2013 City University of Hong Kong (香港城市大学) 博士后
2009 – 2012 City University of Hong Kong (香港城市大学) 博士
2001 – 2004 江西师范大学 硕士
1996 – 2000 华东师范大学 学士
2014 –至今 广东工业大学 副教授
2000 – 2014 江西师范大学 副教授
1. H.L. Wen, H. Zhu, X. Chen, T.F. Hung,B.L. Wang, G.Y. Zhun, S.F. Yu, F. Wang, Upconverting near-infrared lightthrough energy management in core-shell-shell nanoparticles, Angewandte ChemieInternational Edition, 2013, 52: 13419-13423.(影响因子13.73)DOI: 10.1002/anie.201306811
2. H. L. Wen, P.A. Tanner, Opticalproperties of 3d transition metal ion-doped sodium borosilicate glass, Journalof Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 625: 328-335. (影响因子2.73)http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.11.094
3. Y.W. Yip#, H.L. Wen#, W.T. Wong, P.A.Tanner, K.L. Wong, Increased antenna effect of the lanthanide complexes bycontrol of a number of terdentate N-donor pyridine Ligands, InorganicChemistry, 2012, 51: 7013-7015. (#共同第一作者).(影响因子4.59)http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic300916e
4. H.L. Wen, G.H. Jia, C.-K. Duan, P.A.Tanner, Understanding Eu3+ emission spectra in glass, Physical ChemistryChemical Physics, 2010, 12: 9933-9937.(影响因子3.83)DOI:10.1039/c0cp00206b
5. H.L. Wen, C.-K. Duan, G.H. Jia, P.A.Tanner, M.G. Brik, Glass composition and excitation wavelength dependence ofthe luminescence of Eu3+ doped lead borate glass, Journal of Applied Physics,2011, 110, 033536-8.(影响因子2.21)DOI:10.1063/1.3620985
6. H.L. Wen, P.A. Tanner, Energy transferand luminescence studies of Pr3+, Yb3+ co-doped lead borate glass, OpticalMaterials, 2011, 33: 1602-1606.(影响因子1.92)DOI:10.1016/j.optmat.2011.04.024
7. H.L. Wen, P.A. Tanner, 4f 8– 4f 8Ultraviolet absorption spectrum of Cs2NaTbCl6, Chemical Physics Letters, 2011,508: 49-53.(影响因子2.15)DOI:10.1016/j.cplett.2011.04.024
8. C.-K. Duan, H.L. Wen, P.A. Tanner,Local-field effect on the spontaneous radiative emission rate, Physical ReviewB, 2011, 83: 245123-5.(影响因子3.77)DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.83.245123