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招生专业 083001-环境科学 招生方向 污染物暴露科学 暴露与健康效应 教育背景 1991年6月,本科毕业于太原理工大学应用化学系; 1997年7月,硕士毕业于中科院大连化学物理研究所; 2005年3月,博士毕业于德国慕尼黑技术大学(Technical University Munich)。 出国学习工作 2001年12月-2005年03月: 德国慕尼黑技术大学(Technical University Munich)博士研究生; 2005年3月-2006年3月,慕尼黑赫姆霍茨中心-德国环境健康研究中心的生态化学研究所(Institute of Ecology Chemistry, Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health)博士后; 2006年4月-2009年3月在丹麦哥本哈根大学医院作研究学者(Senior Staff Cand. Sci., Dept. Growth and Reproduction, Copenhagen University, Rigshospitalets)。 专利与奖励 2010年中国科学院“****”入选者 科研活动 承担科研项目情况: 2018-2021 NSFC面上项目:”砷的睾丸毒作用模式和男性不育替代终点标志物研究”(21777157) (主持) 2017-2020 MOST国家重点研发计划"大气污染对呼吸和心血管系统健康影响的早期识别技术"(2017YFC0211602) (课题负责人) 2016-2018 NSFC重大研究计划:“大气细颗粒物的毒理与健康效应”培育项目“基于定组人群追踪的大气细颗粒物暴露组学及代谢效应标志物研究”(91543113) (主持)​ 2013-2015 国际合作交流项目:全氟辛烷类污染物干扰睾丸支持细胞和睾丸间质细胞内分泌功能的研究(主持) 2012–2015 自然基金面上项目:育龄男性全氟烷烃类化合物暴露和精子DNA甲基化关系研究(主持) 2011-2013 厦门科技计划项目:邻苯二甲酸酯类污染对孕妇及幼童的影响及防控对策研究(主持) 2009-2012 中科院“****”项目:“环境污染物的人群暴露与健康”(主持) 2010-2012 中国科学院创新团队:城市环境质量与健康效应(参与) 2009-2012 科技部国际合作:城市群环境复合污染与生态健康研究(参与) 2010-2012 教育部回国人员科研启动基金:用胶质尿片采集尿液作为婴幼儿易代谢内分泌干扰物测定的可行性研究(主持) 2011-2013 中科院知识创新工程重要方向项目:基于联合组学的全氟辛烷类污染物的人类肝脏细胞毒性研究(参与) 2011-2013 厦门市科技计划项目:乳及乳制品中有机污染物的高通量筛查检测技术研究(参与)




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2017 1. Muhammad Sohail, Syed Ali Musstjab Akber Shah Eqani, Joel Podgorski, Avit Kumar Bhowmik, Adeel Mahmood, Nadeem Ali, Tara Sabo-Attwood, Habib Bokhari, Heqing Shen. Persistent organic pollutant emission via dust deposition throughout Pakistan: Spatial patterns, regional cycling and their implication for human health risks Sci Total Environ, 2017 2. Podgorski JE, Eqani SAMAS, Khanam T, Ullah R, Shen H, Berg M, Extensive arsenic contamination in high-pH unconfined aquifers in the Indus Valley. Sci. Adv. 3, e1700935 (2017). 3. Liangpo Liu, Heng Wang, Meiping Tian, Jie Zhang, Parinya Panuwet, Priya Esilda D'Souza, Dana Boyd Barr, Qingyu Huang, Yankai Xia, Heqing Shen. Phthalate metabolites related to infertile biomarkers and infertility in Chinese men. Environ Pollut. 2017 Aug 12;231(Pt 1):291-300. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.08.018 4. Heng Wang, Liangpo Liu, Syed Ali Musstjab Akber Shah Eqani, Heqing Shen. Infant Exposure to Bisphenol A can be Quantitatively Assessed by a Simply Improved High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass-Spectrometry Method. Anal Sci 2017, 33 (7) :777-781. 5. Xiaofei Wang, Liangpo Liu, Xiaoyan Du, Qingyu Huang, Meiping Tian, Weibing Zhang, Jie Zhang, Heqing Shen. Serum metabolome biomarkers associate low-level environmental perfluorinated compound exposure with oxidative /nitrosative stress in humans. Environ Pollution, Accepted. 6. Ali N, Eqani SAMAS, Shahzad K, Rashid MI, Ismail IMI, Shen H, Ehtisham N, Talal A. Currently used organophosphate and brominated flame retardants in the environment of China and other developing countries (2000-2016). Environ Sci Pollution Res, Accepted (2017). 7. WANG Xiao-Fei,JIANG Shou-Fang,ZHANG Ling-Yi,LIU Ying,DU Xiao-Yan,ZHANG Wei-Bing,ZHANG Jie,SHEN He-Qing. Study on Reproductive Toxicity of Fine Particulate Matter by Metabonomics. Ch J Anal Chem, 2017,45(5), 633-640. 8. Heng Wang, Liangpo Liu, Jianyue Wang, Zhendong Tong, Jianbo Yan, Tongjie Zhang, Ying Qin, Tingting Jiang, Jianwen She, Heqing Shen. Urinary sexual steroids associated with bisphenol A (BPA) exposure in the early infant stage: Preliminary results from a Daishan birth cohort. Sci Total Environ, 2017, 601-602(1): 1733-1742. 