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黄殷,湖南长沙人。 2012年12月毕业于美国路易斯安那州立大学(http://www.lsu.edu/),获电子工程博士学位,导师:Professor Georgios Veronis (http://www.ece.lsu.edu/gveronis/edu/gveronis/)。2013年7月入职中南大学。物理与电子学院光电信息科学与工程系,副教授。主要从事研究:微纳光子学、表面等离激元、非厄米光学系统与奇异点等。课题组研究涉及理论建模和数值模拟等多个方面。通过结构对光波的调控,发现新颖的物理现象,实现光信息传输和处理等各种应用。所发论文单篇最高引用次数 > 150次 (google scholar)。主持有国家自然科学基金、湖南省自然科学基金等项目。 书籍(章节): 3. Y. Huang*, L. Wang, Y. Shen, C. Min, G. Veronis, Phase Change Materials: Technology and Applications (Compact Reconfigurable Optical Devices Using Phase-Change Materials, Chapter 2), Nova Science Publishing, 2020. 2. Y. Huang*, C. Min, G. Veronis, Reviews in Plasmonics 2016 (Compact Slow-Light Enhanced Plasmonic Waveguide Refractive Index Sensors, Chapter 5), Spring International Publishing, 2017. 1. G. Veronis*, C. Min, Y. Huang, L. Yang, Integrated Nanophotonic Resonators: Fundamentals, Devices and Applications (Nanophotonic Resonators for Enhancement of Absorption and Transmission Cross Sections of Subwavelength Plasmonic Devices, Chapter 4), Pan Stanford Publishing, 2015. 会议报告: "Compact couplers for subwavelength metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic waveguides," CLEO, San Jose, CA, USA, 2012. 获奖活动: 2004年12月:第二十一届北京市大学生物理竞赛非物理类B组二等奖。 2009年8月- 2012年7月:科研助理(Research Assistantship)奖学金奖。 2012年8月-12月:LSU 研究生院Dissertation Year Fellowship award 奖学金奖。 教育经历 [1] 2009.8-2013.1 路易斯安那州立大学(美国、路易斯安那州) | 电子工程 | 工学博士 [2] 2007.9-2009.7 北京交通大学(北京) | 物理 | 理学硕士 [3] 2003.9-2007.7 北方工业大学(北京) | 电子信息工程 | 工学学士 [4] 2000.9-2003.7 长郡中学(长沙、本部)高中 [5] 1997.9-2000.7 长郡中学(长沙、本部)初中 [6] 1991.9-1997.7 工农桥小学(长沙) 工作经历 [1] 2017.10-至今 中南大学 | 物理与电子学院光电信息工程系 | 副教授 [2] 2013.7-2017.9 中南大学 | 物理与电子学院光电信息工程系 | 讲师 [3] 2013.2-2013.6 长沙隆泰微波热工有限公司 | 电磁计算工程师 | 与湖南大学合作建立大型工业微波加热腔体电磁场计算模型负责人


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15. G. Huang, D. Wu, J. Luo, Y. Huang*, Y. Shen*, Retrieving the optical transmission matrix of a multimode fiber using the extended Kalman filter, Optics Express, 28(7), 9487, 2020 (co-corresponding author, highlighted as the "Today's Top Downloads" paper). 14. Y. Huang*, Y. Shen*, G. Veronis, Non-PT-symmetric two-layer cylindrical waveguide for exceptional-point-enhanced optical devices, Optics Express, 27(26), 37494, 2019 (highlighted as an "Editors' Pick" paper). 13. Z. Zhen, Y. Huang*, Y. Feng, Y. Shen*, Z. Li, An ultranarrow photonic nanojet formed by an engineered two-layer microcylinder of high refractive-index materials, Optics Express, 27(6), 9178, 2019 (co-corresponding author). 12. Y. Huang*, Z. Zhen, Y. Shen*, C. Min, G. Veronis, Optimization of photonic nanojets generated by multilayer microcylinders with a genetic algorithm, Optics Express, 27(2), 1310, 2019. 11. Y. Huang*, Y. Shen, C. Min, G. Veronis, Switching photonic nanostructrues between cloaking and superscattering regimes using phase-change materials, Optical Materials Express, 8(6), 1672, 2018 (highlighted as an "Editors' Pick" paper). 10. Y. Huang*, Y. Shen, C. Min, G. Veronis, Switching of the direction of reflectionless light propagation at exceptional points in non-PT-symmetric structures using phase-change materials, Optics Express, 25(22), 27283, 2017. 9. Y. Huang, Y. Shen, C. Min, S. Fan, Georgios Veronis*, Unidirectional reflectionless light propagation at exceptional points, Nanophotonics-Berlin, 6(5), 977, 2017. 8. Y. Huang*, C. Min, G. Veronis, Broadband near total light absorption in non-PT-symmetric waveguide-cavity systems, Optics Express, 24(19), 22219, 2016 (highlighted as the "Today's Top Downloads" paper). 7. Y. Huang*, C. Min, S. Tao, G. Veronis, Design of compact Mach–Zehnder Interferometer based slow light enhanced plasmonic waveguide sensors, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34(11), 2796, 2016. 6. Y. Huang*, G. Veronis, C. Min, Unidirectional Reflectionless Propagation in Plasmonic Waveguide-Cavity Systems at Exceptional Points, Optics Express, 23(23), 29882, 2015. 5. Y. Huang*, C. Min, P. Dastmalchi, G. Veronis, Slow-Light Enhanced Subwavelength Plasmonic Waveguide Refractive Index Sensors, Optics Express, 23(10), 14922, 2015. 4. Y. Huang, C. Min, G. Veronis*, Compact Slit-Based Couplers for Subwavelength Metal-Dielectric-Metal Plasmonic Waveguides, Optics Express, 20(20), 22233, 2012. 3. Y. Huang, C. Min, L. Yang, G. Veronis*, Nanoscale Plasmonic Devices Based on Metal-Dielectric-Metal Stub Resonators, International Journal of Optics, 2012(2012), 372048, 2012. 2. Y. Huang, C. Min, G. Veronis*, Subwavelength Slow-Light Waveguides Based on a Plasmonic Analogue of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency, Applied Physics Letters, 99(14), 143117, 2011 (cited times > 150, google scholar). 1. Y. Huang, Y. Lu*, A Defect Effect to Light Transmission through Bend Coupled Cavity Waveguide in a Two Dimensional Photonic Crystal, Chinese Physics Letters, 26(4), 047805, 2009.


期刊审稿: Optics Express, Optics Letters, Nanotechnology,IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE Access, Sensors. Plos One, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Journal of Optics, Optical Engineering, Progress in Electromagnetics Research.
