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教育背景 2003-2007 江苏师范大学,物理与电子工程学院,理学学士 2007-2012 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,发光学及应用国家重点实验室,凝聚态物理,博士(硕博连读) 工作履历 2016-至今 中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所,副研究员 2014-2015 中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所,博士后/助理研究员 2012-2014 中国航天科技集团第九研究院第七七一研究所,工程师 研究概况 主持国家重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金、浙江省公益技术项目、宁波市自然科学基金、博士后一等资助和特别资助7项课题,参与国家科技支撑、工信部稀土专项等多项课题研究。目前,在Adv. Optical Mater.、Chem. Commun.、J. Mater. Chem.C、J. Phys. Chem. C.、Optics Letters、J. Lumin等期刊上发表SCI学术论文46篇,第一作者及通讯作者24篇。在Adv. Optical Mater. 、Chem. Commun.、J. Mater. Chem.C期刊发表封面文章3篇,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.文章被英国皇家物理协会评为2011年来自中国科学家的20篇优秀论文之一。申请国家专利21项,已授权13项。基于健康照明应用的稀土发光材料研发获2017年度中国稀土学会十大科技新闻。 申请专利: 1.孙鹏、刘永福、蒋俊、江浩川,一种荧光陶瓷材料、其制备方法以及一种低色温白光LED,201711321597.X(2017.12.13) 2.刘永福、蒋俊、江浩川、乔建伟、刘普,一种应用于LED的荧光陶瓷及其制备方法,201611253876.2(2016.12.30) 3.刘永福、乔建伟、刘普、蒋俊、江浩川,一种应用于LED的长余辉荧光粉及其制备方法,201611253862.0(2016.12.30) 4.张长华、刘永福、张建新、蒋俊、江浩川,基于紫外光或近紫外光激发的白光荧光粉及其制备方法,ZL201510780416.4(2015.11.13) 5.刘永福、蒋俊、江浩川,一种绿色荧光粉及其制备方法和应用,201410267334.5(2014.6.16) 6.刘永福、张建新、蒋俊、江浩川,硅/锗酸盐荧光粉及其制备方法和应用,ZL201410545720.6(2014.10.15) 7.黄武超、刘永福、罗朝华、蒋俊、江浩川,双层探测器用闪烁陶瓷及其制备方法,ZL201510170079.7(2015.4.10) 8.宋文汇、刘永福、黄武超、蒋俊、江浩川,激光陶瓷的制备方法,ZL201410733943.5(2014.12.4) 9.徐静涛、刘永福、秦海明、蒋俊、江浩川,笼合物及其制备方法和应用,ZL201410424124.2(2014.8) 10. 秦海明、肖哲鹏、蒋俊、刘永福、江浩川,陶瓷闪烁体阵列及其制备方法,201410232489.5(2014.5) 11. 肖哲鹏、秦海明、蒋俊、刘永福、刘柱、江浩川,快冷装置,ZL201410293896.7(2014.6) 12. 肖哲鹏、秦海明、蒋俊、刘永福、刘柱、王新佳、江浩川,制冷设备的节能装置及制冷设备,ZL201420391449.0(2014.7) 13. 肖哲鹏、秦海明、蒋俊、刘永福、刘柱、王新佳、江浩川,热能回收利用系统,ZL201410354534.4(2014.7) 14. 吴道伟、刘永福,一种基于TSV芯片的互连封装方法,201310214798.5(2013.5.31) 15. 张家骅、刘永福、张霞,基于蓝光激发的黄色荧光粉及其应用,200910066988.0(2009.5.21) 16. 张家骅、刘永福、张霞、郝振东,一种氮氧化物荧光粉及其制备方法和应用,201110157772.2(2011.6.13) 17. 张家骅、刘永福、张霞,一种基于蓝光激发的白光LED用荧光粉及其制备方法,2012.9.19,ZL201010144761.6 18. 张家骅、刘永福、张霞,一种基于蓝光激发的氮氧化物荧光粉及其制备方法,2013.6.19,ZL201010229086.7 19. 张家骅、刘永福、张霞、郝振东,一种基于紫外光激发的红色荧光粉,2013.7.3,ZL201110130695.1 20. 张家骅、刘永福、张霞、郝振东,一种基于紫外光或蓝光激发的荧光粉及其制备方法和应用,2013.8.21,ZL201110157884.8 21. 张家骅、刘永福、张霞、郝振东,蓝光基单一荧光粉及其在制备白光LED中的应用,2013.9.25,ZL201210194707.1




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1.Pu Liu, Yongfu Liu, Cai’e Cui, Lei Wang, Jianwei Qiao, Ping Huang, Qiufeng Shi, Yue Tian, Haochuan Jiang, Jun Jiang, Enhanced luminescence and afterglow by heat-treatment in reducing atmosphere to synthesize the Gd3Al2Ga3O12:Ce3+ persistent phosphor for AC-LEDs, J. Alloys Compounds, 2018, 731, 389-396. 2.Yongfu Liu*, Pu Liu, Lei Wang, Cai-E Cui, Haochuan Jiang, Jun Jiang, A two-step solid-state reaction to synthesize the yellow persistent Gd3Al2Ga3O12:Ce3+ phosphor with an enhanced optical performance for AC-LEDs, Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 10636-10639. (Back outside cover) 3.Yongfu Liu*, Jack Silver, Rong-Jun Xie, Jiahua Zhang, Huawei Xu, Hezhu Shao, Jun Jiang, Haochuan Jiang, An excellent cyan-emitting orthosilicate phosphor for NUV-pumped white LED application, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5(47), 12365-12377. (Front outside cover) 4.Xiao Zou, Lihua He, Dihao Tan, Fengying Lei, Na Jiang, Qiaoji Zheng, Dunmin Lin, Chenggang Xu, Yongfu Liu*, Anneal-induced transformation of phase structure, morphology and luminescence of GdPO:Sm3+ nanomaterials synthesized by a hydrothermal method, Dalton Trans., 46, 2948-2956, 2017. 