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教育工作经历: 1988.9-1992.7:华东师范大学生物系,大学本科 1998.9-2001.7:福州大学生物化工专业,硕士研究生 2003.9-2007.4:福州大学分析化学专业,博士研究生 1992.7-1995.4:福建农林大学 1995.5--今:福州大学生物科学与工程学院 教学简介: 福州大学教学名师。近几年承担了中央财政支持地方高校发展专项资金项目《生物与食品学科研究生创新创业实践基地建设》,福州大学教改项目《微生物学实验教学改革》、《微生物学双语教学》、《细胞生物学网络课程建设》、《细胞生物学精品课程建设》、《进一步完善我校本科生导师制的研究》、《微生物学系列课程教学团队建设》、《生物工程类本科生创新创业实践平台建设》等10多项教改课题的研究,在高等教育出版社出版的《高校生命科学基础课程报告论坛文集》、《福州大学学报》(哲社版)、《高等教育研究》、《高教论坛》、《教育教学论坛》等刊物上发表教改论文10余篇。在2003、2004年的福州大学第五届、第六届青年教师“最佳一节课”竞赛活动中,分别获得优秀奖和二等奖的好成绩,并获得福建省教学成果二等奖1项、福州大学教学成果奖4项,7次获得福州大学教学优秀二等奖,2015年获得福州大学厦航奖教金。主讲的《微生物学》和《细胞生物学》课程分别被评为福建省精品课程、福州大学核心课程和福州大学精品课程。 科研简介: 福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划人选。主要从事合成生物学,生物催化与酶分子工程,工业微生物代谢工程改造。主持了国家863计划子课题、国家海洋局海洋公益性行业科研专项子课题、国家农业部农业公益性行业科研专项子课题、福建省高校产学科技重大项目、福建省海洋高新产业发展专项、福建省经信委企业技术创新项目、福建省发改委生物产业专项、福建省自然科学基金、福建省科技厅重点项目、福建省教育厅科技项目、国家质检总局、福州市科技项目以及产学研等30多项科研课题的研究工作;在国内外核心刊物上发表论文130多篇,其中SCI、EI收录50多篇,申报国家发明专利20多项,已授权11项,通过成果鉴定2项,获省科技进步三等奖1项。 承担的主要科研项目: 1、产学合作项目:工业属性高效生物催化剂的设计与开发,150万; 2、产学合作项目:生物发酵功能饲料的开发,60万; 3、国家科技部863子课题“新型糖酶创制与创新应用关键技术研究”; 4、国家海洋局海洋公益性行业科研专项子课题“海洋生物酶资源库及几种海洋源性工业用酶关键生产技术开发”; 5、国家农业部农业公益性行业科研专项子课题“茶叶加工副产物茶渣资源转化”; 6、福建省高校产学合作重大项目“利用现代微生物工程技术发酵生产超氧化物歧化酶”; 7、福建省高校产学合作重大项目“高色价红曲红色素液态深层发酵关键技术开发”; 8、福建省发改委生物产业项目“漆酶的产业化生产技术开发”; 9、福建省经信委企业技术创新项目“海洋藻类资源高值化利用技术创新平台建设”; 10、福建省海洋高新产业发展专项“鱼罐头加工废弃液的高值化利用”; 11、福建省自然科学基金项目“应用高效离子交换色谱研究混菌发酵体系中的菌群生长规律”; 12、福建省自然科学基金项目“应用高效离子交换色谱快速分析检测不同致病力的青枯菌”。 获奖情况 教学:分别获得福州大学第五届、第六届青年教师“最佳一节课”竞赛优秀奖和二等奖,并获得福建省教学成果二等奖1项,福州大学教学成果奖4项,7次获得校教学优秀二等奖,2015年获得福州大学厦航奖教金。 科研:获省科技进步三等奖1项,2007年入选福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划。




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

以第一作者或通讯作者发表的主要论文: 1、Rational Design of Dehydrogenase/Reductases Based on Comparative Structural Analysis of Prereaction-State and Free-State Simulations for Efficient Asymmetric Reduction of Bulky Aryl Ketones. ACS Catalysis, 2019.(Top 期刊) 2、Multi-enzyme cascade for improving ß-hydroxy-a-amino acids production by engineering L- threonine transaldolase and combining acetaldehyde elimination system. Bioresource Technology, 2020.(Top期刊) 3、Preparation of bioactive neoagaroligosaccharides through hydrolysis of Gracilaria lemaneiformis agar: A comparative study. Food Chemistry, 2018.(Top 期刊) 4、Asymmetric Synthesis of a Key Dextromethorphan Intermediate and Its Analogs Enabled by a New Cyclohexylamine Oxidase: Enzyme Discovery, Reaction Development, and Mechanistic Insight.. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2020.(Top 期刊) 5、A L-threonine aldolase for asymmetric synthesis of β-hydroxy-α-amino acids. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020.(Top 期刊) 6、Characteristics of L-threonine transaldolase for asymmetric synthesis of β-hydroxy-α-amino acids. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2019.(2019年热点文章) 7、Expression and characterization of a chitinase from Serratia marcescens. Protein Expression and Purification, 2020. 8、Truncation of κ‑carrageenase for higher κ‑carrageenan oligosaccharides yield with improved enzymatic characteristics. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019. 9、Mutagenesis on the surface of a β-agarase from Vibrio sp. ZC-1 increased its thermo-stability. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2019. 10、Inhibitory mechanism of Penicillin V on mushroom tyrosinase. Molecular Biology Reports, 2019. 11、Prediction of zinc-binding sites using multiple sequence profiles and machine learning methods. Molecular Omics, 2019. 