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讲授课程: Computational method Scientific Computational method Mathematical Analysis tutorial Mathematics in English Finite element method for PDE (postgraduate) Former PhD : Benxi Zhu, Haiming Song, Qi Zhang, Jingshi Li, Jiachuan Zhang Current PhD: Yongle Hao 教育经历: 1995-1999, B.S., Computational Mathematics, JLU. 1999-2000, M.S., Computational Mathematics, JLU. 2000-2006, Ph.D., Computational Mathematics, JLU. 2003-2008, Jointed Ph.D., Computational Mathematics, CUHK. 工作经历: 2006.09-2011.09, Lecturer, JLU 2008.08-2010.07, Postdoc, MSU 2008.07-2008.08, Visiting Scholar, Department of Mathematics, CUHK 2009.08, Visiting Scholar, Department of Mathematics, IWU 2010.04, Visiting Scholar, Department of Mathematics, AU 2011.09-2015.09, Associate Professor, JLU 2014.07-2014.08, Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics, HKBU 2015.09- Now, Professor, JLU


numerical method for SPDE, numerical method for SPDE optimization, Option pricing

科研项目: Principal Investigator 1.2006-2007, The Youth Foudation, Jilin University. 2.2008-2010, NSF of China (No.10701039). 3.2011-2013, Forefront of science and interdisciplinary innovation projects of Jilin University. 4.2012-2013, Open Project Program of the State Key Lab of CAD & CG(No.A1302). 5.2014-2015, Scientific research foundation for the returned overseas Chinese scholars. 6.2014-2015, Open project program of the Jilin provincial sicience and technology department. 7.2015.01-2018.12, NSF of China (No.11471141). 8.2015.01-2017.12, The basic research of the science and technology development program of Jilin province (No.20150101058JC). Joined 1. 2010-2012, NSF of China (No.10971082), second member. 2. 2010-2013, NSF of China (No.11076014), second member. 3. 2010-2013, NSF of China (No.11071103), second member. 4. 2016-2018, NSAF of China (No.U153010036), third member.


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Selected SCI paper 1. H.Y. Liu and K. Zhang, Multi-symplectic Runge-Kutta type methods for Hamiltonian wave equations. IMA J. Numer. Anal., 26, 2006, 252-271. 3. Y.Z. Cao, R. Zhang and K. Zhang, Finite element and discontinuous Galerkin method for stochastic Helmholtz equation in R^d(d=2,3). J. Comput. Math.,26(5), 2008, 702-715. 7. Y.P. Lin, K. Zhang and J. Zou, Studies on some perfectly matched layers for one-dimensional time-dependent systems. Adv. comput. math., 30, 2009, 1-35. 11. M. Li, S.M. Gao and K. Zhang, Goal-oriented engineering analysis error estimation of design simplification. Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engin, 255, 2013, 89-103. 14. K. Zhang, H.M. Song and J.Z. Li, Front-fixing finite element methods for the pricing of American options based on a perfectly matched layer. Appl. Anal., 94(5), 2015, 903-931. 17. K. Zhang, J.C. Zhang, H.B. Duan and J.Z. Li, Effective Algorithms for Computing Triangular Operator in Schubert Calculus. Front. Math. China, 10(1), 2015, 221-237. 18. K. Zhang, M. Li and J.Z. Li, Estimation of impacts of removing arbitrarily constrained domain details to the analysis of incompressible fluid flows. Comput. Comm. Phys. 20(4), 2016, 944-968. 19. C. Zhang, D.N. Huang, K. Zhang, P.T. Pu and P. Yu, Magnetic interface forward and inversion method based on Pade approximation. Applied Geophysics, 13(4), 2016, 712-720. 20. K. Zhang, J.S. Li, Y.C. Song and X.S. Wang, An Alternating direction method of multiplier for elliptic equation constrained optimization problem. Sci. China Math., 60(2), 2017, 361-378. 21. H.M. Song, K. Zhang and Y.T. LI, Finite element and discontinuous Galerkin methods with perfect matched layers for American options. Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 10(4), 2017, 607-629. 24 J.S. Li, X.S. Wang and K. Zhang, An efficient alternating direction method of multipliers for optimal control problems constrained by random Helmholtz equations. Numer. Alg., Accepted.