9. Xiaofei Wang, Shoufang Jiang, Ying Liu, Xiaoyan Du, Weibing Zhang, Jie Zhang, Heqing Shen. Comprehensive pulmonary metabolome responses to intratracheal instillation of airborne fine particulate matter in rats. Sci Total Environ, 2017, 592: 41-50. 10. Alamdar A, Xi, G., Huang, Q., Tian M., SAMAS Eqani, Shen H. Arsenic activates the expression of 3β-HSD in mouse Leydig cells through repression of histone H3K9 methylation. Toxicol Applied Pharmacol, doi.org/10.1016/j.taap.2017.04.012. 11. Alamdar A, Eqani SAMAS, Hanif N, Ali SM, Fasola M, Bokhari H, Katsoyiannis IA, Shen H. Human exposure to trace metals and arsenic via consumption of fish from river Chenab, Pakistan and associated health risks. Chemosphere 168 (2017) 1004-1012 2016 12. Liping Feng, Fengxiu Ouyang, Liangpo Liu, Xu Wang, Xia Wang, Yi-Ju Li, Amy Murtha, Heqing Shen, Junfeng Zhang, and Jun Jim Zhang. Levels of Urinary Metabolites of Organophosphate Flame Retardants, TDCIPP, and TPHP, in Pregnant Women in Shanghai. J Environ Public Health. 2016; 2016: 9416054. 13. Huang Q*, Luo L, Alamdar A, Zhang J, Liu L, Tian M, Eqani SAMAS, Shen H. Integrated proteomics and metabolomics analysis of rat testis: Mechanism of arsenic-induced male reproductive toxicity. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6: 32518. 14. Wang X, Zhang J, Xu W, Huang Q, Liu L, Tian M, Xia Y, Zhang W, Shen H. Low-level environmental arsenic exposure correlates with unexplained male infertility risk, Sci Total Environ, 2016, 571: 307-313. 15. Eqani SAMAS, Bhowmik AK, Qamar S, Sohail, M., Shah TAS, Mulla S, Fasola M, Shen H. Mercury contamination in deposited dust and its bioaccumulation patterns throughout Pakistan. Sci Total Environ 569–570 (2016) 585–593. 16. Eqani SAMAS, Khalid R, Bostan N, Mohmand J, Ali N, Rehan M. Katsoyiannis IA, Shen H. Human Pb-exposure via dust from different land use settings from Pakistan. Chemosphere 155 (2016) 259-265. 17. Eqani SAMAS, Kanwal A, Ali SM, Sohail M, Bhowmik AK, Ambreen A, Ali N, Fasola M, Shen H (2016). Spatial distribution of dust–bound trace metals from Pakistan and its implications for human exposure. Environ Pollution 213 (2016) 213-222. 18. Alamdar A, Eqani SAMAS, Ali SW, Sohail M, Bhowmik AK, Subhani M, Ghaffar B, Ullah R, Cincinelli A, Huang Q, Shen H. Human Arsenic exposure via dust across different ecological zones throughout the Pakistan. Ecotoxicol Environ Safety 126 (2016) 219–227. 19. Zhang J, Liu L, Wang X, Huang Q, Tian M, and Shen H. Low-Level Environmental Phthalate Exposure Associates with Urine Metabolome Alteration in a Chinese Male Cohort. Environ. Sci. Technol. 50:5953-60 (2016) 20. Li J, Tian M, Cui L, Dwyer J, Fullwood NJ, Shen H, Martin FL. Low-dose carbon-based nanoparticle-induced effects in A549 lung cells determined by biospectroscopy are associated with increases in genomic methylation. Sci. Rep. 6, 20207; doi: 10.1038/srep20207 (2016). 21. Tian M, Zhao B, Zhang J, Martin FL, Huang Q, Liu L, Shen H*. Association of environmental benzo[a]pyrene exposure and DNA methylation alterations in hepatocellular carcinoma: A Chinese case-control study. Sci Total Environ 2016, 541: 1243-1252. 2015 22. Bhowmik AK, Alamdar A, Katsoyiannis I, Shen H, Ali N, Ali SM, Bokhari H, Schäfer RB, Eqani SA. Mapping human health risks from exposure to trace metal contamination of drinking water sources in Pakistan. Sci Total Environ 2015, 538: 306-316. 