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1998年南开大学获理学博士学位。2000年被授予“中国科学院优秀博士后”称号。2004年麻省理工学院理论物理中心(MIT-CTP)高级访问学者。曾在意大利核科学研究院南方实验室、法国核科学研究所、智利PUC大学等从事科研工作。负责或参加了国家留学归国基金,中科院院长特别基金,国家自然科学基金面上项目、重点项目、重大研究计划,中科院知识创新工程重要方向性项目等。是国家自然科学基金重点项目"夸克物质性质与QCD 相变机理"负责人。 招生信息 招生专业:1. 理论物理 代码: 070201) ; 2. 粒子物理与原子核物理 (代码: 070202); 3. 核能与核技术工程 (代码: 085226) 工作经历 July 1998- : IHEP Apr 2008- : UCAS Mar 2008 - Aug 2010: NSFC Apr 2004 - Dec 2004: MIT-CTP, USA Sep 2002 - Sep 2003: IN2P3-ISN, France July 2001 - Aug 2002: PUC, Chile Mar 2001 later, multi: INFN-LNS, Italy Sep 1993 - June 1998: NKU 教授课程 现代核物理专题讨论 原子核结构 科学研究入门与学术规范讲座 核科学与技术前沿讲座 现代核物理前沿研讨 原子核反应 文献阅读课五班 文献阅读课六班 文献阅读课九班 现代核物理专题 文献阅读课-其他 (只限物理学院一年级硕士生选修,全年计1学分) 文献阅读课-其他 文献阅读课-核科学与技术 文献阅读课-粒子物理与原子核物理专业 有限温度场论与QCD相变 文献阅读课 文献阅读课(限物理学院学生选修) 奖励 2020年1月:唐立新优秀学者奖 2011年10月:《原子核反应》优秀课程奖 2007年8月:朱李月华优秀教师奖 2000年12月:中国科学院优秀博士后 2000年6月:第五届北京青年优秀论文奖 1998年6月:程京理论物理奖 1992年9月:优秀社教工作者 在研项目 (1) 夸克物质性质与QCD相变机理,国家自然科学基金重点项目 (11135011), 300万. (2) 强作用物质性质与致密星结构,国家自然科学基金面上项目(11575190), 74万; (3) 强磁场下QCD真空极化及夸克物质相关前沿问题研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(11475110), 86万; 交流活动 美国东部时间2004年10月5日凌晨,麻省理工学院(MIT)的富兰克·威尔切克教授接到来自瑞典斯德哥尔摩的电话,得知与另外两位美国科学家,加州大学圣巴巴拉分校的戴维·格罗斯和加州工学院的戴维·玻利策,同获2004年度诺贝尔物理学奖 。MIT立刻在当日上午召开了新闻发布会。 MIT物理系和理论物理中心下午为富兰克举行庆功宴。新闻发布会已由媒体广泛报道。庆功宴带有内部性质,外界相对知之较少。适逢本人在MIT理论物理中心从事访问研究工作,有幸亲历了这一科学界的盛事。附件中的文件记录了这一难忘的时刻。文件制作完成时送给了Frank 和当时物理系主任 Marc Kastner 教授(中间有他祝酒的镜头),并由Marc转给物理系同仁。国内多家网站均有该ppt文档,如 道客巴, 豆丁网,千​教育网,等 国家NSFC重点项目 夸克物质性质与QCD相变机理 (11135011) 夸克物质是QCD预言的新物质形态。它可能存在于致密星内部,也可能在高能重离子碰撞中产生。本项目研究致密星(如中子星、夸克星等)的结构,探索低温夸克物质的性质。同时,研究重离子碰撞的详细过程,更深刻理解高温夸克物质(夸克胶子等离 子体)的形成和性质。在此基础上,全面研究QCD相结构,并与一些现代核物理中的前沿问题,如介质中的手征凝聚,退禁闭相变,多夸克态,色超导,核物质对称能等结合起 来进行研究,进一步理解QCD 相变的机理。理论上发展描述夸克禁闭的方法,建立重离子碰撞的更有效部分子动力学模型,探讨AdS/CFT对偶原理在夸克物质相关领域的应用, 实验上寻找QCD相变信号和临界区域。用天文观测结果和重离子碰撞实验数据结合起来限 制模型参数,使所得到的理论结果能够更符合实际。期望推动致密星和重离子碰撞物理的研究,加深对强相互作用规律和物质新形态的认识。 基础信息 项目论文 项目成果 项目科普 English Version Quark matter is a new form of matter predicted by QCD. It can either exist in the inner part of compact stars, or be created in heavy ion collisions. In this project, we study the structure of compact stars (neutron stars, quark stars etc.) to explore the properties of quark matter at lower temperature. At the same time, we study the detail process of heavy ion collisions to understand the properties of quark matter at high temperature (quark-gluon plasma). Then we investigate the full structure of QCD, and link them to several frontiers in modern nuclear physics, such as chiral condensates, deconfinement phase transition, multi-quark states, color superconductivity, and nuclear symmetry energy etc. to further understand the mechanism of QCD phase transition. Theoretically we develop quark-confinement models, establish more efficient parton-dynamics models for heavy ion collisions, explore applications of AdS/CFT in quark matter-related areas; experimentally, we search for the signature of QCD phase transition and critical regions. We limit model parameters by using data from both astronomical observations and heavy-ion experiments to make our theoretical results in better agreement with experiments. We hope to push forward the study of both compact stars and heavy-ion physics, and deepen the understanding of the law of strong interactions and the new forms of matter. 