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刘士阳 辽宁沈阳人,现任浙江师范大学数理与信息工程学院教授,省高校中青学科带头人,中国博士后基金特别资助获得者,浙江省杰出青年项目获得者。 2004. 08 - 2007. 07 复旦大学 博士 2007. 08 - 2009. 07 复旦大学 博士后 2008. 03 - 2008. 05 特拉华大学 访问学者 2012. 01 - 2012. 02 香港科技大学 访问学者 2009. 08 - 2011. 08 浙江师范大学 校聘教授 2010. 10 - 2017. 12 浙江师范大学 副教授 2017. 07 – 现在 浙江师范大学 特聘教授 2017. 12 – 现在 浙江师范大学 教授 主讲课程 主讲本科课程:《线性代数》、《工程数学》、《大学物理》、《普通物理》 主讲研究生课程:《微结构电磁超介质》 科研项目 1. 基于梯度电磁超介质的电磁波的非对称传输特性,国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:11574275),2016-2019,主持,进行中; 2. 非互易电磁超介质和超表面的设计与特性研究,浙江省杰出青年项目(编号:LR16A040001),2016-2019,主持,进行中; 3. 基于磁性表面等离激元的电磁波调控与相关光学器件的设计,国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:11274277),2013-2016,主持,已结题; 4. 外场调控下的特异电磁材料的理论设计与特性研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(编号:10904020),2010-2012,主持,已结题; 5. 外场调控下的特异电磁材料的理论设计与特性研究,中国博士后基金特别资助项目(编号:200902211),2010-2010,主持,已结题; 6. 基于梯度电磁超介质电磁波的非对称传输,复旦大学表面物理国家重点实验室开放项目(编号:KF2016_3),2016-2018,主持,进行中; 7. 非对易特异电磁介质的理论设计和特性研究,复旦大学表面物理国家重点实验室开放项目(编号:KF2013_6),2013-2015,主持,已结题; 8. 磁性特异电磁介质中的表面等离激元激发和相关电磁特性研究,复旦大学表面物理国家重点实验室开放项目(编号:KL2011_8),2011-2013,主持,已结题. 著作: 1. Manipulating electromagnetic waves with zero index materials, Shiyang Liu*, Jialin Zhou, Ying Han, Xinning Yu, Huajin Chen, and Zhifang Lin, Book chapter in Wave propagation concepts for near-future telecommunication systems, Edited by Sandra Costanzo (Intech, 2017) ISBN: 978-953-51-3127-4. 2. Manipulating the EM wave with a magnetic field, Shiyang Liu*, Zhifang Lin, and S. T. Chui, Book chapter in Wave propagation, Edited by Andrey Petrin (Intech, 2011). ISBN: 978-953-307- 275-3. 3. Magnetically tunable unidirectional EM devices based on magnetic surface plasmon, Shiyang Liu*, Huajin Chen, Zhifang Lin, and S. T. Chui, Book chapter in Metamaterial, Edited by X. Y. Jiang (Intech, 2012). ISBN: 978-953-51- 0591-6. 4. Hui Zhang, Shiyang Liu, and Guoying Zhang, Quantum theory of Chemisorption (Beijing: Science Press) 2004 参加国际学术会议情况 1. Huabing Wu, Qilin Luo, Ying Han, Huajin Chen, Zhifang Lin, and Shiyang Liu, Magnetically controllable wave molding with magnetic metamaterials and metasurfaces, ACES 2017 Suzhou (2017 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium), 2017, 8, 1-4, Suzhou, China. 2. Shiyang Liu, Jialin Zhou, Xinning Yu, Huajin Chen, Zhifang Lin, and C. T. Chan, Unidirectionally molding EM waves with magnetic metamaterials and metasurfaces, PIERS 2016 Shanghai (Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium), 2016, 8, 8-11, Shanghai, China. 3. Shiyang Liu, Jialin Zhou, Xinning Yu, Huajin Chen, and Zhifang Lin, Effective medium theory for coated particles and magnetic metamaterials, The 4th Advanced EM Symposium, 2016, 7, 26-28, Malaga, Spain. 4. Shiyang Liu, Huajin Chen, Zhifang Lin, and C. T. Chan, Manipulating EM Waves based on Magnetic Metamaterials, International Conference on Nanophotonics, 2015, 5, 24-28, Changchun, China. 5. Shiyang Liu, Huajin Chen, Zhifang Lin, and C. T. Chan, Manipulating electromagnetic waves based on magnetic plasmonic gradient metasurface, PIERS 2015 Prague (Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium), 2015, 7, 6-9, Prague, Czech Republic. 