23. Zafar A, Eqani SA, Bostan N, Cincinelli A, Tahir F, Shah ST, Hussain A, Alamdar A, Huang Q, Peng S, Shen H. Toxic metals signature in the human seminal plasma of Pakistani population and their potential role in male infertility. Environ Geochem Health 2015, 37(3): 515-527. 24. Mohmand J, Eqani SAMAS*, Fasola M, Alamdar A, Mustafa I, Ali N, Liu L, Peng S, Shen H*. Human exposure to toxic metals via contaminated dust: Bio-accumulation trends and their potential risk estimation. Chemosphere 2015, 132, 142-151. 25. Huang Q, Zhang J, Luo L, Wang X, Wang X, Alamdar A, Peng S, Liu L, Tian M, Shen H*. Metabolomics reveals disturbed metabolic pathways in human lung epithelial cells exposed to airborne fine particulate matter. Toxicol Res 2015, 4: 939-947. 26. Peng S, Zhang J, Liu L, Zhang X, Huang Q, Alamdar A, Tian M, Shen H*. Newborn Meconium and Urinary Metabolome Response to Maternal Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Preliminary Case-Control Study. J Proteome Res. 2015, 14(4): 1799-1809. 27. Wang X, Mu X, Zhang J*, Huang Q, Alamdar A, Tian M, Liu L, Shen H*. Serum metabolomics reveals that arsenic exposure disrupted lipid and amino acid metabolism in rats: a step forward in understanding chronic arsenic toxicity. Metallomics 2015, 7(3): 544-552. 28. Subhani M, Mustafa I, Alamdar A, Katsoyiannis IA, Ali N, Huang Q, Peng S, Shen H*, Eqani SAMAS*. Arsenic levels from different land-use settings in Pakistan: bio-accumulation and estimation of potential human health risk via dust exposure. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 2015, 115, 187-194 29. Peng S, Liu L, Zhang X, Heinrich J, Zhang J, Schramm K-W, Huang Q, Tian M, Eqani SAMAS, Shen H*. A Nested Case-Control Study Indicating Heavy Metal Residues in Meconium Associate with Maternal Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Risk. Environ. Health 2015, 14:19. 30. Gong M, Weschler CJ*, Liu L, Shen H, Huang L, Sundell J, Zhang Y. Phthalate metabolites in urine samples from Beijing children and correlations with phthalate levels in their handwipes. Indoor Air 2015, 25(6): 572-581. 31. Wang X, Zhang J*, Huang Q, Alamdar A, Tian M, Liu L, Shen H*. Serum metabolomics analysis reveals impaired lipid metabolism in rats after oral exposure to benzo(a)pyrene. Mol. BioSyst. 2015, 11(3): 753-759. 32. Liu L, She J, Zhang X, Zhang J, Tian M, Huang Q, Eqani SAMAS, Shen H*. Online background cleanup followed by high-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry for the analysis of perfluorinated compounds in human blood. J. Sep. Sci. 2015, 38(2): 247-253. 2014 33. Zhang J, Shen H*, Xu W, Xia Y, Barr DB, Mu X, Wang X, Liu L, Huang Q, Tian M. Urinary metabolomics revealed arsenic internal dose-related metabolic alterations: a proof-of-concept study in a Chinese male cohort. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014; 48(20):12265-74. doi: 10.1021/es503659w 34. Tian M, Bao H, Martin FL, Zhang J, Liu L, Huang Q, and Shen H*. Association of DNA Methylation and Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number with Human Semen Quality. Biol. Reprod. 2014, doi:10.1095/biolreprod.114.122465 35. Zhang J, Mu X, Xu W, Martin FL, Alamdar A, Liu L, Tian M, Huang Q, Shen H*. Exposure to arsenic via drinking water induces 5-hydroxymethylcytosine alteration in rat. Sci. Total Environ. 