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教育背景 2012/09-2015/07,中国科学院大学,博士 2007/09-2010/07,四川大学,化学学院,硕士 2003/09-2007/07,南通大学,化学化工学院,学士 工作履历 2017/12-至今,中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所,先进制造技术研究所,副研究员 2015/07-2017/12,中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所,先进制造技术研究所,助理研究员 2010/07-2012/08,江苏丹化煤制化学品工程技术有限公司,研发工程师 研究概况 主要从事纤维增强先进复合材料的基础和应用研究工作。主持了国家自然科学基金1项、宁波市自然科学基金2项,作为科研骨干参与了国家重点研发计划新能源汽车专项、863计划项目、中科院STS项目、中科院先导专项及多个企业横向课题的研究。在Composites Science and Technology, Composite Part B, Applied Surface Science等国内外重要学术期刊与会议上发表学术论文30余篇,申请发明专利20余项,授权5项。 申请专利: 1.张笑晴, 徐海兵, 李晓拓, 颜春, 范欣愉, 一种界面改性的碳纤维/树脂基复合材料及其制备方法, 2016.02.03, 中国, ZL201210522669.8 2.张笑晴, 徐海兵, 刘东, 颜春, 范欣愉, 一种界面改性的碳纤维/聚丙烯复合材料及其制备方法, 2016.02.03, 中国, ZL201210520844.X 3.徐海兵, 陈祥, 颜春, 刘东, 祝颖丹, 一种基于环状苯硫醚热开环聚合的高性能热塑性上浆剂及其制法, 2017.5.19, 中国, 201710361226.8 4.徐海兵, 郭彦丽, 陈祥, 颜春, 刘东, 祝颖丹, 一种光学器件及其制备和应用, 2017.1.19, 中国, 201710044489.6 5.徐海兵, 张笑晴, 颜春, 刘东, 祝颖丹, 一种基于环基聚磷腈膜的彩色碳纤维, 2015.3.23, 中国, 201510127348.1 6.陈祥, 徐海兵, 祝颖丹, 刘东, 陈明达, 林新耀, 涂丽艳, 颜春, 聚纳米管改性碳纤维吸附剂及其制备和应用, 2015.12.7, 中国, 201510895022.3 7.陈祥, 徐海兵, 祝颖丹, 刘东, 陈明达, 林新耀, 颜春, 涂丽艳, 可循环使用碳纤维吸附剂及其制备和应用, 2015.12.7, 中国, 201510895040.1 8.马芸芸, 颜春, 祝颖丹, 徐海兵, 刘东, 宦玉强, 一种聚醚酮酮上浆剂及其上浆制备碳纤维复合材料的方法, 2018.11.28, 中国, 201811432863.0 9.刘东, 陈明达, 涂丽艳, 徐海兵, 祝颖丹, 陈刚, 张洪生, 王贵民, 一种碳纤维复合材料箱体及其制备方法, 2015.12.7, 中国, 201510894482.4



1.纤维增强先进复合材料的表界面改性 2.新颖功能化纤维材料的制备与应用


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Xiang Chen, Haibing Xu*, Dong. Liu, Chun Yan, Yingdan. Zhu, A novel and facile fabrication of polyphosphazene nanotube/carbon fiber multi-scale hybrid reinforcement and its enhancing effect on the interfacial properties of epoxy composites, Composites Science and Technology, 2019, 169: 34-44.(通讯作者) 2.Xiang Chen, Haibing Xu*, Dong Liu, Chun Yan, Yingdan Zhu, A facile one-pot fabrication of polyphosphazene/carbon fiber hybrid reinforcement and its effect on epoxy composites, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 410: 530-539.(通讯作者) 3.Haibing Xu, Xiaoqing Zhang, Dong Liu, Chun Yan, Xiang Chen, David Hui, Yingdan Zhu, Cyclomatrix-type Polyphosphazene Coating: Improving interfacial property of carbon fiber/epoxy composites and preserving fiber tensile strength, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2016, 93: 244-251. 4.Haibing Xu, Xiaoqing Zhang, Dong Liu, Chun Yan, Xinyu Fan, A high efficient method for introducing reactive amines onto carbon fiber surfaces using hexachlorocyclophosphazene as new coupling agent, Applied Surface Science, 2014, 320: 43-51. 5.Yunyun Ma, Chun Yan, Haibing Xu, Dong Liu, Pengcheng Shi, Yingdan Zhu, Junlong Liu, Enhanced interfacial properties of carbon fiber reinforced polyamide 6 composites by grafting grapheme oxide onto fiber surface, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 452: 286-298. 6.Lingtong Li, Chun Yan, Haibing Xu, Dong Liu, Pengcheng Shi, Yingdan Zhu, Gang Chen, Xiaofei Wu, Wenqing Liu, Improving the interfacial properties of carbon fiber–epoxy resin composites with a graphene-modified sizing agent, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2018, 135: 47122. 7.Chun Yan, Ling Liu, Yingdan Zhu, Haibing Xu, Dong Li, Properties of polymerized cyclic butylene terephthalate and its composites via ring-opening polymerization, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 2018, 31: 181-201. 8.Yingdan Zhu, Yongli Qin, Shijie Qi, Haibing Xu, Dong Liu, Chun Yan, Variable Angle tow reinforcements design for locally reinforcing an open-hole composite plate, Composite Structures, 2018, 202: 162-169. 9.Yingdan Zhu, Jiancai Liu, Dong Liu, Haibing Xu, Chun Yan, Bin Huang, David Hui, Fiber path optimization based on a family of curves in composite laminate with a center hole, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2017, 111: 91-102. 10.Xiaoqing Zhang, Haibing Xu, Xinyu Fan, Grafting of amine-capped cross-linked polyphosphazenes onto carbon fiber surfaces: A novel coupling agent for fiber reinforced composites, RSC Advances, 2014, 4: 12198-12205. 11.郭彦丽, 刘建才, 王艳红, 徐海兵*, 祝颖丹, 陈刚, 结构色纤维的研究进展, 印染, 2016, 42(14): 47-50(通讯作者) 12.徐海兵, 陈祥, 刘东, 颜春, 祝颖丹, 吴晓飞, 新颖的环基交联聚磷腈光学薄膜的制备与表征, 2017年全国高分子学术论文报告会, 成都, 中国, 2017.10.10-10.14 13.陈祥, 徐海兵*, 刘东, 颜春, 祝颖丹, 吴晓飞, 聚磷腈纳米管/碳纤维多尺度杂化增强体的制备及性能研究, 2017年全国高分子学术论文报告会, 成都, 中国, 2017.10.10-10.14(通讯作者) 14.Haibing Xu, Dong Liu, Jiancai Liu, Chun Yan, Xiang Chen, Yingdan Zhu, David Hui, A comparison study on heat-resistance of the epoxy sizing and novel polyphosphazene coating and its influence on interfacial property of CF/epoxy composites, 24th Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering, Haikou, China, 2016. 7.18-7.23 15.陈刚, 徐海兵, 刘东, 林新耀, 涂丽艳, 祝颖丹, 颜春, 快速RTM工艺用环氧树脂化学流变及固化行为研究, 高科技纤维与应用, 2016, 41(1): 45-50.
