潘智生,博士,香港理工大学土木及结构工程系教授, 香港理工大学环境科技与管理研究中心主任, 香港政府环境咨询促进会执行委员。
他于1982年在英国纽卡素大学取得工程学士学位, 1985年在英国帝国理工学院取得博士学位, 随后在牛津大学做博士后研究工作。1989年回到香港后, 潘智生教授进入香港政府环境保护署工作。1992年至今先后担任香港理工大学讲师,副教授,教授。
在香港理工大学, 潘智生教授除了担任繁重的教学工作之外,科学研究工作取得了卓著的成果. 在国际著名的学术刊物上发表论文120余篇。取得中国和香港发明专利8项。 2006年获香港环保建筑科技大奖优异奖。
Waste Recycling and Management (Solid, Hazardous, Construction), Concrete Technology
1. Poon, C. S., Kou, S. C., and Lam, L. 2002. Use of recycled aggregates in molded concrete bricks and blocks. Construction and Building Materials; 16(5): 281-289.
2. Poon, C. S., Kou, S. C., Lam, L., Fok, H., and Kou, S. C. 2004. Influence of moisture states of natural and recycled aggregates on slump and compressive strength of concrete. Cement and Concrete Research; 34(1): 31-36.
3. Poon, C. S., Shui, Z. H., and Lam, L. 2004. Effect of microstructure of ITZ on compressive strength of concrete prepared with recycled aggregates. Construction and Building Materials; 18(6): 461-468.
4. Poon, C. S., and Chan, D. 2006. Paving blocks made with recycled concrete aggregate and crushed clay brick. Construction and Building Materials, in press.
5. Poon, C. S., and Chan, D. 2006, Feasible use of recycled concrete aggregates and crushed clay brick as unbound road sub-base. Construction and Building Materials, in press.
6. Poon, C. S., and Chan, D. 2006. Effects of contaminants on the properties of concrete paving blocks prepared with recycled concrete aggregates. Construction and Building Materials, in press.
7. Poon, C. S, Kou, S. C., and Chan, D. Influence of steam curing on the hardened properties of recycled aggregate concrete. (Accepted by Magazine of Concrete Research for publication)
8. Poon, C. S., Qiao, X. C., and Chan, D. The cause and influence of self-cementing properties of fine recycled concrete aggregates on the properties of unbound sub-base. (Accepted by Waste Management for publication).
9. Poon, C. S., and Chan, D. The use of recycled aggregates in concrete in Hong Kong. (Submitted to Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering for possible publication).
10. Poon, C. S., Kou, S. C., and Chan, D. Influence of fly ash as cement replacement on properties of recycled aggregate concrete (Submitted to Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering for possible publication).
11. Chan, D., and Poon C. S. Use of wastes from jobsites in paving blocks. (Submitted to Proceedings of ICE: Construction Materials for possible publication).
12. Poon, C. S., and Lam, C. S. The Effect of Aggregates to Cement (A/C) Ratio and Types of Aggregates on the Properties of Pre-cast Concrete Blocks. (Submitted to Cement and Concrete Composites for possible publication).
13. Lam, C. S., Poon, C. S., and Chan, D. Enhancing the Performance of Pre-cast Concrete Blocks by Incorporating Waste Glass – ASR Consideration. (Submitted to Cement and Concrete Composites for possible publication).