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朱永官研究员做出了多项创新性的成果,包括 1)系统研究砷等微量元素生物地球化学循环。分析和表征了全球(特别是我国)水稻砷、硒的含量及对人体健康的潜在影响,发现砷污染可能导致水稻硒等有益微量元素的积累;系统研究了植物砷吸收积累的生理与分子机制,揭示了水稻根表铁膜与砷动态的关系,发现和表征了植物砷酸还原酶;探明了砷向植物籽粒运输的途径和分子机制;深入研究土壤和水体中砷的生物转化机制及生物修复原理。揭示了蓝藻砷甲基化的分子机制以及不同环境中甲基化基因的丰度与多样性;2)长期开展土壤微生物生态学和根际生物学过程的研究。阐述了植物菌根菌共生与污染物的根际过滤机制及菌根依赖性(生态专一性)与植物磷素高效的相互关系;探明了水稻根际氧化-还原梯度上氨氧化的微生物生态学机制;揭示了土壤中元素生物地球化学循环的若干耦合机制。3)系统研究环境抗生素抗性基因污染,建立了高通量定量PCR方法,揭示养殖环境和城市水系统中抗生素抗性基因污染的特征及其风险。4)长期开展环境放射性的研究,系统开展土壤植物系统中铯和铀等放射性元素的迁移转化机制。由于其杰出的科研成绩,2004-2012年受聘担任联合国国际原子能机构的科学顾问。主要研究成果于2009年获得国家自然科学二等奖等和发展中国家科学院(TWAS)科学奖。相关研究成果多次得到Science, Nature, Cell Press 和Trends in Plant Science等国际顶尖的科技刊物系统的评述和报道。论文发表后得到SCI期刊引用10,000余次。作为共同主席编制了世界卫生组织和粮农组织全球食品安全中砷相关标准和控制规程。多次受世界卫生组织的邀请,作为特邀嘉宾参加“健康对话”的论坛,推动环境抗生素抗性基因研究与控制的相关研究和政策制定。 招生专业 083001-环境科学 招生方向 土壤环境学 环境生物学 污染生态学 教育背景 1989年毕业于浙江农业大学,获学士学位; 1992年毕业于中国科学院南京土壤所,获得理学硕士学位; 1998年毕业于英国帝国理工学院,获得环境生物学博士学位; 1994年3月至2002年1月先后在英国女王大学,帝国理工学院和澳大利亚Adelaide大学学习和工作。 工作经历 研究实习员,1992-07至1994-03,中国,中科院南京土壤所; 英国皇家学会访问学者 (Royal Society Research Fellow),1994-03至1995-03,英国,女王大学(Queen’s University of Belfast,UK); 博士后(Postdoctal Research Fellow),1998-06至2002-02,澳大利亚,阿德莱得大学(The University of Adelaide, Australia); 研究员,研究室主任(2006年10月起任中心主任助理,2006年12月兼任科技开发处长),2001-10至2007-09,中国,中国科学院生态环境研究中心; 研究员,筹建组副组长,2007-09-2009-12,中国科学院城市环境研究所(筹); 研究员,所长,2009-12至今,中国科学院城市环境研究所。 专利与奖励 2002,国家杰出青年基金 2006,国家留学回国成就奖 2009,国家自然科学二等奖(排名第一) 2013,发展中国家科学院农业科学奖 2013,福建省杰出科技人才 2013,厦门市科技重大贡献奖 奖励信息 1998年英国核工程师协会年度最佳论文奖; 2002年国家杰出青年基金获得者; 2003年国家留学回国成就奖; 2006年第九届中国青年科技奖; 2007年中国科学院“十大杰出青年”; 2008年北京市科技进步奖三等奖(排名第一); 2009年国家自然科学二等奖(排名第一)。 科研项目 国家自然科学基金国际合作重大项目:持久性有毒物质在土壤-水稻界面的联合作用机理研究 英国生物技术与生命科学研究理事会合作项目:亚洲地区水稻砷污染的遗传和环境控制因子研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目:水稻根表铁膜形成的微生物学过程及其机理研究 瑞士洛桑理工学院合作项目:中国地下水中砷污染与有机物的关联 科技部国际合作项目:城市群环境复合污染与生态健康研究 澳大利亚国际合作项目:土壤污染风险评价



土壤-植物相互作用,根际,污染生态学,土壤生物学 长期开展环境土壤学研究,在土壤砷污染机制和控制机理,土壤中抗生素抗性基因污染与传播机制,土壤生物地球化学耦合机制与微生物生态学领域,


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Chen, X.P., Kong, W.D., He, J.Z., Liu, W.J., Smith, S.E., Smith, F.A., Zhu, Y.G*., 2008a. Do water regimes affect iron-plaque formation and microbial communities in the rhizosphere of paddy rice? Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science-Zeitschrift Fur Pflanzenernahrung Und Bodenkunde 171, 193-199. 2. Chen, X.P., Zhu, Y.G*., Hong, M.N., Kappler, A., Xu, Y.X., 2008b. Effects of different forms of nitrogen fertilizers on arsenic uptake by rice plants. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27, 881-887. 3. Chen, X.P., Zhu, Y.G*., Xia, Y., Shen, J.P., He, J.Z., 2008c. Ammonia-oxidizing archaea: important players in paddy rhizosphere soil? Environmental Microbiology 10, 1978-1987. 4. Cui, Y.J., Zhu, Y.G*., Zhai, R.H., Chen, D.Y., Huang, Y.Z., Qiu, Y., Liang, J.Z., 2004. Transfer of metals from soil to vegetables in an area near a smelter in Nanning, China. Environment International 30, 785-791. 5. Cui, Y.J., Zhu, Y.G*., Zhai, R.H., Huang, Y.Z., Qiu, Y., Liang, J.Z., 2005. Exposure to metal mixtures and human health impacts in a contaminated area in Nanning, China. Environment International 31, 784-790. 6. Duan, G.L., Zhou, Y., Tong, Y.P., Mukhopadhyay, R., Rosen, B.P., Zhu, Y.G*., 2007. A CDC25 homologue from rice functions as an arsenate reductase. New Phytologist 174, 311-321. 7. Duan, G.L., Zhu, Y.G*., Tong, Y.P., Cai, C., Kneer, R., 2005. Characterization of arsenate reductase in the extract of roots and fronds of Chinese brake fern, an arsenic hyperaccumulator. Plant Physiology 138, 461-469. 