异物跟踪算法,浙江大学学报工学版, 46(10), 1822-1830, 2012 [18] H. G. Deng, B. C. Yang, C. Zhou,X. M. Xu, J. F. Ding, S. H. Tao, High Sensitivity Multiple Gases Sensor With an Array of Microring Resonators.Int. J. Electro chem. Sci.,7, 8205-8212, 2012 [19]X. M. Xu*, Q.Mo, A.Li, Q.Y.Guo, Fast motion estimation algorithm based on real time monitoring, Advances in Materials Research, 3, 222-225, 2011. [20] S.H.Tao, B.C.Yang,X. M.Xu, J.F.Ding, H. G. Deng, Simultaneous detection of multiple gases with microring resonators, International Conference on Material for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), 2011. [21] Q.Y.Guo,X. M.Xu, Q Mo, A.Li, Computation of real-time optical flow based on corner feature, The International Symposium on Intelligence Information Processing and Trusted Computing(IPTC), 30, 345-348, 2010. [22] A.Li,X.M.Xu, Q.Mo, Q.Y.Guo, Robust segmentation using marked regular pyramid and Mean-shift, The International Symposium on Intelligence Information Processing and Trusted Computing(IPTC), 30, 341-344, 2010.
