1. W.J. Meng, Q.R. Zhong, X. Yun, X. Zhu, T.B. Huang, H.Z. Shen, Y.L. Chen, H. Chen, F. Zhou, J.F. Liu, X. M. Wang, E.Y. Zeng, and S. Tao*. Improvement of a global high-resolution ammonia emission inventory for combustion and industrial sources with new data from the residential and transportation sectors. Environmental Science and Technology 2017, 51, 2821–2829.
2. R. Lohmann,* D. Muir, E.Y. Zeng, Lian-Jun Bao, I.J. Allan, K. Arinaitwe, K. Booij, P. Helm, S. Kaserzon, J.F. Mueller, Y. Shibata, F. Smedes, M. Tsapakis, C.S. Wong, and J. You. Aquatic Global Passive Sampling (AQUA-GAPS) revisited: first steps towards a network of networks for monitoring organic contaminants in the aquatic environment. Environmental Science and Technology 2017, 51, 1060−1067.
3. Y.W. Qiu,* E.Y. Zeng, H.L. Qiu, K.F. Yu, and S.Q. Cai. Bioconcentration of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and organochlorine pesticides in algae is an important contaminant route to higher trophic levels. Science of the Total Environment 2017, 579, 1885-1893.
4. Q.R. Zhong, Y. Huang, H.Z. Shen, Y.L. Chen, H. Chen, T.B. Huang, E.Y. Zeng, and S. Tao*. Global estimates of carbon monoxide emissions from 1960 to 2013. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2017, 24, 864-873.
5. S.-Q. Huang, N. Zhang, Z.-X. Zhou, C.-C. Huang, C.-L. Zeng, D. Xiao, C.-C. Guo, Y.-J. Han, X.-H. Ye, X.-G. Ye, M.-L. Ou, B.-H. Zhang, Y. Liu1, E.Y. Zeng, G. Yang*, and C.-X. Jing*. Association of LPP and TAGAP polymorphisms with celiac disease risk: a meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017, 14, 171.
6. M. Qi, X. Zhu, W. Du, Y.L. Chen, Y.C. Chen, T.B. Huang, X.L. Pan, Q.R. Zhong, X. Sun, E.Y. Zeng, B.S. Xing, and S. Tao*. Exposure and health impact evaluation based on simultaneous measurement of indoor and ambient PM2.5 in Haidian, Beijing. Environmental Pollution 2017, 220, 704-712.
7. B.-Y. He, D.-P. Yu, Y. Chen, J.-L. Shi, Y. Xia, Q.-S. Li,* L.-L. Wang, L. Ling, E.Y. Zeng. Use of low-calcium cultivars to reduce cadmium uptake andaccumulation in edible amaranth (Amaranthus mangostanus L.). Chemosphere 2017, 171, 599-594.
8. L.-L. Jia, X.-Y. Lou, K.S.-Y. Leung,* Y. Guo,* and E.Y. Zeng. Occurrence of phthalate esters in over-the-counter medicines from China and its implications for human exposure. Environment International 2017, 98, 137-142.
9. Y.L. Chen, H.Z. Shen, Q.R. Zhong, H. Chen, T.B. Huang, J.F. Liu, H.F. Cheng, E.Y. Zeng, K.R. Smith, S. Tao*. Transition of household cookfuels in China from 2010 to 2012. Applied Energy 2016, 184, 800-809.
10. N. Lin, Y.C. Chen, W. Du, G.F. Shen, X. Zhu, T.B. Huang, X.L. Wang, H.F. Cheng, J.F. Liu, C.Y. Xue, G.Q. Liu, E.Y. Zeng, B.S. Xing, and S. Tao*. Inhalation exposure and risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) among the rural population adopting wood gasifier stoves compared to different fuel-stove users. Atmospheric Environment 2016, 147, 485-491.
11. Y. Feng, C.-C. Wu, L.-J. Bao,* L. Shi, L. Song, E.Y. Zeng. Examination of factors dominating the sediment-water diffusion flux of DDT compounds in an urbanized estuarine bay. Environmental Pollution 2016, 219, 866-872.
12. C.-C. Wu, Y. Yao, L.-J. Bao,* F.-C. Wu, C.S. Wong, S. Tao, and E.Y. Zeng. Fugacity gradients of hydrophobic organics across the air-water interface measured with a novel passive sampler. Environmental Pollution 2016, 218, 1108-1115.
13. G.F. Shen, Y.C. Chen, W. Du, N. Lin, X.L. Wang, H.F. Cheng, J.F. Liu, C.Y. Xue, G.Q. Liu, E.Y. Zeng, B.S. Xing, and S. Tao*. Exposure and size distribution of nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons among the population using different household fuels. Environmental Pollution 2016, 216, 935-942.
14. X. Lu, F. Wang,* X.-Y. Li, K. Shih, and E.Y. Zeng. Adsorption and thermal stabilization of Pb2+ and Cu2+ by zeolite. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 2016, 55, 8767-8773.
15. J.J. Cao, X.J. Xu, M.N. Hylkema, N. Machteld, E.Y. Zeng, P.D. Sly, W.A. Suk, A. Bergman, and X. Huo*. Early-life exposure to widespread environmental toxicants and health risk: A focus on the immune and respiratory systems. Annals of Global Health 2016, 82, 119-131.
16. C.-C. Wu, L.-J. Bao, S. Tao, and E.Y. Zeng*. Mediated distribution pattern of organic compounds in estuarine sediment by anthropogenic debris. Science of the Total Environment 2016, 565, 132-139.
17. C.-C. Wu, L.-J. Bao, S. Tao, and E.Y. Zeng*. Dermal contact with airborne organics as an important route of human exposure to e-waste combustion fumes. Environmental Science and Technology 2016, 50, 6599-6605.
18. L.-J. Bao*, X. Wu, F. Jia, E.Y. Zeng, and J. Gan. Isotopic exchange on SPME fiber in sediment under stagnant conditions: implications for field application of PRC calibration. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2016, 36, 1978-1985.
19. C.-L. Huang, L.-J. Bao,* P. Luo, Z.-Y. Wang, S.-M. Li, and E.Y. Zeng. Potential health risk for residents around a typical e-waste recycling zone via inhalation of size-fractionated particle-bound heavy metals. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2016, 317, 449-456.
20. Y.-L. Wei, C.-C. Wu, L.-J. Bao,* and E.Y. Zeng. Characterization of anthropogenic impacts in a large urban center by examining the spatial distribution of halogenated flame retardants. Environmental Pollution 2016, 215, 187-194.