8. Guo, W., Hou, Y.L., Wang, S.G., Zhu, Y.G*., 2005. Effect of silicate on the growth and arsenate uptake by rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings in solution culture. Plant and Soil 272, 173-181. 9. Hu, Y., Li, J.H., Zhu, Y.G*., Huang, Y.Z., Hu, H.Q., Christie, P., 2005. Sequestration of As by iron plaque on the roots of three rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars in a low-P soil with or without P fertilizer. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 27, 169-176. 10. Kong, W.D., Zhu, Y.G*., Fu, B.J., Marschner, P., He, J.Z., 2006. The veterinary antibiotic oxytetracycline and Cu influence functional diversity of the soil microbial community. Environmental Pollution 143, 129-137. 11. Kong, W.D., Zhu, Y.G*., Liang, Y.C., Zhang, J., Smith, F.A., Yang, A., 2007. Uptake of oxytetracycline and its phytotoxicity to alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Environmental Pollution 147, 187-193. 12. Liu, W.J., Zhu, Y.G*., Hu, Y., Williams, P.N., Gault, A.G., Meharg, A.A., Charnock, J.M., Smith, F.A., 2006. Arsenic sequestration in iron plaque, its accumulation and speciation in mature rice plants (Oryza sativa L.). Environmental Science & Technology 40, 5730-5736. 13. Liu, W.J., Zhu, Y.G*., Smith, F.A., Smith, S.E., 2004a. Do iron plaque and genotypes affect arsenate uptake and translocation by rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.) grown in solution culture? Journal of Experimental Botany 55, 1707-1713. 14. Liu, W.J., Zhu, Y.G*., Smith, F.A., Smith, S.E., 2004b. Do phosphorus nutrition and iron plaque alter arsenate (As) uptake by rice seedlings in hydroponic culture? New Phytologist 162, 481-488. 15. Shen, J.P., Zhang, L.M., Zhu, Y.G*., Zhang, J.B., He, J.Z., 2008. Abundance and composition of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and ammonia-oxidizing archaea communities of an alkaline sandy loam. Environmental Microbiology 10, 1601-1611. 16. Sun, G.X., Lu, X.A., Williams, P.N., Zhu, Y.G*., 2010. Distribution and Translocation of Selenium from Soil to Grain and Its Speciation in Paddy Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Environmental Science & Technology 44, 6706-6711. 17. Williams, P.N., Islam, S., Islam, R., Jahiruddin, M., Adomako, E., Soliaman, A.R.M., Rahman, G., Lu, Y., Deacon, C., Zhu, Y.G*., Meharg, A.A., 2009a. Arsenic limits Trace Mineral Nutrition (Selenium, Zinc, and Nickel) in Bangladesh Rice Grain. Environmental Science & Technology 43, 8430-8436. 18. Williams, P.N., Lei, M., Sun, G.X., Huang, Q., Lu, Y., Deacon, C., Meharg, A.A., Zhu, Y.G*., 2009b. Occurrence and Partitioning of Cadmium, Arsenic and Lead in Mine Impacted Paddy Rice: Hunan, China. Environmental Science & Technology 43, 637-642. 19. Williams, P.N., Lombi, E., Sun, G.X., Scheckel, K., Zhu, Y.G*., Feng, X.B., Zhu, J.M., Carey, A.M., Adomako, E., Lawgali, Y., Deacon, C., Meharg, A.A., 2009c. Selenium Characterization in the Global Rice Supply Chain. Environmental Science & Technology 43, 6024-6030. 20. Wu, N., Qiao, M., Zhang, B., Cheng, W.D., Zhu, Y.G*., 2010. Abundance and Diversity of Tetracycline Resistance Genes in Soils Adjacent to Representative Swine Feedlots in China. Environmental Science & Technology 44, 6933-6939. 21. Zhang, J., Zhu, Y.G*., Zeng, D.L., Cheng, W.D., Qian, Q., Duan, G.L., 2008. Mapping quantitative trait loci associated with arsenic accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa). New Phytologist 177, 350-355. 