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盛威,男,汉族,湖南常德人,1982年6月生,博士、讲师。2011年1月毕业于复旦大学,获理学博士学位。 主讲课程:《半导体物理学》、《移动通信》、《课程教学论》等课程, 科学研究:在Jornal of Chemical Physics, Nanotechnology, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Chinese Pysics 等刊物上发表论文多篇,被引用八十余次。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目一项,湖南省教育厅科研项目一项。 1.近期承担的主要科研项目 (1)主持国家自然科学基金资助项目《基于石墨烯构建自旋电子器件的理论设计与性能调控》(2013.1-2015.12, No. 11204075); (2)主持湖南省教育厅一般项目《石墨烯纳米结构的磁效应及其在自旋电子器件中的应用》(2014.9-2016.12);




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Quantum transport in alkane molecular wires: Effects of binding modes and anchoring groups. W. Sheng, Z. Y. Li, Z. Q. Yang, and H. Guo, J. Chem. Phys, 131, 244712. Magnetism and perfect spin filtering effect in graphene nonoflakes. W. Sheng, Z. Q. Yang, and H. Guo, Nanotechnology, 21, 385201. Persistent spin current in a quantum wire with weak Dresselhaus spin–orbit coupling. Sheng Wei, Wang Yi,Zhou Guanghui, Chinese Physics, 16, 0533. Magnetism and spin-polarized transport in carbon atomic wires. Z. Y. Li, W. Sheng, Z. Q. Yang, and H. Guo, Phys. Rev. B, 80, 115429. Spin-polarized and electronic properties of the bilayer graphene with adsorption C, N and O atoms S. J. Gong, W. Sheng, Z. Q. Yang, and J. H. Chu, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 22, 245502. The spin current in a quantum wire adjusted by the strength of Rashba spin-orbit coupling. Wang Yi, Sheng Wei, Zhou Guanghui, Chinese Physics Lett, 23, 3065. Strain effects on the electronic structure of ZnSnP2 via modified Becke–Johnson exchange potential ,Physics Letters A, 379(5), pp 427-430, Ying Xu、Zhi Min Ao、Dai Feng Zou、Guo Zheng Nie、Wei Sheng、Ding Wang Yuan .
