1988.09‒1993.03 内蒙古呼和浩特市卫生防疫站检验科检验师
1993.04‒1994.03 日本筑波大学农、林学研究科进修
2001.11‒2014.03 暨南大学理工学院环境工程系,讲师、副教授
2014.03年‒至今 暨南大学环境学院,副教授、硕士生导师
1. 非均质、非稳态的有机污染物在环境多介质间迁移转化动态过程的模拟;
2. 污染物对生态系统损伤过程的模拟和机制研究;
3. 全球气候变化下污染物迁移转化规律变化的预测;
4. PM2.5暴露下人体呼吸系统不同损伤结局的剂量‒反应关系模拟。
1. Yiruhan*, M. Shiyomi, T. Akiyama, S. Wang, Y. Yamamura, Y. Hori, and Ailikun. Long-term prediction of grassland production for five temporal patterns of precipitation during the growing season of plants based on a system model in Xilingol, Inner Mongolia, China. Ecological Modeling, 2014, 291: 183-192.
2. Yiruhan, X.M. Xie, and M. Shiyomi*. Aboveground plant mass and mass available to grazing goats in a mountainous shrubland in subtropical China. Grassland Science, 2011, 57(3): 119-126
3. Yiruhan, Ailikun, Z.G. Ma, and M. Shiyomi*. Forty-eight-year climatology of air temperature and precipitation changes in Xilinhot, Xilingol steppe (Inner Mongolia), China. Grassland Science, 2011, 57(3): 168-172.
4. Yiruhan, Q.J. Wang, C.H. Mo*, Y.W. Li, P. Gao, Y.P. Tai, Y. Zhang, Z.L. Ruan, and J.W. Xu. Determination of four fluoroquinolone antibiotics in tap water in Guangzhou and Macao. Environmental Pollution, 2010 158(7): 2350-2358.
5. S.M. Fang, L.J. Bao, Yiruhan, and E.Y. Zeng*. Source apportionment of DDTs in maricultured fish: a modeling study in South China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 1-7.