项目基本情况 题目: 夸克物质性质与QCD相变机理 批准号: 11135011 依托单位:中国科学院高能物理研究所(2012-2014), 中国科学院大学(2015-) 共同承担单位: 国科大,华中师范大学,上海交通大学 成果摘要 夸克禁闭与相变是强相互作用的基本特征,对于强作用物质理论与应用都具有特别 重要意义。本项目研究夸克物质性质与QCD相变机理及相关核物理前沿问题。我们发展了 增强型微扰QCD模型、多相输运模型,以及全息对偶方法,并应用于研究致密星结构和重 离子碰撞。我们发现,同时考虑夸克间的禁闭和微扰相互作用,或者考虑夸克质量的同 位旋相关性,可以使夸克物质的状态方程变硬,从而能够支撑约2倍太阳质量的奇异星, 与最新的天文观测数据一致。我们率先得到了夸克物质手征涡导率的高阶修正(从而刷 新了过去认为不存在高阶修正的看法),并自洽解释了磁催化和反磁催化效应,即在弱 耦合时BEC凝聚的临界温度随外磁场增强而升高,但在强耦合而电场较弱时会出现反磁催 化现象。利用锡核同位素的中子皮厚度数据以及一系列重核同位素对的结合能差的实验 数据,我们首次对交叉密度处对称能的大小和斜率给出了精确约束,并利用得到的对称 能在低密(亚饱和密度附近)时的行为对严格约束约束对称能的高密行为,同时将核物 质对称能概念推广到夸克物质。与习惯上认为的事件平面去相关性(即不依赖于赝快度 )不同, 我们发现,前向和后向赝快度区域重建的第三阶事件平面是反关联的, 而且赝 快度较大时这种效应尤其明显。 Quark confinement and phase transition are fundamental feathers of the strong interaction, particularly important for understanding the properties of strongly interacting matter. The present project aims at investigating properties of quark matter, mechanism of QCD phase transition, and relevant frontier problems in nuclear physics. We have developed an enhanced perturbative QCD model, a multiphase transport model, and the AdS/CFT duration approach, and applied them to the investigation of compact-star structure and heavy-ion collisions. It is found that the inclusion of both confinement and perturbative interactions, or considering the isospin dependence of quark masses, stiffen the equation of quark matter, and accordingly support strange stars with the gravitational mass as large as two times the solar mass, consistent with the recent astronomical observations. In the first time we obtained the higher-order correction for the chiral vertical conductivity (updating the conventional view that the are no higher-order correction), and self-consistently explained the (inverse) magnetic catalysis effect, i.e. the critical BEC temperature increases with the magnetic strength at weak coupling while it decreases at strong coupling but a weak magnetic field. Taking advantage of the data for the neutron skin thickness of the Sn-isotopes and a series of binding energies of nuclear isotopes, we accurately get the magnitude and slope at the sub saturation cross density, then constrain the higher density behavior of the symmetry energy very strictly, and extend the symmetry energy concept for nuclear matter to that for quark matter simultaneously. Contrary to the conventional view of event-plan decorrelation, it is found that the third-order event plan constructed in forward and backward pseudorapidity is inversely correlated, and the correlation becomes stronger with a bigger pseudorapidity. 会议 QMF2012: 夸克物质与现代核物理前沿研讨会2012 面上项目展示 2020 项目名称:强作用物质性质与致密星结构 批 准 号:11575190 资助类别:面上项目 申请代码:A050306 执行期间:2016.1.1-2019.12..31 摘要: The study of strongly interacting matter is meaningful not only for the formation and evolution of quark gluon plasma, but also for understanding the characteristics of the strong interaction such as quark confinement and asymptotic freedom. This project is to study the strongly interacting matter in particular the equation of state of quark matter at finite density and temperature with finite-size effect and its application to the frontiers in modern nuclear physics, such as structure of compact stars, transport