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學歷 Ph.D, Sociology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS,(2003) 經歷 國立清華大學社會學研究所所長(2019.2-) 國立清華大學社會學研究所代理所長(2018.7.2-2019.1.31) 國立清華大學當代中國研究中心主任(2017.3.14-2018.8.31) 《台灣社會學》編輯委員(2016-2017) 《當代中國研究通訊》主編(2010.2.28-2011.08.31) 國立清華大學社會學研究所副教授(2012.8-) 國立清華大學社會學研究所助理教授(2006.8-2012.8) 2004-6 Postdoctoral Fellow, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore. 2003-4 Postdoctoral Fellow, The Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Harvard University. 學術榮譽 105年度國立清華大學人文社會學院優良教師獎 104年度國立清華大學人文社會學院傑出教學獎 Postdoctoral Fellowships, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, 2004-6. Postdoctoral Fellowships, The Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Harvard University, 2003-4. 社群參與 國立清華大學當代中國研究中心 國立清華大學性別與社會研究中心 臺灣社會學會 台灣女性學學會 婦女新知基金會 台灣民間真相與和解促進會 科技部專題研究計畫 105 科技部研究專題計畫:「向下的青春」?中國都會高學歷低階白領的住房與愛情(2016/08/01~2018/07/31)(105-2410-H-007-041-MY2)(兩年期) 103 科技部研究專題計畫:跨國分居的家人:親密關係、性別、與移民(2014/08/01~2016/10/31)(103-2410-H-007-075-MY2) (兩年期) 102 科技部補助科學與技術人員國外短期研究:全球化與親密關係的轉變(2013/08/01~2014-07/31)(102-2918-I-007 -008) 101 科技部研究專題計畫:既愛房又要愛情:中國都會中80后的階級困境(2012/08/01~2014/01/31)(101-2410-H-007-037-MY2)(兩年期) 100科技部研究專題計畫:在愛情與房價間:後社會主義下中國都會新中產階級的困境 (2011/08/01~2012-07/31)(100-2410-H-007-039) 98科技部研究專題計畫:情境單身:全球經濟下彈性親密關係的文化邏輯 (2009/08/01~2011/07/31)(98-2410-H-007-056-MY2) (兩年期) 教育部研究計畫 107 教育部教學實踐研究計畫:打開性別之眼: 《性別學導論》的教學、影響、及反思(2018/08/01~2019/07/31) 專書 1997 沈秀華。《查某人的二二八》: 政治寡婦的故事 。 台北: 玉山出版社。 1992 張文義、沈秀華。《噶瑪蘭二二八》。台北:自立晚報。 開設課程 移民社會學(社會所、人社會學士班) 陽剛氣質研究(社會所、人社會學士班) 親密社會學(社會所、人社會學士班) 社會階級與日常生活(社會所) 中國研究導論(社會所) 性別學導論(人社院學士班)


性別研究 移民研究 全球化 親密社會學 中國性別與家庭研究



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期刊論文 2011 “Transnational or Compatriotic Bourgeoisie? Contesting Democracy across the Taiwan Strait.” In Contest Citizenship in East Asia:Developmental Politics, National Unity, and Globalization, ed. Kyung-Sup Chang and Bryan Turner. New York: Routledge. 2008 Jones, Gavin & Hsiu-hua Shen. “International Marriage in East and Southeast Asia: Trends and Research Emphases.” Citizenship Studies 12 (1): 9-25. 2008 “The Purchase of Transnational Intimacy: Women’s Bodies, Transnational Masculine Privileges in Chinese Economic Zones.” Asian Studies Review 32: 57-75. 2008 Walsh, Katie, Hsiu-hua Shen, and Katie Willis. “Introduction,” in “Heterosexuality and Migration in Asia,” a special issue at Gender, Place and Culture 15 (6): 575-579. 2008 “Becoming “the First Wives:” Gender, Intimacy, and Regional Economy between Taiwan and China.” In East Asian Sexualities: Modernity, Gender and New Sexual Cultures, ed. Liu Jieyu and Stevi Jackson with Woo Juhyun. London: Zed Books, pp.216-235. 專書著作與篇章 2018 〈臺灣的性別運動與變動中親密關係樣貌〉,蕭新煌、官有垣,、王舒芸編,《臺灣社會福利運動與政策效應:2000-2018年》,台北:巨流,pp. 99-125。 2014 Hsiu-hua Shen. “Stay in Marriage across the Taiwan Strait: Gender, igration,and Transnational Family.” In Marriage and Family in Cosmopolitan China.Wives, Husband, and Love: Marriage and Sexuality in Hong Kong, Taiwan, andUrban China.. CA, USA: Standford University Press. 2014. (Accepted). 2014. Hsiu-hua Shen. Making Intimate Economy: Masculinity, Intimacy, and Social Hierarchy. Border Crossing in Greater China: Production, Community, and Identity. New York, USA: Routledge. 2014. (Accepted). 2013 沈秀華。〈性玩樂: 跨國台商在中國的陽剛展演〉,清華大學當代中國研究中心編,《權力資本雙螺旋》,台北:左岸,pp. 340-368。 2011 Hsiu-hua Shen. Transnational or Compatriotic Bourgeoisie? Taiwanese Business and Its Contesting Citizenship across the Taiwan Strait. . Routledge Advances in Sociology.. Dec, 2011: 115-132. 學術研討會論文 2018 “Developmental Politics and Citizenship in Taiwan-China Relations.” Presented at the International Conference on Developmental Citizenship(s) in China: Social Governance and Developmental Politics in Citizenship Perspective, Seoul National University, Korea, October 19-20, 2018. 