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2006年毕业于北京师范大学物理系,获理学学士学位;2011年毕业于北京师范大学核科学与技术学院,获理学博士学位(硕博连读)。2011年入职西安工程大学理学院,2013年晋升为副教授,同年遴选为硕士生导师, 2017年赴加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学粒子与核物理国家实验室(TRIUMF)做访问学者,2018年晋升为教授。2019年获西安工程大学科技之星荣誉。现为全国材料与器件科学家智库专家委员会委员、理事,中国核学会会员,中国光学学会会员,陕西省核辐射与安全协会理事。多个国际知名SCI期刊审稿人。近年来主持和参与国家自然科学基金、陕西省自然科学基金、陕西省教育厅自然科学基金专项多项,其中在研国家自然科学基金面上项目1项。获香港桑麻基金会桑麻奖教金1项,2016-2018年西安工程大学青年学术骨干称号,2019年工程大科技之星。在国内外期刊上发表论文20余篇,授权专利8项,出版专著1部。 部分授权专利: (1) 张国青,刘汉臣,朱长军,刘丽娜,翟学军,张英堂,基于波形面积的雪崩光探测器增益测量方法,2018.9.11,中国,ZL201510611365.2 (2) 张国青, 刘丽娜, 朱长军,等 一种基于硅光电倍增器的脉冲光响应动态范围测量方法, 2018.07.03, 中国, ZL 201711011138.5 (3) 张国青, 刘丽娜, 朱长军, 一种采用波形积分的光子数分辨方法及其采用的光子数分辨系统, 2017.04.19, 中国, 201410550259.3 (4) 张国青, 刘丽娜, 朱长军, 采用多像素光子数器的光时域反射装置, 2015.03.04,中国, ZL201420600189.3 (5) 张国青, 刘丽娜, 朱长军, 采用多像素光子计数器的激光测距装置, 2014.10.22,中国, ZL201420288044.4 (6) 张国青, 刘丽娜, 朱长军, 圆形六角密排多像素光子计数器, 2014.07.30, 中国,ZL201320817286.3 (7) 张国青, 刘丽娜, 宋立勋, 朱长军, 等, 一种新型单光子计数装置, 2014.10.22,中国, ZL201320488166.3 (8) 张国青, 刘丽娜, 宋立勋, 朱长军, 等, 基于多像素光子计数器的光子数分辨与计数装置, 2014.01.08, 中国, ZL201320487868.X


研究方向为新型光电子器件,重点为单光子响应探测器件的研制, 理论与实验研究以及相关应用研究。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1) Liu, Lina;Zhang, Chunling;Gallina, Giacomo; Zhang, Guoqing*,2D microspatial distribution uniformity of photon detection efficiency and crosstalk probability of multi-pixel photon counters, Quantum Electronics, 2020, 50(2), 197-200 (2) Gallina, Giacomo , Guoqing Zhang,etal.,Characterization of the Hamamatsu VUV4 MPPCs for nEXO,Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, (2019), 940: 371-379Gallina, G.;Retiere, F.;Giampa, P.;Kroeger, Zhang, G., etal.,Characterization of SiPM Avalanche Triggering Probabilities, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES,(2019),66(10):4228-4234 (3) Guoqing Zhang, Lina Liu, Changjun Zhu, Anxiang Wang, Xiang'an Yan,The BER theoretical model and properties of SiPM-based receiver for OOK optical communication, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2018,31(15), 1-11 (4) G. Zhang*, X. Yan, Enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio for laser ranging by adjusting the photon equivalent threshold of a multi-pixel photon counter, Quantum Electronics, (2018),48 (11): 1062-1066  (5) Guoqing Zhang*, Lina Liu,Ultra-fast photon counting with passive quenching SiPM in charge integration regime, Quantum Electronics, (2018), 48 (2):173– 177 (6) Guoqing Zhang*, Xiuxiu Gao and Lina Liu, Single photon laser ranging with no gating and nanosecond dead time by small pixel Multi-Pixel Photon Counter, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, (2018), 154:524-529. (7) Guoqing Zhang*, Xiuxiu Gao and Lina Liu, Influences of signal processing methods on photon number resolving capability of multi-pixel photon counter, International Journal of Quantum Information, (2016) ,14(8):1650046-1-9 (8) Zhang Guoqing*, Liu Lina, Liu Hanchen, Demonstration of the over dynamic range of MPPC by high intensity pulsed light illumination, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, (2016), 127(5):2936–2938 (9) Guoqing Zhang*, Changfeng Yu, Changjun Zhu, Lina Liu, Feasibility study of Multi-Pixel Photon Counter serving as the detector in digital optical communications, International Journal for Light and Electron Optics (Optik), (2013), 124:5781-5786. (SCI检索,他引13次) (10) Guoqing Zhang*, Dejun Han, Changjun Zhu, Xuejun Zhai, Breakdown-quenching characteristics and mechanisms for silicon photomultipliers, International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, (2013), 124: 5635-5638. (11) 张国青*, 张英堂, 翟学军, 刘汉臣, 朱长军, 多像素光子计数器的信噪比特性, 光学学报, (2013), 33(3): 0304001-1-7 (12) 张国青*,朱长军,刘丽娜, 多像素光子计数器的光子数分辨模型与实验验证, 光电子·激光, (2013), 24(7):1277-1282 (13) 张国青*, 刘丽娜, 朱长军, 采用多像素光子计数器的探测率与虚警率, 红外与激光工程, (2013), 42(7): 1819-1824 (14) G. Q. Zhang*, X.J.Zhai, C.J.Zhu, H. C. Liu and Y. T. Zhang, The silicon photomultiplier-A new detector for photon-number-resolving at room temperature, International Journal of Quantum Information, (2012), 10(3): 1230002-1-1230002-9 (15) X.B. Hu, C.Z.Hu, D.P.Yin, L.Y.Zhang, C.N.Zhang, Y.Chen, G.Q.Zhang, R.Yang, K.Liang,Yu. Musienko, D.J.Han*, The SiPM with bulk quenching resistor: progress at NDL and applications in Raman spectroscopy, Nucl.Instr.and Meth.A, (2012), 695: 29–34 (16) Zhang Guoqing*, Han Dejun, Zhu Changjun and Zhai Xuejun, Turn-on and turn-off voltages of an avalanche p-n junction, J. Semicond., (2012), 33(9): 094003-1-5 (17) Guoqing Zhang, Xiaobo Hu, Yue Cheng, Chunling Zhang, Lina Liu, Ru Yang, Kun Liang, and Dejun Han*, Fast identification of substance by measuring two Raman peaks with dual strip silicon photomultipliers and gated photon counting technique, Applied Optics, (2011), 50(24): 4733-473 (18) Guoqing Zhang, Xiaobo Hu, Ru Yang, Chunling Zhang, Kun Liang, and Dejun Han*, Fast identification of trace substance by single-photon detection of characteristic Raman scatterings with gated coincidence technique and multi-pixel photon counters, Applied Optics,(2010), 49(14): 2601-2605, ( 他引11次) (19) G.Q. Zhang, X.B.Hu, C.Z.Hu, D.P.Yin, K.Liang, R.Yang, D.J.Han*, Demonstration of a silicon photomultiplier with bulk integrated quenching resistors on epitaxial silicon, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, (2010), 621:116-120 (被引32次)
