一直以来,我就对空间科学和技术的相关知识和发展很感兴趣。自南京大学天文系本科毕业后,我开始学习研究太阳物理,尤其是太阳耀斑的触发和高能粒子的加速和传播,主要综合运用各种理论模式及观测数据进行数值模拟和统计研究,关注于粒子加速的机制,加速区域的位置和区域,加速粒子在耀斑中传播和同时产生纫致辐射X射线的过程等。 自2012年起,我加入到NASA好奇号火星车/MSL团队,作为高能粒子探测器RAD的核心成员,带领德国基尔大学的MSL/RAD团组开始研究和分析深空以及火星表面的高能粒子辐射环境。深空的宇宙射线粒子包括长期存在的系外宇宙射线粒子和短期但是高强度的太阳高能粒子。这些高能粒子在到达人体后会通过电离作用造成细胞DNA链的断开和突变,长期的辐射会对深空探测的宇航员的身体造成很大伤害;而短期的高辐射剂量的太阳高能粒子能使航员造成眩晕,呕吐等辐射中毒反应。因而对这些宇宙射线粒子辐射的探测和标定对于未来的深空探测和登月探火计划极为重要。我所研究课题主要包括:宇宙射线和太阳高能粒子在行星际空间中的传播和辐射效应,粒子在火星大气和土壤中的传输和核反应的观测和模拟,高能粒子探测器的设计和数据标定,太阳长期演化和短期太阳风暴对高能粒子的调制作用,空间天气对类地行星尤其是其宜居性的影响等等。 自2016年起,我开始参与到与RAD相似的嫦娥四号着陆器加载的月球中子及辐射计量探测器的团队,立志为中国的深空探测和行星任务作出贡献。 Since high school, I have been interested in all aspects of space science and technology. After graduating from Nanjing University with the major in Astrophysics, I have been focusing on solar and heliospheric physics and the impact of space weather effects (i.e., coronal mass ejections, solar energetic particles and so on) on Earth and other solar system bodies such as the Moon and Mars. I am currently focusing on the measurement and modelling of high energy particles and their radiation effect in space and at different locations of the solar system, such as inside ISS, on the surface and subsurface of Mars and Moon and in deep space. A thorough understanding of particle radiation in space and its variability is essential for planning crewed space explorations, such as a manned mission to the Moon. If you were interested in the details of my work, please find my publications here: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8707-076X. Alternatively, just drop me an email or simply call me!