1. Zhihui He, Hongjian Li,* Boxun Li, Zhiquan Chen, Hui Xu, Mingfei Zheng, Theoretical analysis of ultrahigh figure of merit sensing in plasmonic waveguides with a multimode stub. Optics Letters, 2016, 41(22): 5206-5209.
2. Guangtao Cao, Hongjian Li*, Shiping Zhan, Zhihui He, Zhibo Guo, Xiuke Xu, and Hui Yang, Uniform theoretical description of plasmon-induced transparency in plasmonic stub waveguide, Optics Letters, 2014, 39(2); 216-219
3. Zhihui He, Hongjian Li*, Shiping Zhan, Guangtao Cao, Boxun Li and Hui Xu, An improved theoretical description for plasmon induced transparency in waveguide structure, Optics Letters, 2014,38(19): 5543–5546
4. Zhiquan Chen, Hongjian Li*, Shiping Zhan, Boxun Li, Zhihui He, Hui Xu and Mingfei Zheng. Tunable high quality factor in two multimode plasmonic stubs waveguide. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 24446.
5. Shiping Zhan,Yongyi Peng, Zhihui He, Boxun Li, Zhiquan Chen, Hui Xu and Hongjian Li*. Tunable nanoplasmonic sensor based on the asymmetric degree of Fano resonance in MDM waveguide. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 22428
6. Hui Xu, Hongjian Li*, Boxun Li, Zhihui He, Zhiquan Chen, Mingfei Zheng, Influential and theoretical analysis of nano-defect in the stub resonator. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:30877
7. Zhihui He, Hongjian Li*, Shiping Zhan, Boxun Li, Zhiquan Chen, and Hui Xu. Tunable multi-switching in plasmonic waveguide with Kerr nonlinear resonator. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:15837
8. Shiping Zhan, Hongjian Li*, Zhihui He, Boxun Li, Zhiquan Chen, and Hui Xu. Sensing analysis based on plasmon induced transparency in nanocavity-coupled waveguide. Optics Express, 2015, 23(16):20313-20320.
9. Guangtao Cao, Hongjian Li*, Yan Deng, Shiping Zhan, Zhihui He, Boxun Li,Plasmon-induced transparency in a single multimode stub resonator, Optics Express, 2014, 22(21): 25215–25223
10. Guangtao Cao, Hongjian Li*, Shiping Zhan, Haiqing Xu, Zhimin Liu, Zhihui He, Yun Wang, Formation and evolution mechanism of plasmon-induced transparency in metal-dielectric-metal waveguide with two stub resonators. Optics Express, 2013,21(7): 9198 - 9205
11. Zhimin Liu, Hongjian Li*, Suxia Xie, Haiqing Xu, Shaoli Fu, Xin Zhou, Caini Wu, Tunable phase resonancesthrough a compound metallic grating with perpendicular bumps and cuts. Optics Express,2011, 19(5): 4217 - 4222
12. Shiping Zhan, Hongjian Li* , Guangtao Cao , Zhihui He , Boxun Li and Hui Yang,Slow light based on plasmon-induced transparency in dual-ring resonator-coupled MDM waveguide system, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,2014, 47: 205101
13. Guangtao Cao, Hongjian Li*, Yan Deng, Shiping Zhan, Zhihui He, Boxun Li,Systematic theoretical analysis of selective-mode plasmonic filter based on aperture-side-coupled slot cavity, Plasmonics, 2014, 9(5): 1163-1169
14. Shiping Zhan, Hongjian Li*, Guangtao Cao, Zhihui He, Boxun Li, and HuiXu. Theoretical analysis of plasmon-Induced transparency in ring-resonators coupled channel drop filter systems. Plasmonics, 2014, 9(6):1431-1437
15. Zhihui He, Hongjian Li, Shiping Zhan, Boxun Li, Zhiquan Ch ,π-Network Transmission Line Model for Plasmonic waveguides with Cavity Structures,Plasmonics, 2015, 10(6): 1581-1585,
16. Boxun Li, Hongjian Li*, Lili Zeng, Shiping Zhan, Zhihui He, Zhiquan Chen, Hui Xu, Sensing application in Fano resonance with T-shape structure. IEEE Journal of the Lightwave Technology, 2016, 34(14): 3342-3347
17. Boxun Li, Hongjian Li*, Lili Zeng, Shiping Zhan, Zhihui He, Zhiquan Chen and Hui Xu. High sensitivity sensing based on plasmon induced transparency. IEEE Photonics Journal, 2015, 7(5): 1943-0655
18. Zhihui He, Hongjian Li*, Shiping Zhan, Guangtao Cao, and Boxun Li. Oscillator model analysis for slow-light in bright-dark-dark waveguide systems. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2015, 27(22): 2371 – 2374
19. Zhihui He, Yongyi Peng, Boxun Li, Zhiquan Chen, Hui Xu, Mingfei Zhao, Hongjian Li*. Aspect ratio control and sensing applications for a slot waveguide with a multimode stub. Applied Physics Express, 2016, 9:072002
20. Zhiquan Chen, Hongjian Li*, Boxun Li, Zhihui He, Hui Xu, Mingfei Zheng, Mingzhuo Zhao, Tunable ultra-wide band-stop filter based on single-stub plasmonic-waveguide system. Applied Physics Express, 2016, 9:160716
21. Boxun Li, Hongjian Li*, Lili Zeng, Shiping Zhan, Zhihui He, Zhiquan Chen, Hui Xu, Theoretical analysis and applications in inverse T-shape strucure . Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2016, 33(5): 811-816
22. Shiping Zhan, Hongjian Li*, Guangtao Cao, Boxun Li, and Zhihui He,Theoretical analysis and applications on nano-block loaded rectangular ring,Journal of the Optics Society of American A, 2014, 31(10): 2263–2267
23. Haiqing Xu, Hongjian Li*, Zhimin Liu, Suxia Xie, Xin Zhou, Xiao Peng and Xiuke Xu, Effects of symmetry breaking on plasmon resonance in noncoaxial nanotube and nanotube dimer. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2011, 28(8): 1662 - 1667
24. Haiqing Xu, Hongjian Li*, Zhimin Liu, Guangtao Cao, Plasmonic EIT switching in ellipsoid tripod structures. Optical Materials, 2013, 35: 881 - 886
25. Zhimin Liu, Hongjian Li*, Shiping Zhan, Guangtao Cao, Haiqing Xu, Hui Yang, Xiuke Xu, PIT-like effect in asymmetric and symmetric crescent-shaped metamaterials. Optical Materials, 2013, 35: 948 - 953
26. Xueyong Li, Hongjian Li*, Ming Yuan, Ziyou Zhou, Renbo Xu, Influence of oxygen partial pressure on electrical and optical properties of Zn0.93Mn0.07O thin films prepared by dc magnetron sputtering. Journal of Alloys and compounds, 2011, 509: 3025 - 3031
27. Zhimin Liu, Hongjian Li*, Guangtao Cao, Haiqing Xu, Zhihui He, Hui Yang, Xiuke Xu, Tunable optical transmission properties through perforated Au/Al multilayer slit gratings. Journal of Optics, 2012, 14(5): 055003
28. Xiao Peng, Hongjian Li*, Caini Wu, Guangtao Cao, Zhimin Liu, Research on transmission characteristics of.aperture-coupled square-ring resonator based filter,Optics Communications, 2013, 294: 368-371,2013
29. Zhiquan Chen, Hongjian Li*, Shiping Zhan, Zhihui He, Boxun Li,Sensing characteristics based on Fano resonance in rectangular ring waveguide,Optics Communications, 2016, 356(23): 373-379