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主要田野區域:台灣、中國、中南半島 學歷: ◾Ph.D. 1977, Michigan State University ◾M.A. 1973, Michigan State University ◾B.A. 1967, National Taiwan University 經歷: ◾2015-2018 本所所長 ◾2015-2018 國立清華大學侯金堆講座教授 ◾2013-2014 中研院人文社會科學研究倫理委員會主任委員 ◾2010- 中研院院士 ◾2010- 國立台灣大學人文社會高等研究院特約研究員 ◾2006-2014 中研院民族所特聘研究員兼所長 ◾2008- 廈門大學人類學系名譽訪問教授 ◾2001-2005 Department of Anthropology, ISU 人類學系主任 ◾2002- 浙江大學農村發展研究中心名譽訪問教授 ◾1991-1992 本所客座教授兼所長 ◾1988-1991 Iowa State University國際研究中心副主任 ◾1987-2005 Iowa State University教授 ◾1984- 廈門大學人類學系名譽訪問副教授 ◾1982-1987 Iowa State University副教授 ◾1977-1982 Iowa State University助教授 ◾1975-1977 Iowa State University兼任助教授 教學紀錄 ◾曾於愛荷華州立大學開授下列課程: Seminar on Economic Anthropology (經濟人類學專題研究) History and Development of Anthropological Theory (人類學理論與發展史) Field Problems in the Ethnography of Contemporary Society(當代人類學田野調查方法) Agriculture Development in China(中國農業發展) Contemporary Socio-cultural Anthropology (當代社會文化人類學) Culture Change and Applied Anthropology(文化變遷與應用人類學) Ethnology of East and Southeast Asia(東亞與東南亞民族誌) Comparative Studies of World Cultures(世界文化比較研究) Political and Economic Anthropology(政治經濟人類學) Technology: International, Social and Human Problems(科技:全球、社會與人類的問題) Family & Kinship in Cross-Cultural Perspective(跨文化的家庭與親屬關係) Introduction to Cultural Anthropology(文化人類學導論) Introduction to Third World Cultures(第三世界文化) Introduction to Anthropology(人類學導論) 研究獎助與榮譽 2014-2018 科技部獎助人文行遠專書寫作計畫:「雙湖記:雲南高原湖泊的生態改變與發展」 ◾2015-2017 中研院永續科學中心主題研究計畫「人類世的永續發展:臺灣都會生活的變遷」 ◾2015.4 中華民國總統科學獎




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1970 《文化與人》(Culture and Man: Collect Essays.) 頁149. 台北:大西洋出版社。Taipei: Atlantic Publication Company. ◾1981 Agricultural Degradation: Changing Community Systems in Rural Taiwan. xiv, 236 pp., 23 tables 4 maps, 4 figures, Bibliography, glossary of Chinese names. $20.75 (cloth); $10.75 (paper). Washington: University Press of America. ◾1982 Rural Hong Kong: The Anthropological Perspectives. A collection of four research reports contributed by participants of Summer Field School in Hong Kong. 72 pp. Iowa State University Anthropology Series 6. ◾1989a 《鉅變: 當代政治、經濟的起源》。翻譯 Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation (1944, Rinehart & Co.). (ISBN 957-320-775-3). 台北: 遠流出版社。 ◾1989b The Spiral Road: Change and Development in a Chinese Village Through the Eyes of a Village Leader. 222 pages with figures, photos, notes, bibliography, glossary, index; Hard cover: ISBN 0-8133-7637-8, $35; Paperback: ISBN 0-8133-0938-7, $15.95.Boulder: Westview Press. 台北張老師出版社出版繁體字中文版《林村的故事》,1994年(320 pages, ISBN 957-693-120-7, NT$240)。 ◾1994 Ethnicity in Taiwan: Social, Historical and Cultural Perspectives. Edited by Chen Chung-min, Chuang Ying-chang, and Huang Shu-min. Taipei: Institue of Ethnology, Academia Sinica. (ISBN 957-671-233-5, hardback; ISBN 957-671-234-3, paperback). ◾1998 The Spiral Road: Change and Development in A Chinese Village Through the Eyes of A Village Leader. (Second Edition, Westview Press). ISBN 0-8133-3447-0 (pbk). 北京三聯出版社出版《林村的故事》簡體字版,2002年;南韓首爾Yeesan Publishing Company出版韓文版,2003年。 ◾1999 Imagining China: Regional Division and National Unity, Huang and Hsu eds., Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica. Pp. xii, 322. ISBN 957-671-676-4 (hbk); ISBN 957-671-677-2 (pbk). ◾2009 《中國少數民族的飲食文化》 (Culinary Culture of China’s Ethnic Minorities). 台北:中國飲食文化基金會。Pp. vii, 294. ISBN 978-986-6325-00-7 (pbk)。 ◾2010a Reproducing Chinese Culture in Diaspora: Sustainable Agriculture & Petrified Culture in Highland Northern Thailand. Lexington Books, Lanham, Maryland. Pp. x, 136. ISBN 978-0-7391-2599 (alk paper); ISBN 978-0-7391-4344-5 (electronic). ◾2010b 《台灣原住民政策變遷與社會發展》(Government Policy and Social Development among Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples),黃樹民、章英華主編。2010年10月出版. ISBN 978-986-02-4275-1 (精裝);ISBN 978-986-0204276-8 (平裝)。 ◾2013 《巨变:当代政治与经济的起源》。翻譯 Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation (1944, 1957Rinehart & Co.). (ISBN 978-7-5097-8). 北京: 社会科学文献出版社。 ◾2014 The Spiral Road: Change and Development in a Chinese Village Through the Eyes of A Village Leader. (Second Edition, Waveland Press). ISBN (10-digit) 1-4786-1130-0; ISBN (13-digit) 978-1-4786-1130-1. 期刊論文 (Articles in Journals) : ◾1968 〈人類學結構功能論的發展〉(The Development of Structural-functionalism in Anthropology. in Chinese). 原載於《思與言》(Thoughts and Words), 5(5): 271-281. 收錄於李亦園主編《文化人類學選讀》(Reprinted in Li Yih-yuan (ed.) Reading in Cultural Anthropology), 頁 353-369 第一版 , 1970, 頁 531-548 第二版, 1976, 台北。 ◾1969 〈中國現代化的過程〉(A General Outline of Chinese Modernization.) 原載於《大學雜誌》 (The Intellectuals), 16: 32-40; 17: 25-33; .18: 28-40. 收錄於金耀基主編《中國現代化的歷程》。(Reprinted in Ambrose King et al., China’s Modernization Process.) 台北: 時報出版社。Taipei: China Times Publication. 1980. pps. 85-103. ◾1970 〈社會人類學的解釋〉(Explanations in Social Anthropology.) 《思與言》 (In Chinese.) In Thoughts and Words, 7(5): 307-324. Taipei, Taiwan. ◾1972 “Peasant Marketing Networks in Taiwan.” 《民族學研究所集刊》(Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology)32: 191-215. Taipei: Academia Sinica. ◾1978a “Developing Underdevelopment: An Anthropological View of Taiwan’s Political Economy.” Third World Review 4: 20-33. Cortland, New York: State University of New York College. ◾1978b “A Cross-cultural Experience: A Chinese Anthropologist in the U.S.” In Monsoon, (1)5: 49-54. Hong Kong: Monsoon Publishing Company. ◾1979 “Changing Taiwanese Peasants’ Concept of Time: Its Impacts on Agricultural Production.” Iowa State Journal of Research 54(2):191-200. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University. ◾1980a “The Development of Regionalism in Ta-chia: A Non-kinship View of Rural Social Organization.” In Ethnohistory, (27)3: 243-265. Oswego, N.Y.: American Society for Ethnohistory. ◾1980b “Searching for Rural Development: The Case of Taiwan.” In Proceedings: The Second International Symposium on Asian Studies. pps. 933-944 Hong Kong: Asian Research Service. ◾1981 “Chinese Values as Depicted in Mandarin Terms of Abuse.” (with D. M. Warren). Maledicta: The International Journal of Verbal Aggression, 5: 105-122. ◾1982 “Taiwan: Changing Social Class Structure and Its Impacts on Sociopolitical Behavior.” Translated into Chinese by Shi Jinyun. In Taiwan’s Economic Issues, pps. 95-117. Xiamen:Xiamen University Press. ◾1983 “Sociocultural Systems in Taiwan’s Rural Development.” In Journal of Asia-Pacific and World Perspectives: Intercultural Communication, Honolulu: Asian-Pacific Services Institute, (7)1: 19-28. ◾1985 〈對中國人類學發展的幾點建議〉(Suggestions to the Development of Anthropology in China), 《人類學研究》Anthropology Research, (1)1: 17-19. