1987 成都中医药大学 医学系毕业。
1987 中国中医科学院 从事《中医杂志》编辑和中医临床工作。
1996 获笹川医学奖学金 赴日本京都大学医学部 从事心脑疾病的影像诊断研究。
1997 继续在日本京都大学医学部 从事远程医疗系统的构建研究
1998 日本京都大学医学部附属医院老年内科 从事心血管疾病的介入治疗研究
2000 日本京都大学医学研究科成人及老年病病态学 博士课程 从事高脂血症及动脉粥样硬化的发病机制及治疗技术研究
2004 获日本京都大学医学博士学位
2005至今 中国医学科学院药用植物研究所 从事中药药理学研究及中药新药开发
1. Xu Y., Arai H., Murayama T., Sano H., Kita T., Yokode M.
Hypercholesterolemia affects vascular remodeling and mobilization of bone marrow-derived cells in cuff-induced vascular Injury. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology,2006 in revising.
2. 许扬, 赵英凯, 刘妍. 清热燥湿中药抗高脂血症及动脉粥样硬化研究概况. 中国中医药信息杂志,in press.
4. Zhuge X., Kataoka H., Tanaka M., Murayama T., Kawamoto T., Sano H., Togi K., Yamauchi R., Ueda Y., Xu Y., Nishikawa S-I., Kita T., Yokode M. Expression of the novel Snai-related zinc-finger transcription factor gene Smuc during mouse development. International Journal of Molecular Medicine,15: 945-948, 2005
5. Xu Y., Arai H., Zhuge X., Sano H., Murayama T., Yoshimoto M., Heike T., Nakahata T., Nishikawa S-I., Kita T., Yokode M. Role of bone marrow–derived progenitor cells in cuff-induced vascular injury in mice. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology,2004;24:477~482
6. Yuan ZY., Kishimoto C., Sano H., Shioji K., Xu Y., Yokode M. Immunoglobulin treatment suppresses atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice via the Fc portion. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology,2003; 285: H899~H906
7. Xu Y., Yokode M., Sano H., Zhuge X., Kita T. Hypercholesterolemia promotes mobilization of bone marrow cells into cuff-mediated vascular remodeling lesions and natural atherosclerotic lesions in mice. Circulation,2002; 106(19)II:83
8. Sano H., Ueda Y., Takakura N., Takemura G., Doi T., Kataoka H., Murayama T., Xu Y., Sudo T., Nishikawa S., Nishikawa S-I., Fujiwara H., Kita T., Yo3kode M. Blockade of platelet-derived growth factor receptor-??pathway induces apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells and disrupts glomerular capillary formation in meonatal mice. The American Journal of Pathology,2002; 1:135~143
9. Xu Y., Yokode M., Sano H., Kataoka H., Murayama T, Zhuge X., Kita T. Interaction between macrophage and smooth muscle progenitor cells in vascular remodeling lesions in mice. Circulation,2001; 104(17) II:299