(1) 坛紫菜生理生态和海藻碳汇
Y Wang, K Xu (共一), W Wang, Y Xu, D Ji, C Chen, and C Xie. 2019. Physiological differences in photosynthetic inorganic carbon utilization between gametophytes and sporophytes of the economically important red algae Pyropia haitanensis. Algal Research 39:101436. 10.1016/j.algal.2019.101436
Wang W, Xu Y, Chen T, Xing L, Xu K, Xu Y, Ji D, Chen C, and Xie C. 2019. Regulatory mechanisms underlying the maintenance of homeostasis in Pyropia haitanensis under hypersaline stress conditions. Science of The Total Environment 662:168-179. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.01.214
K Xu and Gao K. 2019. Responses of calcifying algae to ocean acidification (Chapter 9), in Häder D & Gao K eds. Aquatic Ecosystems in a Changing Climate. CRC press. 168-179
许凯,高坤山, Fu F-X, Hutchins, D 2018 颗粒有机碳、氮和磷测定,170-173,[高坤山主编水域环境生理学研究方法第7章第2节]科学出版社.
许凯,高坤山,Hutchins, D 2018 钙化与硅化定量分析,176-180,[高坤山主编水域环境生理学研究方法第7章第4节]科学出版社.
K Xu, H Chen, W Wang, Y Xu, D Ji, C Chen, C Xie, 2017. Responses of photosynthesis and CO2 concentrating mechanisms of marine crop Pyropia haitanensis thalli to large pH variations at different time scales. Algal Research, 28:200-210.
K Xu, Y Xu, C Chen, D Ji, J Xie, C Xie. 2016. Proteomic analysis of the economic seaweed Pyropia haitanensis in response to desiccation. Algal research 19, 198-206.
Yu C, Xu K, Wang W, Xu Y, Ji D, Chen C, and Xie C. 2017. Detection of changes in DNA methylation patterns in Pyropia haitanensis under high-temperature stress using a methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism assay. Journal of Applied Phycology:1-10.
Y Xu, C Chen, D Ji, K Xu, X Xie, C Xie. 2016. Developing a core collection of Pyropia haitanensis using simple sequence repeat markers. Aquaculture 452, 351-6.
D Ji, Y Xu, H Xiao, C Chen, K Xu, C Xie. 2016. Superoxide dismutase genes in Pyropia haitanensis: molecular cloning, characterization and mRNA expression. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 35, 101-111.
K Xu and K Gao. 2015. Solar UV irradiances modulate effects of ocean acidification on the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 91: 92-101.
K Xu, Fu F-X, Hutchins DA. 2014. Comparative responses of two dominant Antarctic phytoplankton taxa to interactions between ocean acidification, warming, irradiance, and iron availability. Limnology and Oceanography 59: 1919-1931.
K Xu and K Gao. 2012. Reduced Calcification decreases photoprotective capability in the Coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi. Plant and Cell Physiology. 53: 1267-1274.
K Xu, K Gao, VE Villafañe, and EW Helbling. 2011. Photosynthetic responses of Emiliania huxleyi to UV radiation and elevated temperature: roles of calcified coccoliths. Biogeoscience. 8:1441-1452.
许凯,冯媛媛,高坤山 2014 海洋酸化对颗石藻类钙化作用与光合作用的影响, 242-248, [高坤山主编藻类固碳:理论、进展与方法第6章第2节]科学出版社.
许凯,郑仰桥,高坤山 2014 钙化量的测定,468-471,[高坤山主编藻类固碳:理论、进展与方法第14章第4节]科学出版社.
Tatters AO, Schnetzer A, Xu K, Walworth NG, Fu F, Spackeen JL, Sipler RE, Bertrand EM, McQuaid JB, Allen AE, Bronk DA, Gao K, Sun J, Caron DA, and Hutchins DA. 2018. Interactive effects of temperature, CO2 and nitrogen source on a coastal California diatom assemblage. Journal of Plankton Research. 10.1093/plankt/fbx074
Spackeen JL, Sipler RE, Xu K, Tatters AO, Walworth NG, Bertrand EM, Mcquaid JB, Hutchins DA, Allen AA, and Bronk DA. 2017. Interactive effects of elevated temperature and CO2 on nitrate, urea, and DIC uptake by a coastal California microbial community. Marine Ecology Progress 577.
Z Zhu, K Xu, F Fu, JL Spackeen, DA Bronk, DA Hutchins. 2016. A comparative study of iron and temperature interactive effects on diatoms and Phaeocystisantarctica from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Marine Ecology Progress Series 550, 39-51.
Bertrand EM, McCrow JP, Moustafa A, Zheng H, McQuaid JB, Delmont TO, Post AF, Sipler RE, Spackeen JL, Xu K, Bronk DA, Hutchins DA, and Allen AE. 2015. Phytoplankton-bacterial interactions mediate micronutrient colimitation at the coastal Antarctic sea ice edge. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112:9938-9943.
K Gao, J Xu, G Gao, Y Li, DA Hutchins, B Huang, L Wang, Y Zheng, P Jin, X Cai, D-P Häder, W Li, K Xu, N Liu and U Riebesell. 2012. Rising CO2 and increasing light exposure act synergistically to reduce marine primary productivity. Nature Climate Change. DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE1507.
(2) 细胞几何和拓扑规律:Trivalent 2D structure (三边交于一点) 由多边形细胞密铺而成
Xu, K, 2019. Geometric formulas of Lewis’s law and Aboav-Weaire’s law in two dimensions based on ellipse packing. Philosophical Magazine Letters. 10.1080/09500839.2019.1677957(基于Ellipse Packing,通过Voronoi模拟优化细胞面积和相邻细胞边数的公式)
Xu, K, 2019. Ellipse packing in two-dimensional cell tessellation: A theoretical explanation for Lewis’s law and Aboav-Weaire’s law. PeerJ. 7: e6933. (提出Ellipse Packing解释细胞几何和拓扑规律)
Xu K, Hutchins D, and Gao K. 2018. Coccolith arrangement follows Eulerian mathematics in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi. PeerJ 6:e4608. (颗石藻外骨骼嵌合而成的多面体结构的装配机制)
Xu, K, Xu, Y, Ji, D, Chen, T, Chen, C, and Xie, C. 2017. Cells tile a flat plane by controlling geometries during morphogenesis of Pyropia thalli. PeerJ. 5: e3314. (首次报道细胞内角的保守分布)