5.Lihua He, Tao Wang, Jirong Mou, Fengying Lei, Na Jiang, Xiao Zou, Kwok ho Lam, Yongfu Liu* and Dunmin Lin, Fluoride source-induced tuning of morphology and optical properties of YF:Eu, Bi and its application for luminescent ink, Cryst. Growth Des., 2017, 17, 4810-4818. 6.Changhua Zhang, Yongfu Liu*, Jiahua Zhang, Xia Zhang, Jianxin Zhang, Zhixuan Cheng, Jun Jiang, Haochuan Jiang, A single-phase Ba9Lu2Si6O24:Eu2+, Ce3+, Mn2+ phosphor with tunable full-color emission for NUV-based white LED applications, Materials Research Bulletin, 80, 288-294, 2016. 7.Jianwei Qiao, Lei Wang, Yongfu Liu, Ping Huang, Qiufeng Shi, Yue Tian, Cai’e Cui, Preparetion, photoluminescence and thermally stable luminescence of high brightness red LiY5P2O13:Eu3+ phosphor for white LEDs, J. Alloys Compounds accepted, 686, 601-607, 2016. 8.Yongfu Liu*, Jianxin Zhang, Changhua Zhang, Jun Jiang, and Haochuan Jiang, “High efficiency green phosphor Ba9Lu2Si6O24:Tb3+: visible quantum cutting via cross-relaxation energy transfers” J. Phys. Chem. C, 120(6), 2362-2370, 2016. 9.Zhaohua Luo, Yongfu Liu, Changhua Zhang, Jianxin Zhang, Haiming Qin, Haochuan Jiang, and Jun Jiang, “Effect of Yb3+ on the crystal structural modification and photoluminescence properties of GGAG:Ce3+” Inorg. Chem., 55, 3040-3046, 2016. 10.Xianqiang Chen, Haiming Qin, Ye Zhang, Yongfu Liu, Jun Jiang, and Haochuan Jiang, “Microstructure and optical properties of transparent Nd:GAGG ceramics prepared via solid-state reactive sintering” Optical Materials Express, 6(2), 610-619, 2016. 11.Yongfu Liu, Jianxin Zhang, Changhua Zhang, Jingtao Xu, Guoqiang Liu, Jun Jiang and Haochuan Jiang, “Ba9Lu2Si6O24:Ce3+: an efficient green phosphor with high thermal and radiation stability for solid-state lighting” Adv. Optical Mater., 3(8), 1096-1101, 2015. (Front outside cover) 12.Kaixin Song, Jianxin Zhang, Yongfu Liu*, Changhua Zhang, Jun Jiang, Haochuan Jiang and Huibin Qin, “Red-emitting phosphor Ba9Lu2Si6O24:Ce3+,Mn2+ with enhanced energy transfer via self-charge compensation” J. Phys. Chem. C., 119, 24558-24563, 2015. 13.Xia Zhang, Yongfu Liu*, Jian Lin, Zhendong Hao, Yongshi Luo, Qingzhe Liu, and Jiahua Zhang, “Optical properties and energy transfers of Ce3+ and Mn2+ in Ba9Sc2(SiO4)6”, J. Lumin., 146, 321-324, 2014. 14.Xianqiang Chen, Haiming Qin, Ye Zhang, Zhaohua Luo, Yongfu Liu, Jun Jiang, and Haochuan Jiang, “Fabrication of cerium-doped nonstoichiometric (Ce, Lu, Gd)3+δ(Ga, Al)5-δO12 transparent ceramics”, J. Rare Earths, 33(8), 863-866, 2015. 15.Jing Tao Xu, Jiazhen Wu, Hezhu Shao, Satoshi Heguri, Yoichi Tanabe, Yongfu Liu, Guo-Qiang Liu, Jun Jiang, Haochuan Jiang, and Katsumi Tanigaki, “Structure and thermoelectric properties of the n-type clathrate Ba8Cu5.1Ge40.2Sn0.7”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 3, 19100-19106, 2015. 16.Jun Qiao, Jiahua Zhang, Xia Zhang, Zhendong Hao, Yongfu Liu, and Yongshi Luo, “The energy transfer and effect of doped Mg2+ in Ca3Sc2Si3O12:Ce3+, Pr3+ phosphor for white LEDs”, Dalton Transactions, 43, 4146-4150, 2014. 