1、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,石墨烯杂化/量子点敏化有序结构光电极的优化对光电化学阴极保护的影响机制研究(41676069),2017/01-2020/12,68万元,主持,在研。
2、 山东省重点研发计划项目,多元共敏化架构光阳极光电化学持续阴极保护性能调控机制研究(2019GHY112085),2019/01-2020/12,15万元,主持,在研。
3、 青岛市科技计划应用基础研究青年专项,面向光电化学阴极保护的Ag-In-S多相敏化光阳极的设计构筑与性能调控(19-6-2-79-cg),2019/07-2021/07,10万元,主持,在研。
4、 国家自然科学基金青年项目,铟掺杂多相结薄膜对金属的光电化学抗腐蚀机制研究(41206067),2013/01-2015/12,24万元,主持,结题。
5、 中国博士后科学基金第七批特别资助,光电储能薄膜的构筑及其对金属的持续光电保护机制研究(2014T70664),2014/01-2015/12,15万元,主持,结题。
1. 2018年度青岛市自然科学奖(二等奖). 光电材料在海洋腐蚀防护中的应用及光电化学性能的提升,完成人:陈卓元,补钰煜,孙萌萌,完成单位:中国科学院海洋研究所。
1.M. Sun, Z. Chen*, X. Jiang, et al. Optimized preparation of Co-Pi decorated g-C3N4@ZnO shell-core nanorod array for its improved photoelectrochemical performance and stability, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 780: 540-551.
2.M. Sun, Z. Chen*, J. Li, et al. Enhanced visible-light-responsive activity of TiO2 nanotube array photoanode co-sensitized by "green" AgInS2 photosensitizer and In2S3 buffer layer, Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 269: 429-440.
3.M. Sun, Z. Chen*, Y. Bu, Enhanced photoelectrochemical cathodic protection performance of H2O2-treated In2O3 thin-film photoelectrode under visible light, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2015, 266: 79-87.
4.M. Sun, Z. Chen*, Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Cathodic Protection Performance of the In2O3/TiO2 Composite, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2015, 162(3): C96-C104.
5.M. Sun, Z. Chen*, Y. Bu, Enhanced photoelectrochemical cathodic protection performance of the C3N4@In2O3 nanocomposite with quasi-shell-core structure under visible light,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 618: 734-741.
6.M. Sun, Z. Chen*, Y. Bu, et al. Effect of ZnO on the corrosion of zinc,Q235 carbon steel and 304 stainless steel under white light illumination, Corrosion Science, 2014, 82: 77-84.
7.M. Sun, Z. Chen*, J. Yu, Highly efficient visible light induced photoelectrochemical anticorrosion for 304 SS by Ni-doped TiO2, Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 109: 13-19.
8.M. Sun, Y. Jiang*, F. Li, et al. Different effect of oxygen vacancy variation on photo-assisted degradation effect and structural phase transition of oxygen defective Ba(Fe,Co)O3–x, Materials Research Bulletin, 2011, 46(6): 801-809.
9.X. Jiang, M. Sun#, Z. Chen*, et al. An ultrafine hyperbranched CdS/TiO2 nanolawn photoanode with highly efficient photoelectrochemical performance, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 816: 152533.
10.M. Sun, Y. Jiang*, F. Li, et al. Dye Degradation Activity and Stability of Perovskite-Type LaCoO3–x (x=0~0.075), Materials Transactions, 2010, 51(12): 2208-2214.