讲授课程: 本科生课:高等代数、Galois理论、矩阵论、集合论
教育经历: 2005.09--2009.06 吉林大学数学研究所 博士研究生
2000.09--2002.06 吉林大学数学研究所 硕士研究生
1996.09--2000.07 吉林大学数学学院 本科生
2018. 07-2019.07 美国Western Michigan University访问学者
2010.04--2012.03 北京大学数学学院 博士后
2002.06--至今 吉林大学数学学院 讲师、副教授、教授
吉林省高等学校教育技术成果一等奖-高等代数网络课程 (2014) 第一完成人
吉林省高等学校省级优秀教学团队-高等代数 (2013) 团队主要成员
第六届吉林省高等教育教学成果三等奖(2009) 主要完成人
全国大学生数学建模竞赛 省二等奖1项 (2018) 指导教师
全国大学生数学建模竞赛 省一等奖1项,三等奖3项 (2017) 指导教师
全国大学生数学建模竞赛 省一等奖2项,二等奖2项,三等奖1项 (2016) 指导教师
[1] Images of derivations of polynomial algebras with divergence zero, J. Algebra,492(2017) 414-418.
[2] Monomial preserving derivations and Mathieu-Zhao subspaces,J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 222(10) (2018) 3219–3223.
[3] A class of retracts of polynomial algebras, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 222(2) (2018) 382–386.
[4] The factorial conjecture and images of locally nilpotent derivations,Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 101(1)(2020), 71-79.
[5] Quadratic tame generators problem of rank three, Linear Algebra Appl. 587(2020)1-22.
[6] On the generalized Jacobian Conjecture, Czech. Math. J., 69 (144) (2019), 1061–1068.
[7] Classification of cubic homogeneous polynomial maps with Jacobian matrices of rank two, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 98(1)(2018) 89-101.
[8] Images of higher-order differential operators of polynomial algebras, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 96(2)(2017),205-211.
[9] Automorphisms of the endomorphism semigroup of a free algebra, Internat J. Algebra Comput., 25(08) (2015), 1223-1238.
[10] Classification of quadratic homogeneous automorphisms in dimension five, Comm. Algebra, 42(7)(2014), 2821-2840.
[11] On the Strong Nilpotence Problem, Algebra Colloq., 21 (1)(2014), 117-128.
[12] On additive-nilpotency of Jacobian matrices of polynomial maps, Linear Algebra Appl., 439 (12)(2013), 3746-3751.
[13] Endomorphisms of polynomial algebra with small co-invariants, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 216(12) (2012), 2709–2713.
[14] Multidegrees of tame automorphisms in dimension three, Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci., 48(1) (2012), 129-137.
[15] Polynomial maps with invertible sums of Jacobian matrices and directional derivatives, Indag. Math.,23 (2012) 256-268.
[16] On quadratic homogeneous quasi-translations, J. Pure Appl. Algebra,214 (11) (2010), 1962-1972.
[17] On non-singular multilinear maps, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 58 (3) (2010), 297-303.
[18] Quadratic linear Keller maps of nilpotency index three, Linear Algebra Appl., 429 (1) (2008), 12-17.
[19] The linear dependence problem for power linear maps. Linear Algebra Appl., 426(2-3) (2007), 706-715.
[20] On the range of a Hadamard power of a positive semidefinite matrix, Linear Algebra Appl., 416(2-3) (2006),868-871.