17.Jun Qiao, Jiahua Zhang, Xia Zhang, Zhendong Hao, Yongfu Liu, and Guoui Pan, “Red emission of additional Pr3+ and adjusting effect of additional Mg2+ in Ca3Sc2Si3O12:Ce3+, Mn2+ phosphor”, Optics Letters, 39(9), 2691-2694, 2014. 18.Yongfu Liu, Xia Zhang, Zhendong Hao, Yongshi Luo, Xiaojun Wang, Li Ma and Jiahua Zhang, “Luminescence and energy transfer in Ca3Sc2Si3O12:Ce3+, Mn2+ white LED phosphors,” J. Lumin., (133) 21-24, 2013. 19.Yongfu Liu* and Daowei Wu, “Copper filling by electroplating for high aspect ratio TSV”, 2013 14th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (IECPT), 1271-1275, 2013. 20.Jun Qiao, Jiahua Zhang, Xia Zhang, Zhendong Hao, Wenyuan Deng, Yongfu Liu, Liangliang Zhang, Ligong Zhang, and Jian Lin, “Formation condition of red Ce3+ in Ca3Sc2Si3O12:Ce3+,N3- as full-color-emitting light-emitting diode phosphors,” Optics Letters, 38(6), 884-886, 2013. 21.Qingzhe Liu, Yongfu Liu, Dekai Zhang, Jiahua Zhang, Xiaoyun Hu, and Jinying Yu, “Luminescence and thermal properties of Ce3+, Mn2+ codoped Ba9(Y2-xScx)(SiO4)6 phosphors”, Chin. J. Lumin., 34(11), 1440-1445, 2013. 22.Qingzhe Liu, Jiahua Zhang, Dekai Zhang, Yongfu Liu, Xiaoyun Hu, Hanzhen Li, and Jinying Yu, “Luminescence properties and energy transfer in Ba9Y2(SiO4)6:Ce3+, Mn2+”, Chin. J. Lumin., 34 (3), 297-302, 2013. 23.Yongfu Liu, Xia Zhang, Zhendong Hao, Yongshi Luo, Xiaojun Wang and Jiahua Zhang, “Crystal structure and luminescence properties of Lu3+ and Mg2+ incorporated silicate garnet [Ca3-(x+0.06)LuxCe0.06](Sc2-yMgy)Si3O12,” J. Lumin., 132, 1257-1260, 2012. 24.Xia Zhang, Yongfu Liu*, Zhendong Hao, Yongshi Luo, Xiaojun Wang and Jiahua Zhang, “Yellow emitting (Ca2Lu1-xCex)(ScMg)Si3O12 phosphor and its application for white LEDs,” Materials Research Bulletin, 47, 1149-1152, 2012. 25.Yongfu Liu, Xia Zhang, Zhendong Hao, Wei Lu, Xingyuan Liu, Xiaojun Wang and Jiahua Zhang, “Crystal structure and luminescence properties of (Ca2.94-xLuxCe0.06)(Sc2-yMgy)Si3O12 phosphors for white LEDs with excellent color rendering and high luminous efficiency,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 44, 075402, 2011. (该文章被英国皇家物理协会(IOP)评为2011年来自中国科学家的20篇优秀论文之一) (http://iopscience.iop.org/info/page/Recent%20papers%20from%20Chinese%20authors). 26.Yongfu Liu, Xia Zhang, Zhendong Hao, Xiaojun Wang and Jiahua Zhang, “Tunable full-color-emitting Ca3Sc2Si3O12:Ce3+,Mn2+ phosphor via charge compensation,” Chem. Commun., 47, 10677-10679, 2011. 27.Yongfu Liu, Xia Zhang, Zhendong Hao, Yongshi Luo, Xiaojun Wang and Jiahua Zhang, “Generating yellow and red emissions by co-doping Mn2+ to substitute for Ca2+ and Sc3+ sites in Ca3Sc2Si3O12:Ce3+ green emitting phosphor for white LED applications,” J. Mater. Chem., 21, 16379-16384, 2011. 28.Yongfu Liu, Xia Zhang, Zhendong Hao, Xiaojun Wang and Jiahua Zhang, “Generation of broadband emission by incorporating N3- into Ca3Sc2Si3O12:Ce3+ garnet for high rendering white LEDs,” J. Mater. Chem., 21, 6354-6358, 2011. 29.Yongfu Liu, Xia Zhang, Zhendong Hao, Xiaojun Wang and Jiahua Zhang, “Crystal structure and luminescence properties of (Ca2.94-xLuxCe0.06)(ScMg)Si3O12 phosphors for white LEDs,” Chin. J. Lumin., 5, 445, 2011.