6. Shiyang Liu, Neng Wang, Zhifang Lin, and S. T. Chui, Retrieving effective constitutive parameters for bulk magnetic metamaterials and surface charged dielectric nanoparticles, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2014, 8, 25-28, Guangzhou China. 7. Shiyang Liu, Jjingjing Yu, Wanli Lu, and Zhifang Lin, Controlling electromagnetic wave based on magnetic surface Plasmon, The 6th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics 2013, 5, 27-31, Ottawa, Canada. 8. Shiyang Liu, Zhifang Lin, and S. T. Chui, Retrieving EM properties of anisotropic magnetic metamaterials: An effective-medium theory, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2013, 8, 12-15, Stockholm, Sweden. 9. Shiyang Liu, Zhifang Lin, and S. T. Chui, Magnetically Controllable Metamaterials, The 4th International Conference on Smart Materials Structures and Systems 2012, 6, 10-14, Montecatini Terme, Italy. 10. Shiyang Liu, Wanli Lu, Zhifang Lin, and S. T. Chui, Magnetically controllable unidirectional electromagnetic waveguiding devices designed with metamaterials, The 5th International Conference on Nanophotonics 2011, 5, 23-26, Shanghai China. 11. Shiyang Liu, Wanli Lu, Zhifang Lin, and S. T. Chui, Sharply Asymmetric Reflection from Magnetic Metamaterials and its Potential Applications, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2011, 9, 12-16, Suzhou, China. 指导研究生情况 1. 刘淑煦【2017级硕士研究生,在读】 2. 王美玲【2016级硕士研究生,在读】 3. 巴清韬【2016级硕士研究生,在读】 4. 罗圻林【2015级硕士研究生,在读】 5. 吴华兵【2015级硕士研究生,在读】 6. 韩 影【2013级硕士研究生,已毕业;目前攻读复旦大学博士研究生】 7. 周加林【2013级硕士研究生,已毕业工作】 8. 俞昕宁【2012级硕士研究生,已毕业;目前攻读复旦大学博士研究生】 9. 余晶晶【2011级硕士研究生,已毕业工作】 10. 陈华金【2010级硕士研究生,已毕业;后攻读复旦大学博士研究生,已毕业工作】 专利 基于G-S算法产生艾里光束的装置 基于G‑S算法产生艾里光束的装置及其方法 基于胶片振幅调制和锥镜相位调制产生Mathieu光束的方法 一种基于振幅调制和锥镜产生马丢光束的方法 振幅调制产生马丢光束的方法




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Huajin Chen, Youzhu Luo, Chenghua Liang, Zhenglin Li, Shiyang Liu* and Zhifang Lin, Unidirectional edge modes launched by surface fluctuation in magnetic metamaterials, J. Opt. 20, 035102 (2018). 2. Huajin Chen, Qian Ye, Yiwen Zhang, Lei Shi, Shiyang Liu*, Zi Jian, and Zhifang Lin*, Reconfigurable lateral optical force achieved by selectively exciting plasmonic dark modes near Fano resonance, Phys. Rev. A 96, 023809 (2017). 3. Huajin Chen, Wanli Lu, Juanjuan Li, Jingjing Yu, Zhifang Lin, Che Ting Chan, and Shiyang Liu*, Manipulating unidirectional edge states via magnetic plasmonic gradient metasurfaces, Plasmonics 12, 1079-1090 (2017). 4. Huajin Chen, Wanli Lu, Xinning Yu, Chunhua Xue, Shiyang Liu*, and Zhifang Lin*, Optical torque on small chiral particles in generic optical fields, Opt. Express 25, 32867, (2017). 5. Wanli Lu*, Huajin Chen, Shiyang Liu*, Jian Zi, and Zhifang Lin*, Extremely strong bipolar optical interactions in paired graphene nanoribbons, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 8561 (2016). 6. Ying Han, Xinning Yu, Mingming Hou, Jialin Zhou, Huajin Chen, and Shiyang Liu*, Asymmetric light propagation based on complex all-dielectric graded photonic crystals, J. Opt. 18, 075105 (2016). 7. Huajin Chen, Yikun Jiang, Neng Wang, Wanli Lu, Shiyang Liu* and Zhifang Lin*, Lateral optical force on paired chiral nanoparticles in linearly polarized plane waves, Opt. Lett. 40, 5530 (2015). 