1、靳立强,王庆年,宋传学. 四轮独立驱动电动汽车动力学控制仿真. 吉林大学学报(工学版),Vol.34,No.4,2004.10,pp547-553
2、靳立强,宋传学,王庆年. 导球式限滑差速器结构及工作原理. 汽车技术No.1,2005,pp3-6
3、靳立强,宋传学,王云成. 基于主动安全的轮间电控限滑差速器控制方法研究. 汽车工程,No.3,2005.pp347-353
4、靳立强,王庆年,岳巍强,宋传学. 基于四轮独立驱动电动汽车的动力学仿真模型. 系统仿真学报, No.12,2005 (EI收录),pp3053-3055
5、靳立强,宋传学,彭彦宏。基于回正与轻便性的前轮定位参数优化设计理论 农业机械学报 ,No.11,2006 pp20-23
6、宋传学,靳立强,彭彦宏。考虑排放特性约束的汽车动力传动系合理匹配 吉林大学学报(工学版),No.4,2006,pp506-509
8、靳立强,王庆年,张缓缓,电动轮驱动汽车差速性能研究,中国机械工程,中国机械工程第18 卷第21 期2007 年11 月上半月,pp2626-2636
9、靳立强,王庆年,张缓缓,王军年. 电动轮驱动汽车差速技术研究.汽车工程,NO.8,2007. Pp700-704
10、靳立强,王庆年,宋传学. 电动轮驱动汽车动力学仿真模型及试验验证. 吉林大学学报(工学版)Vol.37 NO.4,2007,pp745-750
11、王庆年,张缓缓,靳立强.四轮独立驱动电动车转向驱动的转矩协调控制. 吉林大学学报(工学版),Vol.37 No.5,2007 (EI收录)。Pp985-989
12、靳立强,王庆年,周雪虎,宋传学。电动轮驱动汽车电子差速控制策略及仿真。吉林大学学报(工学版)No.2 Vol38,2008.pp1-6
13、Junnian Wang, Qingnian Wang and Liqiang Jin.Modeling and Simulation Studies on Differential Drive Assisted Steering for EV with Four-Wheel-Independent-Drive. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), September 3-5, 2008, Harbin, China
14、王庆年,王军年,靳立强等。用于电动轮驱动汽车的差动助力转向. 吉林大学学报工学版,No.1 Vol.39 2009. Pp1-6
15、Li-Qiang Jin, Chuan-Xue Song, Chang-Jian Hu. Driving Force Power Steering for The Electric Vehicles with Motorized Wheels. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), September 7-11, 2009,Dearborn, US.
16、Junnian Wang, Qingnian Wang and Liqiang Jin. Study on the Theory and Characteristics of Differential DriveTorque Assisted Steering for 4-wheel Motored EV. AVEC ’08
17、王庆年; 王军年; 宋世欣; 李宝华; 靳立强差.动助力转向系统离线仿真验证.汽车工程,2009年第6期. Pp545-551
18、靳立强 王军年 宋传学 胡长健.电动轮驱动汽车驱动助力转向技术.机械工程,No.14Vbl.46Jul.2 O 1 O.pp101-107
19、靳立强,宋传学,王庆年。电动轮驱动汽车的最佳车轮滑移率识别方法吉林大学学报工学版,No.4,Vol.40. July,2010.pp889-894
20、JIN Li-qiang, SONG Chuan-xue, LI Jian-hua. Controll Algorithm of ombination with logic gate and PID controlfor vehicle electronic stability control. Proceedings – 2nd IEEEInternational Conference onAdvanced Computer Control,ICACC 2010, shengyan, China,March 27, 2010 – March 29,2010
21、JIN Li-qiang, SONG Chuan-xue, Wang Qing-nian.Influence of In-wheel motor structure about the Contact and Comfort for Electric Vehicle. Proceedings – 2010 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications, ISA 2010 Wuhan, China May 22, 2010 – May 23, 2010
22、JIN Li-qiang, YUE Weiqiang. Study of How to Identify Nonlinear System Based on Neural Network by MATLAB Toolbox. Proceedings – 2010 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications, ISA 2010 Wuhan, China May 22, 2010 – May 23, 2010
23、Li-qiang JIN, Xia-hua Zeng, Wei WANG. The control strategy and cost analysis for Series Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. Proceedings – 2nd IEEEInternational Conference onAdvanced Computer Control,ICACC 2010, shengyan, China,March 27, 2010 – March 29,2010
24、JIN Li-qiang, SONG Chuan-xue, Wang Qing-nian Evaluation of Influence of Motorized Wheels on Contact Force and Comfort for Electric Vehicle. JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS, VOL. 6, NO. 3, MARCH 2011,pp497-505
25、JIN Liqiang1, a, SONG Chuanxue. A parameterized simulation model for multi-axle vehicle. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 186 (2011) pp 170-175