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press. ◾1986a “Revitalizing Social Sciences in Mainland China.” In Asian Review (6)1: 4-8. New Haven: Asian Studies & Asian Academic Society for Southern Connecticut State University. ◾1986b “Impacts of British Colonial Administration on Hong Kong’s Land Tenure System.” In New Asia Academic Bulletin, Special Issue on Anthropologic Studies of China, (6)1: 3-22. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong. ◾1987a “Ascertaining the Uncertain in Ancient China,” (A review article). Reviews in Anthropology: (14)1: 29-36. Bedford Hills, New York: Redgrave Publishing Co. ◾1987b “The Strategy of Prosperity in a Chinese Village.” In Journal of Developing Societies. (3)2: 119-136. Leiden, the Netherland: E.J. Brill Publications. ◾1988 “Transforming China’s Collective Health Care System: A Village Study.” In Social Science and Medicine, (27)9: 879-888. ◾1991a “Folk Reproductive Medicine in North China: The Cultural Constructs of Pregnancy, Delivery and Post-Natal Care.”《民族學研究所集刊》(Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology). 70: 13-38. Taipai: Academic Sinica. ◾1991b “Traditional Chinese Cosmology and Ethnographic Research in Taiwan” (in Chinese). 《台大考古人類學集刊》(Bulletin of the Department of Anthropology) 47: 12-25. Taipei: National Taiwan University. ◾1992a “Re-examining the Extended Family in Chinese Peasant Society: Findings from a Fujian Village.” Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs. 27:25-38. Canberra: Australian National University. ◾1992b “The Quest of Chinese Humanism: Recent Contributions of Historiography on the Study of Chinese Culture and Society.” Reviews in Anthropology 21: 77-84. Bedford Hills, N.Y.: Redgrave Publishing. ◾1993 “The State-Society Relationship as Seen in Changing Marital Practices in Fengjia, Shandong. 《台大考古人類學集刊》(Bulletin of the Department of Anthropology) 49: 140-169. ◾1994 “Rural China in Transition.” China Briefing, 1994, pps. 87-112. Boulder: Westview Press. ◾1995 〈華北農村飲食文化的改變〉(Changing Dietary Culture in a North Chinese Village). 《第五屆中國飲食文化論文集》Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Dietary Culture. Pps. 23-45. Taipei: Foundation of Taiwanese Dietary Culture. ◾1996 “Nutritional Well-being of Preschool Children in a North China Village,” Modern China, 22:355-381 (Huang, K. C. Falk and S. Chen). ◾1998 〈中國人類學發展的困境〉(Dilemmas in the Development of Anthropology in China). 《新亞學刊》(New Asia Journal), 16:81-92, Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong. ◾2000 “The Long-Term Effects of Rural Industrialization: the Case of a Coastal Village in Fujian,”《民族學研究所集刊》(Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology), 89: 121-155. ◾2001 “The Moral Tenets of Chinese Economic Culture: Evidence from Lin Village, Fujian,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Society, Ethnicity and Cultural Performance. Pps. 385-434. 