2018 〈跨海峽的台商情境家庭: 親密的陌生人、陌生的親密家人〉,台灣女性學學會年會,台北:政治大學,September 29, 2018. 2018 “Teaching Personal to Make It Politically and Personally.” Presented at the Pedagogy Workshop Rundown, Chinese University of Hong Kong, June 8-9, 2018. 2017 “The Politics of “Parasite People:” Homeownership, Generation, and Gender in Chinese Families.” Presented at the 6th Sino-Nordic Women and Gender Studies Conference:AGE, AGENCY, AMBIGUITY- gender and generation in times of change, Oslo, Norway, August 27-30, 2017. 2017 “The Marriage Bargain” from afar: Economical and Moral Exchanges in Transnational Taiwanese Business Families.” Presented at the International Conference on Gender, Migration and Economies, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, June 9-10, 2017. 2016 “Homeownership, Gender, and Intimacy in Urban China.” Presented at the 3rd Forum of Sociology, ISA, Vienna, July 10-14, 2016. 2016 “The Transformation of Intimacy and Gender Movements in Taiwan.” Presented at the 4th Hokkaido Dialogue on East Asian Civil Society Dialogue on the Sphere of Intimacy, Seoul, Korea, February 19-20, 2016. 2015 “Growing up in a Periodic Fatherhood Household: Children of Taiwanese Business Entrepreneurs.” Presented at the annual meeting of Association of Asian Studies in Asia, Taipei, Taiwan, June 22-24, 2015. 2015 “Transnational Family and Gendered Quality of Life.” Presented at the international conference of Quality of Life: a Challenge for Social Policy, Bucharest, Romanian, April 23-25, 2015. 2014 “Defeated by the Market: Frustrating Masculinity among Urban Middle Class Chinese Men.” Presented at the annual meeting of American Men’s Studies Association, Tacoma, WA, March 27-29, 2014. 2013 “Class Mobility, Nationalistic Politics, and Vulnerability: The Schooling of the Children of Taiwanese Business Expatriates in China.” Presented at the International conference on Migration and Well-Being Research Frontiers, Tel Aviv University, Israel, January 8-10, 2013. 2013 “Staying Married by Living Far Apart: Gender and Transnational Family.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association, New York City, USA, August 10-13, 2013. 2013 “No Housing, No Wedding? Gendered Clashes on Contemporary Chinese Love and Marriage.” Presented at the annual meeting of Social Science History Association, Chicago, November 21-24, 2013. 2012 “Situational Singlehood as the cultural Logics of Flexible Intimacy in the Global Economy.” Presented at the International Symposium on Beyond the East West Divide: Gender, Intimacy and Modernity, The University of Hong Kong, May 24-25, 2012. 2012 “Making Intimate Economy: Masculine Play, Institutionalization, and Social Hierarchy.” Presented at the International Conference on Border Crossing in Greater China: Production, Community, and Identity, Taipei, Taiwan, September 13-14, 2012. 2012 “Situational Family of Taiwanese Business People across the Taiwan Strait.” Presented at the Conference on What the Family Is, Taipei, July 3-5, 2012. 2012 “Love, Housing, and Gender Among the Post 80s Generation of Urban Chinese Men,” Presented at the 2nd Global Conference on Gender and Love, Mansfield College, Oxford, UK, September 25-27, 2012. 2012 “Marriage, Housing, and Gender among the post 80s generation of Urban Chinese Men.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Sociological Association, Tunghai University, Taichung, November 24-25, 2012. 2011 “Being the World as a Part of the Transnational Capitalist Class,” Presented at the Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, Montreal, Canada, November 16-20, 2011. 2011 “A Gendered Break from Marriage: Migration and Changing Intimate Relations across the Taiwan Strait,” Presented at the International Workshop on Marriage in Cosmopolitan China, The University of Hong Kong, July 5-6, 2011. 