2014, (497-498) 618-625. 36. Liu L, Xia T, Zhang X, Barr DB, Alamdar A, Zhang J, Tian M, Huang Q, Shen H*. Biomonitoring of infant exposure to phenolic endocrine disruptors using urine expressed from disposable gel diapers. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2014, Doi:10.1007/s00216-014-7908-3. 37. Zhang J, Mu X, Xia Y, Martin, FL, Hang W, Liu L, Tian M, Huang Q, Shen H*. Metabolomic Analysis Reveals a Unique Urinary Pattern in Normozoospermic Infertile Men. J. Proteome. Res. 2014 (doi:10.1021/pr5003142) 38. Ye T, Kang M, Huang Q, Fang C, Chen Y, Shen H, Dong S. Exposure to DEHP and MEHP from hatching to adulthood causes reproductive dysfunction and endocrine disruption in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma). Aquatic Toxicol. 2014, 146, 115-126, 10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.10.025 39. Zhang J, Huang Z, Chen M, Xia Y, Martin FL, Hang W, Shen H*. Urinary metabolome identifies signatures of oligozoospermic infertile men. Fertil. Steril. 2014, 102(1) 44–53.e12. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2014.03.033. 40. Shen H*, Xu W, Peng S, Scherb H, She J, Voigt K, Alamdar A, Schramm K*. Pooling samples for "top-down" molecular exposomics research: the methodology. Environ. Health 2014, 13 :8 (DOI: 10.1186/1476-069X-13-8) 41. Xu W, Shen H*. Arsenic exposure induced male reproductive effects: a brief review. Ch. Sci. Bulletin, 2014, 59(3), 238-244 42. Shen H*, Martin FL, Su Y. Environmental chemical stressors as epigenome modifiers: A new horizon in assessment of toxicological effects. Ch. Sci. Bulletin, 2014, 59(4), 349-355 43. Huang Q, Zhang J*, Peng S, Tian M, Chen J, Shen H*. Effects of water soluble PM2.5 extracts exposure on human lung epithelial cells (A549): A proteomic study. J. Appl. Toxicol. 2014, 34(6), 675-687 2013 44. Peng S, Yan L, Zhang J*, Wang Z, Tian M, Shen H*. An integrated metabonomics and transcriptomics approach to understanding metabolic pathway disturbance induced by perfluorooctanoic acid. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 2013, 86, 56-64 45. Huang Q, Zhang J, Martin FL, Peng S, Tian M, Mu X, Shen H*. Perfluorooctanoic acid induces apoptosis through the p53-dependent mitochondrial pathway in human hepatic cells: A proteomic study. Toxicol. Letters, 223 (2013) 211-220. 46. Shen H, Xu W, Zhang J, Chen M, Martin FL, Xia Y*, Liu L, Dong S, Zhu Y-G*. Urinary Metabolic biomarkers link oxidative stress indicators associated with general arsenic exposure to male infertility in a Han Chinese population. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47, 8843-8851 47. Xia T, Liu L, Zhang W*, Shen H*. Determination of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in human urine by high performance liquid chromatography tandem electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. J. Inst. Anal., 2013, 32 (2), 211-217 48. Fang C, Huang Q, Ye T, Chen Y, Kang M, Liu L, Lin Y, Shen H, Dong S*. Embryonic exposure to PFOS induces immunosuppression in the fish larvae of marine medaka. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 2013, 92, 104-111 49. Lin Y, Sun X, Qiu L, Wei J, Huang Q, Fang C, Ye T, Kang M, Shen H, Dong S*. Exposure to bisphenol A induces dysfunction of insulin secretion and apoptosis through the damage of mitochondria in rat insulinoma (INS-1) cells. Cell Death Disease, 2013, 4, e460;doi:10.1038/cddis.2012.206 50. Liao Y, Dong S*, Kiyama R, Cai P, Liu L, Shen H. Flos Lonicerae Extracts and Chlorogenic Acid Protect Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells from the Toxic Damage of Perfluorooctane Sulphonate. Inflammation. 