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男,1981年1月出生,2003年本科毕业于南京大学物理系,2007年获中国科学院紫金山天文台硕士学位,2010年获法国皮埃尔和玛丽居里大学博士学位,随后回到中国科学院紫金山天文台工作,主要从事太赫兹超导探测器技术研究。 获奖及荣誉: 2010年 法国皮埃尔和玛丽居里大学优秀博士论文 2014年 URSI无线电科学大会“青年科学家”奖 2015年 中国电子学会科学技术奖二等奖(6/11)




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. W. Miao, W. Zhang, J.Q. Zhong et al., “Non-uniform absorption of terahertz radiation on superconducting hot electron bolometer microbridges,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 104, p. 052605, 2014. 2. W. Miao, Z. Lou, G.Y. Xu, et al., “Demonstration of a fully integrated superconducting receiver with a 2.7 THz quantum cascade laser,” Optics Express, vol. 23, pp. 4453~4458, 2015. 3. W. Miao, W. Zhang, K.M. Zhou et al. “Phase-locking of a terahertz solid-state source using a superconducting hot-electron bolometer mixer,” Superconductor Science and Technology, vol. 26, p.085005, 2013. 4. W. Miao, W. Zhang, K.M. Zhou et al., “Direct measurement of the Input RF Noise of superconducting hot electron bolometer receivers, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,” vol. 23, p. 2300104, 2013. 5. W. Miao, W. Zhang, K.M. Zhou et al., “Investigation of the performance of NbN superconducting HEB mixers of different critical temperatures,” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 27, p. 2200304, 2016. 6. W. Miao, H. Gao, Z. Wang et al., “A Graphene-based terahertz hot electron bolometer with Johnson noise readout,” Journal of Low Temperature Physics, vol. 192, 2018. 7. W. Miao, Y. Delorme, A. Feret et al., “Comparison between hot spot modeling and measurement of a superconducting hot electron bolometer mixer at submillimeter wavelengths,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 106, p. 103909, 2009.
