1984.09——1988.07 西北大学物理系 学士
1990.09——1993.07 复旦大学哲学系 硕士
1993.09——1996.10 中国科学院上海天文台 博士
1996.10——2001.04 中国科学院上海天文台 助理研究员、副研究员
2001.04——2001.12 中国科学院国家天文台访问学者
2002.01——至今 中国科学院国家天文台 副研究员
Contradiction between strong lensing statistics and a feedback solution to the cusp/core problem, Chen, D. M., & McGaugh, S., PRL, submitted, arXiv: 0808.0225 [astro-ph]
Strong lensing probability in TeVeS (tensor vector scalar) theory, Chen, D. M., Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2008, JCAP01(2008), 006,arXiv:0712.1633[astro-ph]
Strong lensing probability for testing TeVeS theory, Chen, D. M., & Zhao, H. S., ApJ, 2006, 650, L9
Nonsingular density profiles of dark matter halos and strong gravitational lensing, Chen, D. M., ApJ, 2005, 629, 23
Flux-limited strong gravitational lensing and dark evergy, Chen, D. M., A&A, 2004, 418, 387
The amplitude of mass fluctuations and mass density of the universe constrained by strong gravitational lensing, Chen, D. M., ChJAA, 2004, 4, 118
Strong gravitational lensing and galactic bulges, Chen, D. M., ApJ, 2003, 587, L55
Strong gravitational lensing: why no central black holes? Chen, D. M., A&A, 2003, 397, 415
Is the variable X-ray source in M82 due to gravitational lensing? Chen, D. M., ChJAA, 2001, 1, 1
Time delay effect on the cosmic background radiation from static gravitational protential of clusters, Chen, D. M., Wu, X. P., & Jiang, D. R., ApJ, 2000, 544, 1