1993年北京天文台博士。先后在荷兰ASTRON、德国MPIfR 等研究所工作Research Fellow约3年。
国际合作SKA, http://www.skatelescope.org
1. Preparatory study for constructing FAST, the world's largest single dish, Peng B., Jin C., Wang Q., Zhu L., Zhu W., Zhang H., Nan R., 2009, Proc. IEEE, 1391,v97
2. Radio spectrum monitoring campaign at proposed SKA sites in China, Peng B., Li J.B., Piao T.Y., Sun J.M., Strom R., 2008, PASP, 120,868
3. Galaxies around the giant double radio source DA240: Redshifts and the discovery of an unusual association, Peng B., Strom R., Wei J., Zhao Y., 2004, A&A 415, 487
4. Evidence for Microarcsecond Structure in the BL Lacertae Object AO 0235+164, Peng B., de Bruyn A.G., 2004, ApJ 610,151-155
5. Optical monitoring of the quasar 4C38.41, Peng B., Wu J., Zhou X., 2003, MNRAS 346, 483-488
6. Modeling FAST, the world's largest single dish, Peng B., Nan R., 2002, Radio Science Bulletin, 300
7. Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope project, Peng B., Nan R., Su Y., Qiu Y., Zhu L. and Zhu W., 2001, ApSS 278 (1), 219
8. Infrared, radio and optical variability of the BL Lacertae object 2007+777, Peng B., Kraus A., Krichbaum T.P., Muller S.A.H., Qian S.J., Quirrenbach A., Wagner S.J., Witzel A., Zensus J.A., Jin C., Bock H., 2000, A&A 353, 937
9. Kilometer-square area radio synthesis telescope KARST project, Peng B., Nan R., 1997, IAUS. 179, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 93
10. Rapid variability in the quasar 4C 38.41 at 92 cm, Peng B., de Bruyn A.G., 1995, A&A 301, 25