2013, 36(3), 767-779 51. Gu J, Zhang P, Zhang F*, Shen H, Yang B*, Liang X and Chu X. Determination of aristolochic acids in rat serum by high performance liquid chromatography-Q-TOF tandem mass spectrometry. Anal. Methods 2013, 5(3), 718-721 2012 52. Zhang J, Yan L, Pan C, Lin L, Zhang X, Shen H*, Simultaneous analysis of 19 antibiotics in dairy products using ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with high resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Ch. J. Chromatogr. 2012, 30(10), 1031-1036 53. Zhang J, Liu F, Chen R, Feng T, Dong S, Shen H*, Levels of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Organochlorine Pesticides in Edible Shellfish from Xiamen (China) and Estimation of Human Dietary Intake. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2012, 50, 4285–4291 54. Xu W, Bao H, Liu F, Liu L, Zhu Y-G, She J, Dong S, Cai M, Li L, Li C, Shen H*. Environmental exposure to arsenic may reduce human semen quality: associations derived from a Chinese cross-sectional study. Environ. Health 2012, 11:46 55. Peng S, Zhang J*, Tian M, Wang Z, Shen H*. Determination of Global DNA Methylation in Biological Samples by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometer. Ch. J. Anal. Chem. 2012, 40 (8), 1201-1206 56. Zhang J, Yan L, Tian M, Huang Q, Peng S, Dong S, Shen H*. The metabonomics of combined dietary exposure to phthalates and polychlorinated biphenyls in mice. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 2012, 66, 287-297 57. Krysiak-Baltyn K, Skakkebæk NE, Toppari J, Jensen T, Virtanen H, Schramm K-W, Shen H, Vartiainen T, Kiviranta H, Taboureau O, Brunak S, Main K. Association between chemical pattern in breast milk and congenital cryptorchidism: modeling of complex human exposure. Int. J. Androl. 2012, 35 (3), 294-302 58. Liu L, Xia T, Guo L, Cao L, Zhao B, Zhang J, Dong S, Shen H*. Expressing urine from a gel disposable diaper for biomonitoring using phthalates as an example. J. Expo. Sci. Environ. Epidemiol., 2012, 22, 625-631 59. Peng S, Yan L, Zhang* J, Shen H*. Hepatotoxicity of perfluorooctanoic acid in human hepatocytes using metabonomics. Ch. J. Chromatogr. 2012, 30 (02): 123-127 60. Tian M, Peng S, Martin FL, Zhang J, Liu L, Wang Z, Dong S, Shen H*. Perfluorooctanoic acid induces gene promoter hypermethylation of glutathione-S-transferase Pi in human liver L02 cells. Toxicology. 2012, 296 (1-3) 48-55 61. Liao Y, Wang J, Huang Q, Fang C, Kiyama R, Shen H*, Dong S*. Evaluation of cellular response to perfluorooctane sulfonate in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Toxicol. in Vitro 2012, 26(3): 421-428 62. Shen H, Henkelmann B, Rambeck WA, Mayer R, Wehr U, Schramm K-W. Physiologically based persistent organic pollutant accumulation in pig tissues and their edible safety differences: An in vivo study. Food Chem. 2012,132 (4)1830-1835 63. Shen H, Henkelmann B, Rambeck WA, Mayer R, Wehr U, Schramm K-W. The predictive power of the elimination of dioxin-like pollutants from pigs: An in vivo study. Environ. Int. 2012, 38 73-78 64. Liu F, Ni H-G, Chen F, Luo Z-X, Shen H*, Liu L, Wu P. Metal accumulation in the tissues of grass carps (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) from fresh water around a copper mine in Southeast China. Environ. Monit. Assess. 