2011 “Transnational or Compatriotic Bourgeoisie? Contesting Democracy across the Taiwan Strait, ” Presented at the seminar organized by the Institute for Social Development and Policy Research, Seoul National University, and the International Region Research Center, Pukyong National University, Korea. 2010 “Transnational or Compatriotic Bourgeoisie? Contesting Democracy across the Taiwan Strait,” Presented at the “中國研究年會”政治大學,December 8, 2010. 2010 “Men’s Extramarital Sexuality and Legal Reforms in China and Taiwan.”Presented at the Annual meeting of American Sociological Association, Atlanta, August 14-17,2010 2010 “Education, Boundary Crossing and Identity: The Schooling of Children of Taiwanese Business Expatriates in China.”Presented at the World Council of Comparative Education Societies, Istanbul, Turkey, June 14-18, 2010. 2010 “The Social Impact of the Financial Crisis in Taiwan: One More Trajectory to Social Inequality.” Presented at the International Conference on “Tacking the Financial Crisis in East and Southeast Asia: Assessing Policies and Impacts,” Hong Kong, Feb. 24-25, 2010. 2009 “驛動的心: 台商在中國的政治處境與認同.” Presented at the International Conference on “九十年來家國:1919‧1949‧2009”, 中央研究院近代史研究所,中央研究院, December 10-11, 2009. 2009 “Intimacy and Economic Activity among Taiwanese Transnational Families.” Presented at the International Conference on “Gender and Social Transformation: Global, Transnational and Local Realities and Perspectives, “Beijing, China, July, 2009. 2009 “性別、性特質與移民:以在中國工作之單身臺灣女性為例.”Presented at The Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Sociological Association, 東吳大學, Taipei, Nov. 28-29, 2009. 2008 “Identity Trouble? Taiwanese Business People in China,” Presented at the Mini-Conference on “Transnationalizing Taiwanese Identities in China? Gender, Consumption, and Identity Politics,” National Tsing-Hua University, December 26, 2008. 2008 “The Material Transnational Family: Migration and Intimacy among Taishang,” Presented at “台商研究工作坊”,歐洲當代台灣研究中心、中興大學國際政治研究所,台中中興大學,November 22-23, 2008. 2008 “The Purchase of Family: Money, Migration, and Gender in Making Families.” Presented at the international conference on “How Fares the Family?: Resilience and Transformation of Families in Asia,” National University of Singapore, August 2008. 2008 “Becoming ‘the First Wives:’ Gender, Intimacy, and Regional Economy between Taiwan and China,” Presented at “親密關係: 性、國家與權力迷你型研討會” (Mini conference on Intimacies: State, Power and Sexuality), 東海大學社會學系, 23 May 2008. 2007 “Broken Marriages, Calling the State to Work.” Presented at the International Conference on “The Changing Asian Family as a Site of (State)Politics,” National University of Singapore, April 2007. 2006 “International Marriage in East and Southeast Asia: Trends and Research Emphases.” Co-presented with Gavin Jones at the conference on “International Marriage, Rights and the State in Southeast and East Asia,” National University of Singapore, Sept., 2006 其他 2008 “Heterosexuality and Migration in Asia,” a special issue at Gender, Place and Culture. Co-editors, Katie Walsh, Hsiu-hua Shen and Katie Willis. 2008, 15 (6). 2006 Is Taiwan Chinese?: The Impact of Culture, Power, and Migration on Changing Identities, Melissa J. Brown. Contemporary Sociology 35(2):151-152. 2005 Asian Migrations: Sojourning, Displacement, Homecoming & Other Travels. Co-editors Beatriz P. Lorente, Nicola Piper, Hsiu-hua Shen, and Brenda S. A. Yeoh. Singapore: Singapore University Press, 2005. 2005 “Doing Chineseness”: Taiwanese Capital in China, National University of Singapore Asia Research Institute Working Paper Series #46 at http://www.ari.nus.edu.sg/publications.asp?pubtypeid=WP 2003 The New Entrepreneurs of Europe and Asia: Patterns of Business Development in Russia, Eastern Europe and China, edited by Victoria E. Bonnell and Thomas B. Gold. Contemporary Sociology 32(3):320-322.