8. Huajin Chen, Shiyang Liu*, Zhifang Lin*, and Jian Zi, Fano resonance-induced negative optical scattering force on plasmonic nanoparticles, ACS Nano 9, 1926 (2015). 9. Haixiao Lin, Xinning Yu, and Shiyang Liu*, Manipulation of electromagnetic wavefront based on zero index magnetic metamaterial, Acta Phys. Sin. 64, 034203 (2015). 10. Hongxia Zheng, Xin Zhou, Ying Han, Xinning Yu, and Shiyang Liu*, Rectifying electromagnetic waves by a single-layer dielectric particle array based on dual-particle coupling, Acta Phys. Sin. 64, 224201 (2015). 11. Xinning Yu, Huajin Chen, Haixiao Lin, Jialin Zhou, Jingjing Yu, Chunxiu Qian, and Shiyang Liu*, Continuously tuning effective refractive index based on thermally controllable magnetic metamaterials, Opt. Lett. 39, 4643 (2014). 12. Huajin Chen, Neng Wang, Wanli Lu, Shiyang Liu*, and Zhifang Lin, Tailoring azimuthal optical force on lossy chiral particles in Bessel beams, Phys. Rev. A 90, 043850 (2014). 13. Neng Wang, Jun Chen*, Shiyang Liu*, and Zhifang Lin, Dynamical and phase diagram study on stable optical pulling force in Bessel beams, Phys. Rev. A 87, 063812 (2013) 14. Neng Wang, Huajin Chen, Wanli Lu, Shiyang Liu*, and Zhifang Lin, Giant omni- directional radiation enhancement via radially anisotropic zero-index metamaterial, Opt. Express 21, 23712 (2013). 15. Jingjing Yu, Huajin Chen, Yongbin Wu, and Shiyang Liu*, Magnetically manipulable perfect unidirectional absorber based on nonreciprocal magnetic surface plasmon, EPL 100, 47007 (2012) 16. Junjie Du, Shiyang Liu*, and Zhifang Lin, Broadband optical cloak and illusion created by the low order active sources, Opt. Express 20, 8608 (2012) 17. Huajin Chen and Shiyang Liu*, Manipulating electromagnetic wave with the magnetic surface plasmon based metamaterials, Appl. Phys. A 107, 363 (2012) 18. Junjie Du, Shiyang Liu*, Zhifang Lin, Jian Zi, and S. T. Chui, Dielectric based extremely low loss subwavelength light transport at the nanoscale: an alternative to surface Plasmon mediated waveguiding, Phys. Rev. A 83, 035803 (2011) 19. Shiyang Liu, Wanli Lu, Zhifang Lin, and S. T. Chui, Molding reflection from metamaterials based on magnetic surface plasmons, Phys. Rev. B 84, 045425 (2011) 20. Shiyang Liu, Li Li, Zhifang Lin, H. Y. Chen, Jian Zi, and C. T. Chan, Graded index photonic hole: Analytical and rigorous full wave solution, Phys. Rev. B 82, 054204 (2010) 21. Shiyang Liu, Wanli Lu, Zhifang Lin, and S. T. Chui, Magnetically controllable unidirectional EM waveguiding devices designed with metamaterials, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 201113 (2010) 22. Shiyng Liu, Weikang Chen, Junjie Du, Zhifang Lin, S. T. Chui, and C. T. Chan, Manipulating Negative-Refractive Behavior with a Magnetic Field. Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 157407 (2008). 23. Shiyang Liu, Junjie Du, Zhifang Lin, R. X. Wu, and S. T. Chui, Formation of robust and completely tunable resonant photonic band gaps. Phys. Rev. B 78, 155101 (2008). 24. Shiyang Liu, Zhifang Lin, Modulation of photonic band structures with dielectric anisotropy, Eur. Phys. J. B 53 301-306 (2006). 