12、A Novel Multi-domain High Molecular, Salt-Stable Alkaline Xylanase from Alkalibacterium sp. SL3. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017. 13、Inactivation kinetics and conformation change of Hypocrea orientalis b-glucosidase with guanidine hydrochloride. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2017. 14、Degradation of tetracycline by immobilized laccase and the proposed transformation pathway. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017. 15、Immobilized Cerrena sp. Laccase preparation, thermal inactivation, and operational stability in malachite green decolorization. Scientific Reports, 2017. 16、Laccases Production, Expression Regulation, and Applications in Pharmaceutical Biodegradation. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017. 17、A novel cold-adapted and highly salt-tolerant esterase from Alkalibacterium sp. SL3 from the sediment of a soda lake. Scientific Reports, 2016. 18、Cross-linked enzyme aggregates of Cerrena laccase: Preparation, enhanced NaCl tolerance and decolorization of Remazol Brilliant Blue Reactive. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016. 19、Destaining of Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250-stained polyacrylamide gels with fungal laccase. Analytical Biochemistry, 2016. 20、Laccase Production and Differential Transcription of Laccase Genes in Cerrena sp.in Response to Metal Ions, Aromatic Compounds, and Nutrients. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016. 21、Optimal parameters for laccase-mediated destaining of Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250-stained polyacrylamide gels. Data in Brief, 2016. 22、A neural network learning approach for improving the prediction of residue depth based on sequencederived features. RSC Advances, 2016. 23、Laccase Gene Family in Cerrena sp. HYB07: Sequences, Heterologous Expression and Transcriptional Analysis. Molecules, 2016. 24、Highly efficient expression and characterization of a β-mannanase from Bacillus subtilis in Pichia pastoris. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2016. 25、The disruption of two salt bridges of the cold-active xylanase XynGR40 results in an increase in activity, but a decrease in thermostability. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2016. 26、Laccase-Catalyzed Decolorization of Malachite Green: Performance Optimization and Degradation Mechanism. PLOS ONE, 2015. 27、Molecular characterization of a thermophilic and salt and alkaline-tolerant xylanase from Planococcus sp. SL4, a strain isolated from the sediment of a soda lake. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology(JMB), 2015. 28、Highly efficient expression and characterization of a β-mannanase from Bacillus subtilis in Pichia pastoris, Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry,2015. 29、A novel laccase from basidiomycete Cerrena sp.: Cloning, eterologousexpression, and characterization. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015. 30、Purification and Characterization of a Novel Laccase from Cerrena sp. HYB07 with Dye Decolorizing Ability. PLOS ONE, 2014. 31、High Phylogenetic Diversity of Glycosyl Hydrolase Family 10 and 11 Xylanases in the Sediment of Lake Dabusu in China. PLOS ONE, 2014. 32、Antioxidant activities of kombucha prepared from three different substrates and changes in content of probiotics during storage. Food Science and Technology, 2014. 33、Adsorption Characteristics of Cell Surface of Ralstonia solanacearum Wild Type Strain and Avirulent Mutant. CHINA J APPL ENVIORON BIOL, 2014.