26、JIN Liqiang1, a, SONG Chuanxue 1, b, Li Jianhua1,c Intelligent Velocity Control Strategy for Electric Vehicles Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 80-81 (2011) pp 1180-1184
27、JIN Li-qiang , Wang Jun-nian, SONG Chuan-xue Simulation of Driving Force Power Steering Control System Based on AMESim and Simulink. 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation,ICICTA 2010, Changsha, China. May 11, 2010 – May 12, 2010. 329-332
28、Ji Wang, Chuanxue Song, Liqiang Jin Modeling and Simulation of Automotive Fourchannel Hydraulic ABS Based on AMESim and Simulink/Stateflow2010 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications, ISA 2010 Wuhan, China May 22, 2010 – May 23, 2010
29、Chuanxue Song Ji Wang and Liqiang Jin. Study on the Composite ABS Control of Vehicles with Four Electric Wheels. JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS, VOL. 6, NO. 3, MARCH 2011,pp618-625
30、Li-Qiang Jin , Li-Qiang Jin , Yue Weiqiang . Real-time recognition Method and Traction Control strategy for motorized wheels vehicle. Journal of Beijing University of Technology, Supl.1 2011.
31、Wang, Qingnian; Yang, Yu; Jin, Liqiang. Research on ABS regulation of electric vehicle driven by in-wheel motors by AMESim co-simulation with Matlab/Simulink. 2011 International Conference on System Science, Engineering Design and Manufacturing Informatization, ICSEM 2011, Guiyang, China, p227-232, 2011,
32、JIN Liqiang, SONG Chuanxue. A parameterized simulation model for multi-axle vehicle. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 186 pp 170-175, (2011)
33、JIN Liqiang, SONG Chuanxue, Li Jianhua. Intelligent Velocity Control Strategy for Electric Vehicles Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 80-81 pp 1180-1184, (2011)
34、Li-Qiang Jin, Chuan-xue SONG, Yue Weiqiang. Real-time recognition Method and Traction Control strategy for motorized wheels vehicle. Journal of Beijing University of Technology, Supl.1, pp25-30,2011.
35、Wang, Qingnian; Yang, Yu; Jin, Liqiang. Research on ABS regulation of electric vehicle driven by in-wheel motors by AMESim co-simulation with Matlab/Simulink. 2011 International Conference on System Science, Engineering Design and Manufacturing Informatization, ICSEM 2011, Guiyang, China, p227-232, 2011,
36、Li-Qiang Jin, Chuan-xue SONG, Yue Weiqiang. Evaluation of Influence of Motorized Wheels on Contact Force and Comfort for Electric Vehicle. JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS, VOL. 6, NO. 3, pp497-505,MARCH 2011,
37、JIN Liqiang, CHEN Pengfei, LIU Yulong. Performance Simulation for Electric Vehicle with Motorized wheels with Cruise. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 184-185 ,pp 368-371, (2012)
38、Jin Li qiang, Cai Wei bing. Study on Fuzzy Control for Starting Torque of Vehicle with Motorized Wheels. 2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference – ECCE Asia June 2-5, 2012, Harbin, China
39、J. Wang, Q. Wang, L. Jin, C. Song. Independent wheel torque control of 4WD electric vehicle for differential drive assisted steering. Mechatronics 21(2011)63-76.
40、Qing nian WANG,Yu YANG, Li qiang JIN,A New Anti-Brake System Verification in Electric Vehicle Driven by Four Wheel Motors Based on GB 21670-2008. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 566 (2012) pp 361-366