properties related to collective modes, deconfinement phase transition, quark gluon plasm etc. Our purpose is to construct QCD inspired models theoretically with both confinement and asymptotic freedom, to look for the critic point and phase boundary experimentally, and to constraint model parameters on application of the astronomic observations, heavy-ion experimental data, and theoretical derivations. We hope to push forward investigation of new form matter and deepen our understanding laws of strongly interacting matter. NSFC




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G.X. Peng et al, Thermodynamics, strange quark matter, and strange stars, Phys. Rev. C 62 (2000) 025801 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.62.025801 G.X. Peng, Chiral condensates and size of the sigma term, Nucl. Phys. A 747 (2005) 75, MIT-CTP-3516. G.X.Peng, Renormalization group dependence of the QCD coupling, Phys. Lett. B 634 (2006) 413. G.X.Peng, A.Li, U.Lombardo, Deconfinement phase transition in hybrid neutron stars from the Brueckner theory with three-body forces and a quark model with chiral mass scaling, Phys. Rev. C 77 (2008) 065807. C.J.Xia, G.X.Peng et al, Thermodynamic consistency, quark mass scaling, and properties of strange matter, Phys. Rev. D 89 (2014) 105027. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.105027 J.F.Xu, G.X.Peng, F. Liu, D.F. Hou, L.W. Chen, Strange matter and strange stars in a thermodynamically self-consistent perturbation model with running coupling and running strange quark mass. Phys. Rev. D 92 (2015) 025025. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.025025 M. Ruggieri, G.X.Peng. Quark matter in a parallel electric and magnetic field background: Chiral phase transition and equilibration of chiral density. Phys. Rev. D 93 (2016) 094021. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.93.094021 C.J. Xia, G.X. Peng, E.G. Zhao, S.G. Zhou, Properties of strange quark matter objects with two types of surface treatments, Phys. Rev. D 93: 085025. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.93.085025 With J.F. Xu et al. Quark matter in the perturbation QCD model with a rapidly convergent matching-invariant running coupling. Int.J.Mod.Phys. E26 (2017) no.06, 1750034 With M. Ruggieri et al. Photons production from the early stages of relativistic heavy ion collisions. Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc. 289-290 (2017) 205-208. With J.F.Xu et al. Bulk viscosity of strange quark matter in an enhanced perturbative QCD model. Phys.Rev. D96 (2017) no.6, 063016.With M. Ruggier et al. Evolution of pressures and correlations in the Glasma produced in high energy nuclear collisions. Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018) no.7, 076004 With M. Ruggier et al. Evolution of pressures and correlations in the Glasma produced in high energy nuclear collisions. Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018) no.7, 076004. With C.J.Xia et al. Interface effects of strange quark matter with density dependent quark masses. Phys. Rev. D 98 (2018) no.3, 034031. With J.F.Xu et al, Strange quark mass effect on the structure of hybrid stars. Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 27 (2018) no.01, 1850006
