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于君博,博士,电子政务系教授,系主任。 教育背景 清华大学公共管理学院管理科学与工程专业博士(2007) 清华大学中文系汉语言文学专业学士(2002) 工作经历 2010.8至今,吉林大学行政学院副教授 2008.9-2010.8,美国西弗吉尼亚大学区域研究所(RRI, WVU)博士后研究员 2008.2-2008.9,荷兰自由大学(VU)空间经济系访问学者 2007.8-2008.2,美国乔治·梅森大学公共政策学院助理教授


公共政策分析与定量评价方法 社会公正与政府治理研究 经济增长理论与实证研究 科技政策与创新政策 企业孵化器理论与实践


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Yu, J.B. & Nijkamp, P. (2009). Institutional and Methodological Challenges in the Use of Experimental Methods for the Evaluation of Business Incubators: Lessons from the US , EU and China . In Proceedings of the 2009 Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, ed. Susan E. Cozzens and Pablo Catalán. IEEE.http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentCon.jsp?punumber=5353037. Yu, J.B. & Stough, R.R. (2009). Linking Government Procurement to Long-term Government Performance: a Theoretical Instrument with a Prescriptive Suggestion for China . Comparative Technology Transfer and Society, Vol.7 (2):226-244. Yu, J.B. & Nijkamp, P. (2009). Ownership, R&D and Productivity Change: Assessing the Catch-up in China ’s High-tech Industries. Studies in Regional Science, vol.39 (1):149-173. Yu, J.B., Stough, R.R. & Nijkamp, P. (2009). Governing Technological Entrepreneurship in China and the West. Public Administration Review, Vol. 69 (s1): S95-S100. (SSCI收录,影响因子: 1.32) Yu, J.B, & Peter, N. (2009). China ’s Prospects as an Innovative Country: An Industrial Economics Perspective. In K. Puttaswamaiah (Ed.), Milton Friedman, Nobel Monetary Economist: A Review of His Theories and Policies (pp. 151-176). Enfield , NH , USA ; Jersey, Channel Islands; Plymouth , UK : Isle Publishing Company. Yu J B, Stough R R, Cheng S M. Explaining China 's Economic Growth: Does Entrepreneurship Matter? In Johansson I (Ed.), Entrepreneurship and Development-Local Processes and Global Patterns. Trollhattan: Grafikerna Livrena i Kungalv AB,2007.229-246. Stough, R.R., and Yu, Junbo. (2006). Incubator Zone. In B. Warf (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Geography (pp. 249-250). London : SAGE Publications. Yu, J.B., & Stough, R.R. The Determinants of Entrepreneurship Development in China . International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 2006, Vol. 3, Nos. 1/2, 30-52. 詹正茂, 于 君博.美国科技与研发政策述评.科学管理研究,2010,3:69-74 于 君博,舒志彪.企业规模与企业创新产出关系的实证研究.科学学研究,2007,2:373-380. 于 君博,舒志彪.企业技术创新相关影响因素的实证研究.中国软科学,2006(增刊):227-244. 于 君博.前沿生产函数在中国区域经济增长技术效率测算中的应用.中国软科学,2006,11:50-59. 于永达, 于 君博.运用内生经济增长理论对东北振兴战略研究的整合.东北亚论坛,2006,3:9-13. 于永达, 于 君博.有关中国经济发展战略的探讨.清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2005,6:75-85. 彭晶, 于 君博.新慈善精神的动因与社会意义.中州学刊,2006,1:125-128.