22. Zhang, X., Zhao, F.J., Huang, Q., Williams, P.N., Sun, G.X., Zhu, Y.G*., 2009. Arsenic uptake and speciation in the rootless duckweed Wolffia globosa. New Phytologist 182, 421-428. 23. Zheng, M.Z., Cai, C., Hu, Y., Sun, G.X., Williams, P.N., Cui, H.J., Li, G., Zhao, F.J., Zhu, Y.G*., 2010. Spatial distribution of arsenic and temporal variation of its concentration in rice. New Phytologist 189, 200-209. 24. Zhu, Y.G*., Geng, C.N., Tong, Y.P., Smith, S.E., Smith, F.A., 2006. Phosphate (Pi) and arsenate uptake by two wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars and their doubled haploid lines. Annals of Botany 98, 631-636. 25. Zhu, Y.G*., Smith, F.A., Smith, S.E., 2003. Phosphorus efficiencies and responses of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi grown in highly calcareous soil. Mycorrhiza 13, 93-100. 26. Zhu, Y.G*., Smith, S.E., Barritt, A.R., Smith, F.A., 2001a. Phosphorus (P) efficiencies and mycorrhizal responsiveness of old and modern wheat cultivars. Plant and Soil 237, 249-255. 27. Zhu, Y.G*., Smith, S.E., Smith, F.A., 2001b. Plant growth and cation composition of two cultivars of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) differing in P uptake efficiency. Journal of Experimental Botany 52, 1277-1282. 28. Zhu, Y.G*., Sun, G.X., Lei, M., Teng, M., Liu, Y.X., Chen, N.C., Wang, L.H., Carey, A.M., Deacon, C., Raab, A., Meharg, A.A., Williams, P.N., 2008a. High percentage inorganic arsenic content of mining impacted and nonimpacted Chinese rice. Environmental Science & Technology 42, 5008-5013. 29. Zhu, Y.G*., Williams, P.N., Meharg, A.A., 2008b. Exposure to inorganic arsenic from rice: A global health issue? Environmental Pollution 154, 169-171. 30. Zhu, Y.G*., Pilon-Smits, E.A.H., Zhao, F.J., Williams, P.N., Meharg, A.A., 2009. Selenium in higher plants: understanding mechanisms for biofortification and phytoremediation. Trends in Plant Science 14, 436-442. 31. Zhu, Y.G*., Rosen, B.P., 2009. Perspectives for genetic engineering for the phytoremediation of arsenic-contaminated environments: from imagination to reality? Current Opinion in Biotechnology 20, 220-224. 32. Zhu, Y.G*., Laidlaw, A.S., Christie, P., Hammond, M.E.R., 2000a. The specificity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in perennial ryegrass-white clover pasture. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 77, 211-218. 33. Zhu, Y.G*., Shaw, G., Nisbet, A.F., Wilkins, B.T., 2000b. Effects of external potassium supply on compartmentation and flux characteristics of radiocaesium in intact spring wheat roots (vol 84, pg 639, 1999). Annals of Botany 85, 293-298. 34. Zhu, Y.G*., Smith, S.E., Smith, F.A., 2001a. Plant growth and cation composition of two cultivars of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) differing in P uptake efficiency. Journal of Experimental Botany 52, 1277-1282. 35. Zhu, Y.G*., Smith, S.E., Smith, F.A., 2001b. Zinc (Zn)-phosphorus (P) interactions in two cultivars of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) differing in P uptake efficiency. Annals of Botany 88, 941-945. 36. Zhu, Y.G*., Smolders, E., 2000. Plant uptake of radiocaesium: a review of mechanisms, regulation and application. Journal of Experimental Botany 51, 1635-1645.


国际原子能机构(IAEA): 核技术应用科技顾问 Environmental Pollution (Elsevier): 副主编 Plant and Soil (Springer): 领域编辑 Trends in Plant Science (Cell Press): 编委 New Phytologist (Blackwell): 编委 Environment International (Elsevier): 编委