25. Shiyang Liu and Zhifang Lin, Opening up complete photonic bandgaps in three dimensional photonic crystals consisting of biaxial dielectric spheres, Phys. Rev. E 73 066609 (2006). 26. Xinning Yu, Qian Ye, Huajin Chen, Shiyang Liu, and Zhifang Lin, Simple algorithm for partial wave expansion of plasmonic and evanescent fields, Opt. Express 25, 4201-4215 (2017). 27. Shiyu Liu, Yang Meng, Shiyang Liu, De-Jun Li, Yaping Li, Yingdi Liu, Yaogen Shen, and Sanwu Wang, Compositional phase diagram and microscopic mechanism of Ba1-xCaxZryTi1-yO3 relaxor ferroelectrics, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 22190-22196 (2017). 28. Cheng Ju, Ruixin Wu, Zhen Li, Yin Poo, Shiyang Liu, and Zhifang Lin, Manipulating electromagnetic wave propagating non-reciprocally by a chain of ferrite rods, Opt. Express 25, 22096 (2017). 29. Shiyu Liu, Yang Meng, Shiyang Liu, De-Jun Li, Yaping Li, Yingdi Liu, Yaogen Shen, and Sanwu Wang, Phase stability, electronic structures, and superconductivity properties of the BaPb1-xBixO3 and Ba1-x KxBiO3 perovskites, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 100, 1221-1230 (2017). 30. Wanli Lu, Huajin Chen, Shiyang Liu, and Zhifang Lin, Rigorous full-wave calculation of optical forces on dielectric and metallic microparticles immersed in a vector Airy beam, Opt. Express 25, 23238, (2017). 31. Huajin Chen, Chenghua Liang, Shiyang Liu, and Zhifang Lin, Chirality sorting using two-wave-interference–induced lateral optical force, Phys. Rev. A 93, 053833 (2016). 32. Shiyu Liu, E. Zhang, Shiyang Liu, Dejun Li, Yaping Li, Yingdi Liu, Yaogen Shen, and Sanwu Wang, Composition and pressure-induced relaxor ferroelectrics: first-principles, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 99, 3336-3342 (2016). 33. Shi-Yu Liu, Shiyang Liu, De-Jun Li, Sanwu Wang, Jing Guo, and Yaogen Shen, Ab initio atomistic thermodynamics study on the oxidation mechanism of binary and ternary alloy surfaces, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 064705 (2015). 34. Yin Poo, Shiyang Liu, Chao Xiao, Rui-xin Wu, and Ping Chen, Field enhance- ment of nonreciprocal electromagnetic wave supported by magnetic surface plasmon, Opt. Exp. 22, 27717 (2014). 35. Shi-Yu Liu, Shiyang Liu, De-Jun Li, Yaogen Shen, Hongli Dang, Yingdi Liu, Wenhua Xue, and Sanwu Wang, Structure, phase transition, and electronic properties of K1-xNaxNbO3 solid solutions from first-principles theory, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 97, 4019 (2014). 36. Neng Wang, Shiyang Liu, and Zhifang Lin, Tailoring optical properties of surface charged dielectric nanoparticles based on an effective medium theory, Opt. Express 21, 20387 (2013). 37. Shi-Yu Liu, Shiyang Liu, De-Jun Li, Hongli Dang, Yingdi Liu, Sha Xue,Wenhua Xue, and Sanwu Wang, Bonding, stability, and electronic properties of the BC3 honeycomb monolayer structure on NbB2(0001), Phys. Rev. B 88, 115434 (2013). 38. S. T. Chui, Shiyang Liu, and Zhifang Lin, Multiple flat photonic bands with finite Chern numbers, Phys. Rev. E 88, 031201(R) (2013). 