2012, 184(7), 4289-4299 65. Zhao B, Shen H*, Liu F, Liu S, Niu J, Guo F, Sun X. Exposure to organochlorine pesticides is independent risk factor of hepatocellular carcinoma: A case-control study, J. Expo. Sci. Environ. Epidemiol. 2012, 22, 541-548 66. Liu L, Bao H, Liu F, Zhang J, Shen H*. Phthalates exposure of the Chinese reproductive age couples and their effect on male semen quality, a primary study. Environ. Int. 2012, 42,78-83 2011 67. Fang C, Wu X, Huang Q, Liao Y, Liu L, Qiu L, Shen H*, Dong S*. PFOS elicits transcriptional responses of the ER, AHR and PPAR pathways in Oryzias melastigma in a stage-specific manner. Aquatic Toxicol. 2011, 106-107, 9-19 68. Wang X, Suo Y, Yin R, Shen H*, Wang H*. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry for accurate quantification of global DNA methylation in human sperms. J. Chromatogr. B. 2011, 879, 1647-1652 69. Zhao B, Liu F, Liu S, Niu J, Guo F, Sun X, Shen H*. A case-control study of the association between human exposure to selected chlorinated pesticides and primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Epidemiology 2011, 22, S145 Before 2010 70. Voigt K, Brueggemann R, Scherb H, Shen H, Schramm K-W. Evaluating the relationship between chemical exposure and cryptorchidism by discrete mathematical method using PyHasse software. Environ. Model. Softw. 2010, 25:1801-1812. 71. Çok İ, Donmez MK, Uner M, Demirkaya E, Henkelmann B, Shen H, Kotalik J, Schramm K-W. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and polychlorinated biphenyls levels in human breast milk from different regions of Turkey. Chemosphere 2009, 76: 1563-1571. 72. Krysiak-Baltyn K, Skakkebæk NE, Toppari J, Jensen T, Virtanen H, Schramm K-W, Shen H, Vartiainen T, Kiviranta H, Taboureau O, Brunak S, Main K. Country-specific chemical signatures of persistent environmental compounds in breast milk. Int. J. Androl. 2009, 32:1-9. 73. Shen H, Henkelmann B, Levy W, Zsolnay A, Weiss P, Jakobi G, Kirchner M, Moche W, Braun K and K-W Schramm. Altitudinal and chiral signature of persistent organochlorine pesticides in air, soil, and spruce needles (Picea abies) of the Alps. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43:2450-2455. 74. Çok İ, Donmez MK, Satıroğlu MH, Aydınuraz B, Henkelmann B, Shen H, Kotalik J, Schramm K-W. Concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and dioxin-like PCBs in adipose tissue of infertile men. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 2008, 55:143-152. 75. Shen H, Main KM, Andersson A-M, Damgaard IN, Virtanen HE, Skakkebaek NE, Toppari J, and Schramm K-W. Concentrations of persistent organochlorine compounds in human milk and placenta are higher in Denmark than in Finland. Hum. Reprod. 2008, 23:201-210. 76. Shen H, Main KM, Virtanen HE, Damggard IN, Haavisto A-M, Kaleva M, Boisen KA, Schmidt IM, Chellakooty M, Skakkebaek NE, Toppari J, Schramm K-W. 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国际期刊Environment International编委(2013年12月-) 厦门大学兼职教授(2010年12月-) 国际暴露科学学会(International Society of Exposure Science)会员(从2009年-) 环境科学学会环境医学和健康分会委员(2013年-) 国际科联亚太地区分会(International Council for Science, Regional Office of Asia and Pacific (ICSU ROAP))国际项目“城市环境健康和福祉”学委员会委员(Steering Committee Member of Urban Health and Wellbeing Program)
