1993 南京航空航天大学 学士
2005新加坡国立大学 博士
2005-2006 新加坡国立大学 Research Fellow
2006-2008 英国伦敦帝国理工大学 Postdoctral Research Associate
2009-2011 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校Research Assistant Professor
P. Valluri, L. Ó Náraigh, H. Ding & P. D. M. Spelt (2010),Linear and nonlinear spatio-temporal instability in laminar two-layer flows,Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 656, 458-480
G.K. Seevaratnam, H. Ding, O. Michel, J.Y.Y. Heng & O.K. Matar (2010), Laminar flow deformation of a droplet adhering to a wall in a channel, Chemical Engineering Science, 65, 4523-4534
H. Ding, M. N. H. Gilani and P. D. M. Spelt (2010),Sliding, pinch-off and detachment of a droplet on a wall in shear flow Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 644: 217-244
K.C. Sahu, H. Ding, O.K. Matar (2010), Numerical simulation of non-isothermal pressure-driven miscible channel flow with viscous heating, Chemical Engineering Science, 65: 3260-3267.
L. Ding, C. Shu, H. Ding & N. Zhao (2010), Stencil adaptive diffuse interface method for simulation of two-dimensional incompressible multiphase flows, Computers & Fluids, 39: 936-944
K.C. Sahu, H. Ding, P. Valluri and O.K. Matar (2009), Linear stability analysis and numerical simulation of miscible two-layer channel flow, Physics of Fluids, 21: 042104
K.C. Sahu, H. Ding, P. Valluri and O.K. Matar (2009), Pressure-driven miscible two-fluid channel flow with density gradients, Physics of Fluids, 21: 043603
H. Ding and P. D. M. Spelt (2008), Onset of motion of a three-dimensional droplet on a wall in shear flow at moderate Reynolds numbers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 599: 341-362
H. Ding, P.D.M. Spelt and C. Shu (2007), Diffuse interface model for incompressible two-phase flows with large density ratios, Journal of Computational Physics, 226: 2078-2095
H. Ding and P.D.M. Spelt (2007), Wetting condition in diffuse interface simulations of contact line motion, Physical Review E, 75, 046708
Ding and P. D. M. Spelt (2007), Inertial effects in droplet spreading: a comparison between diffuse interface and level-set simulations, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 576, 287 – 296.
H. Ding, C. Shu and Q. D. Cai (2007). Applications of stencil-adaptive finite difference method to incompressible viscous flows with curved boundary, Computers & Fluids, 36, 786-793
H. Ding, C. Shu, K. S. Yeo and D. Xu (2007). Numerical simulation of flows around two circular cylinders by mesh-free least-square-based finite difference methods, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 53, 305 – 332.
C. Shu, W. X. Wu, H. Ding and C. M. Wang (2007). Free vibration analysis of plates using least square-based finite difference method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 196: 1330 – 1343.
H. Ding and C. Shu (2006). A stencil adaptive algorithm for finite difference solution of incompressible viscous flows, Journal of Computational Physics, 214, 397 – 420
H. Ding, C. Shu, K. S. Yeo and D. Xu (2006). Numerical computation of 3D incompressible viscous flows in the primitive variable form by local multiquadric differential quadrature method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195, 516 – 533.
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics副主编(2018.1-)
Journal of Hydrodynamics编委(2015.1-)