39. Shi-Yu Liu, Jia-Xiang Shang, Fu-He Wang, Shiyang Liu, Yue Zhang, Dejun Li, Darwin Shields, Wenhua Xue, Yingdi Liu, Hongli Dang, and Sanwu Wang, Oxidation of the two-phase Nb/Nb5Si3 composite: The role of energetics, thermodynamics, segregation, and interfaces, J. Chem. Phys. 138, 014708 (2013) 40. Jian Shen, Shiyang Liu, Huaiwu Zhang, S. T. Chui, Zhifang Lin, Xin Fan, Xiaoming Kou, Qi Lu, and John Q. Xiao, Robust and tunable one-way magnetic surface plasmon waveguide: An experimental demonstration, Plasmonics 7, 287 (2012) 41. Yin Poo, Rui-xin Wu, Shiyang Liu, Yan Yang, Zhifang Lin, and S. T. Chui, Experimental demonstration of surface morphology independent electromagnetic chiral edge states originated from magnetic plasmon resonance, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 081912 (2012) 42. Shi-Yu Liu, Shiyang Liu, Dejun Li, Tara M. Drwenski, Wenhua Xue, Hongli Dang, and Sanwu Wang, Oxidation mechanism of the intermetallic compound Ti3Al from ab initio thermodynamics, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14, 11160 (2012) 43. Wanli Lu, Jun Chen, Zhifang Lin, and Shiyang Liu, Driving a dielectric cylindrical particle with a one dimensional Airy beam: A rigorous full wave solution, PIER 115, 409 (2011) 44. J. Shen, Shiyang Liu, R. Cao, X. Fan, J. J. Du, H. W. Zhang, Z. F. Lin, S. T. Chui, and J. Q. Xiao, Magnetic surface plasmon induced tunable PBG in two dimensional magnetic photonic crystals, Appl. Phys. A 105, 789 (2011). 45. S. T. Chui, Shiyang Liu, and Zhifang Lin, Reflected wave of finite circulation from magnetic photonic crystals, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22, 182201 (2010). 46. Junjie Du, Shiyang Liu, Zhifang Lin, Jian Zi, and S. T. Chui, Guiding the EM dnergy below the diffraction Limit with dielectric particle arrays. Phys. Rev. A 79, 051801(R) (2009). 47. Junfeng Jin, Shiyang Liu, Zhifang Lin, and S. T. Chui, Effective-medium theory for anisotropic magnetic metamaterials, Phys. Rev. B 80, 115101 (2009). 48. Jun Chen, Jack Ng, Shiyang Liu, and Zhifang Lin, Analytical calculation of axial optical force on a Rayleigh particle illuminated by Gaussian beams beyond the paraxial approximation, Phys. Rev. E 80, 026607 (2009). 49. Huanyang Chen, Che Ting Chan, Shiyang Liu, and Zhifang Lin, A simple route to a tunable electromagnetic gateway, New J. Phys. 11, 083012 (2009). 50. Shiyu Liu, Jiaxiang Shang, Fuhe Wang, Shiyang Liu, Yue Zhang, and Huibin Xu, Ab initio atomistic thermodynamics study on the selective oxidation mechanism of the surfaces of intermetallic compounds, Phys. Rev. B 80, 085414 (2009). 51. Junjie Du, Shiyang Liu, Zhifang Lin, and S. T. Chui, Magnetic resonance of slotted circular cylinder resonators. J. Appl. Phys. 104, 014907 (2008). 52. Shaowen Chen, Junjie Du, Shiyang Liu, Zhifang Lin, and S. T. Chui, Molding the flow of electromagnetic waves and creating a mirage with a magnetic field. Phys. Rev. A 78, 043803 (2008). 53. Shaowen Chen, Junjie Du, Shiyang Liu, Zhifang Lin, and S. T. Chui, Focusing the electromagnetic wave with a magnetic field. Opt. Lett. 33, 2476 (2008). 54. Hong Luo, Shiyang Liu, Zhifang Lin, and C. T. Chan, Method for accurate description of a radially polarized Gaussian laser beam beyond the paraxial approximation, Opt. Lett. 32, 1692 (2007).


