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PhD, Yale University, 1999 BA, Haverford College, 1994 Postdoctoral Fellowship Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UCLA, 1999-2001 Awards and Honors Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar award (2006) Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (2005) Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award (2001)


Theoretical and Computational/Biophysical

CHEM 332: Physical Chemistry II CHEM 533:Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Modeling (grad) CHEM 536: Advanced Physical Chemistry V (grad)


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

L. Yang and J. T. Kindt, "Simulation Study of the Permeability of a Model Lipid Membrane at the Fluid−Solid Phase Transition." Langmuir, Link A. West and J. T. Kindt, "On the Relationship Between Plateau Modulus and Shear Relaxation Time in Transient Networks." Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, Early View Publication J.T. Kindt, "Determining Bulk Equilibrium Constants for Cluster Formation from Constant NVT Ensemble Simulations at Small N." Physics Procedia, 53, 63-70 (2014). Link W. Zheng, Y. Liu, A. West, E. E. Schuler, K. Yehl, R. B. Dyer, J. T. Kindt, and K. Salaita. "Quantum dots encapsulated within phospholipid membranes: phase-dependent structure, photostability, and site-selective functionalization." J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 1992-1999 (2014). Link A. West, K. Ma, J. L. Chung, and J. T. Kindt, "Simulation studies of structure and edge tension of lipid bilayer edges: effects of tail structure and force-field." J. Phys. Chem. A 117, 7114-7123(2013). Link J. T. Kindt, "Accounting for Finite-Number Effects on Cluster Size Distributions in Simulations of Equilibrium Aggregation." Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 9, 147-152 (2013). Link S. Nagarajan, E. E. Schuler, K. Ma, J. T. Kindt, and R. B. Dyer, "Dynamics of the gel to liquid-crystal phase transformation in lipid bilayer vesicles." J. Phys. Chem. B 116, 13749-13756 (2012). Link D. C. Turner, F. Yin, J. T. Kindt, and H. Zhang. "Understanding pharmacokinetic food effects using molecular dynamics simulation coupled with physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling." Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition. 33, 510-521(2012). Link F. Yin and J. T. Kindt, "Hydrophobic Mismatch and Lipid Sorting Near OmpA in Mixed Bilayers: Atomistic and Coarse-Grained Simulations." Biophysical Journal 102, 2279-2287 (2012). Link A. West and J. T. Kindt, "Effects of defects on the shear stress relaxation in self-assembled protein networks." Soft Matter 8, 2895-2906 (2012). Link K.L.H. Lam, H. Wang, T.A. Siaw, M.R. Chapman, A.J. Waring, J.T. Kindt, and K.Y.C. Lee, "Mechanism of structural transformations induced by antimicrobial peptides in lipid membranes." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes 1818 194-204 (2012). Link J.T. Kindt, "Atomistic simulation of mixed-lipid bilayers: mixed methods for mixed membranes." Molecular Simulation 37, 516-524 (2011). Link Jason de Joannis, Patrick S. Coppock, Fuchang Yin, Makoto Mori, Absalom Zamorano and J.T. Kindt, "Atomistic Simulation of Cholesterol Effects on Miscibility of Saturated and Unsaturated Phospholipids: Implications for Liquid-Ordered/Liquid-Disordered Phase Coexistence." J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 3625-3634 (2011). Link Patrick S. Coppock and J. T. Kindt, " Determination of phase transition temperatures for atomistic models of lipids from temperature-dependent stripe domain growth kinetics." J. Phys. Chem. B, 114, 11468-73 (2010). Link Fuchang Yin and J. T. Kindt, " Atomistic Simulation of Hydrophobic Matching Effects on Lipid Composition near a Helical Peptide Embedded in Mixed-Lipid Bilayers." J. Phys. Chem. B, 114, 8076-8080 (2010). Link Yong Jiang, Hao Wang, and J. T. Kindt, " Atomistic Simulations of Bicelle Mixtures." Biophysical Journal, 98, 2895-2903 (2010). Link D. C. Turner, F. Yin, J. T. Kindt, and H. Zhang, " Molecular dynamics simulations of glycocholate-oleic acid mixed micelle assembly." Langmuir, 26, 4687-4692 (2010). Link P. S. Coppock and J. T. Kindt, "Atomistic simulations of mixed-lipid bilayers in the gel and fluid phases." Langmuir, 25, 352-359 (2009). Link H. Wang, J. de Jason, Y. Jiang, J. C. Gaulding, B. Albrecht, F. Yin, K. Khanna and J. T. Kindt, "Bilayer Edge and Curvature Effects on Partitioning of Lipids by Tail Length: Atomistic Simulations.", Biophys. J., 95, 2647 (2008). PDF format L. S. Pam, L. L. Spell, and J. T. Kindt, "Simulation and theory of flexible equilibrium polymers under poor solvent conditions.", J. Chem. Phys., 126,134906 (2007).PDF format