台北:漢學研究中心。Taipei: Center for Chinese Studies. ◾2002 “Economic Culture and Moral Assumptions in a Chinese Village in Fujian,” Asian Anthropology, 1: 59-85. ◾2003 “The Use and Abuse of the Comparative Method: A Historical Review.”張海洋翻譯為中文,出版於《廣西民族學報》。 Translated into Chinese by Zhang Haiyang and published in Journal of Guangxi University of Nationalities. 25: 32-38. ◾2003 “A Methodology Framework for Regional Land-Use Change Studies based on Landsat TM Images: A Case Study in Northeast China.” By Deng Xiangzheng, Shu-min Huang, Jinyan Zhan, and Tao Z. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, 2: 3-11. ◾2005a “The Process of Professionalization of Traditional Korean Medicine.” By Hyun-Ji Lee, Seung-pyo Hong, and Shu-min Huang. Asian Anthropology, 4:137-148. ◾2005b “The Integration of Culture, Agriculture and the Environment in Banmai Nongbua: Chinese Diasporas in Northern Thailand.” Ethnology, 44:1-12. ◾2005c “Building a Sustainable Rural Livelihood in Banmain Nongbua: A Chinese Diaspora Community in Northern Thailand. Taiwan Journal of Anthropology. 3: 1-21. ◾2007a “Implications of Yunnan Chinese Land-Use Practices for Sustainable Hill Farming in Northern Thailand.” By Mattiga Panomtarinichagul and Shu-min Huang, in Taiwan Journal of Anthropology. 5: 123-147. ◾2007b 〈藏彝走廊旅途印象〉( Impressions of Zang-Yi Corridor). 《中央研究院週報》 Academia Sinica Weekly, No. 1141: 4-7. ◾2008 〈與大師對話:籌辦第五屆人類學高等研習營感言〉。黃樹民、周惠民、劉紹華合著。(Dialogues with the Masters: Reflections on Organizing the Fifth Anthropological Study Camp, by Shu-min Huang, Hui-min Chou, and Shao-hoa Liu). 《人文與社會科學簡訊》Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter Quarterly, 10: 131-137. ◾2009a “Religion as Means of Cultural Reproduction: Popular Rituals in a Yunnan Chinese Village in Northern Thailand.” Asian Ethnicity, 10: 155-176. ◾2009b 〈藏彝走廊旅途印象〉( Impressions of Zang-Yi Corridor). 《中國研究》 China Studies, No. 9: 225-229. ◾2009c 〈台灣原住民文化保存〉(Cultural preservation among Taiwanese indigenes). 外交部國際事務委員會NGO專家論壇。2009年1月20日。 ◾2010a 〈全球化下的人類學與通識教育〉(Anthropology and General Education Under Globalization)。《通識在線》General Education Online, 31: 8 ◾2010b 〈回顧人類學門近三年的發展 (2007-2009)〉(Review of the development of anthropological in the last three years, 2007-2009). 《人文與社會科學簡訊》Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter Quarterly, 11: 4-7. ◾2012a “Gauging the Chinese Reality: 40 Years Research in Rural China.” 《中共研究》,46:131-145。 ◾2012b 〈發刊詞〉 (Editor’s Introduction). 《華人應用人類學刊》 Chinese Journal of Applied Anthropology, 1: i-ii. ◾2013a “Building China’s Nascent Civil Society: The Roles of Nongovernmental Organizations.” American Anthropologist, Vol. 115, No. 2, Pps. 499-501. ◾2013b 〈台灣有機農業的技術轉變及其發展限制〉(Taiwanese Organic Farming and Its Technological Change: Limitations in Development)。《台灣人類學刊》第十一卷第一期,頁9-34。 ◾2014 “Engendering Social Suffering: A Chinese Diasporic Community in Northern Thailand.” Anthropology & Medicine, Vol. 21: 43-57. ◾2015 “Situating East Asian Anthropology in the World,” American Anthropologist. Vol. 117, No. 2, Pps. 372-373. ◾2016a “Discrimination and incorporation of Taiwanese indigenous Austronesian peoples.” Shu-min Huang & Shao-hua Liu, Asian Ethnicity, Vol. 17, No. 2, 294-312. ◾2016b 〈我的人類學生涯:跨領域研究的可能性〉(My anthropological career: the possibility of interdisciplinary research)。《社會科學論叢》第十卷第一期,頁I-XVI。Review of Social Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 1. ◾2016c “Transnational Population Movements and the Formation of Plural Society in Taiwan.” 《中國人類學》第一輯,頁158-184。 Book Chapters and Edited Volumes: ◾1981a 〈序〉(Preface), 於張恭啟翻譯 Eric Wolf’s Peasants. (Translated by K. C. Chang), pps. 1-6. Taipei: Current Publications. ◾1981b 〈大甲地區早期漢人的開墾:社會組織的發展〉(Early Settlement History of Han Chinese in Ta-chia Region: the development of social organization), 李亦園與喬健合編:《中國的民族、社會與文化-慶祝芮逸夫教授八十歲論文集》 ( Li and Chiao eds. China’s People, Society, and Culture), pps. 33-56. 台北:食貨出版社。 Taipei Shih-Huo Publications. ◾1982a “Preface” and “Introduction” in S. M. Huang, ed. Rural Hong Kong: The Anthropological Perspectives, ISU Anthropology Monograph Series #6. ◾1982b “Hong Kong’s Colonial Administration and the Land Tenure System.” In S. M. Huang ed. Rural Hong Kong: The Anthropological Perspectives. ISU Anthropology Monograph Series #6. ◾1984 “Market and Non-Market Factors in Taiwanese Peasant Economy.” In Paul Durrenberger ed. Chayanov, Peasants and Anthropological Theory. New York: Academic Press, pps. 167-181. ◾1990 〈中國的大家庭回顧:以福建農村為例〉(Chinese Extended Family Restudy: Based on a Village Study in Fujian). 於謝世忠、孫寶鋼合編《人類學研究:芮逸夫教授九十華誕論文集》。(Hsieh and Sun eds. Anthropological Studies: Essay Collection in Honor of Professor Xi-fu Ruey.) pps. 217-237. 台北:南天出版社Taipei: Nantian Publishing. ◾1991 “Ling Shun-sheng,” entry for International Dictionary of Anthropologists, pps. 411-412. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ◾1992 “Lin Village, Fujian.” In Ronald G. Knapp ed. Chinese Landscapes: the Villages as Place. pps. 221-232. University of Hawaii Press. ◾1993 “A Cross Cultural Experience: A Chinese Anthropologist in the United States.” In Philip R. DeVita & James D. Armstrong eds. Distant Mirrors: America as a Foreign Culture. Belmont, Ca.: Wadworth Publishing Co., pps. 39-45. Reprinted in Elvio Angekoni ed. Annual Editions, Anthropology: 93/94, Dushkin Publishing, pps. 51-53 (1994), and in Allan Lippert ed Classic & Contemporary Social Issues, Acton, Massachusetts: Copley Publishing Group (1994). ◾1994 (Huang Shu-min, Chen Chung-min and Chuang Ying-chang) “Introduction: Problems of Ethnicity in the Chinese Cultural Context.” In Chen, Chuang, and Huang eds. Ethnicity in Taiwan: Social, Historical, and Cultural Perspectives. Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica. pps. 3-22. ◾1997 “Taiwanese,” in David Levinson & Melvin Ember eds. Enclyclopedia of American Immigrant Culture. New York: Macmillian Publishing. ◾1998 “Fengjiacun: An Agrarian Village.” (Huang and Stewart Odend’hal), in Andrew G. Walder, ed. Zouping in Transition: The Process of Reform in Rural North China. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, Pps. 86-114. ◾1999a 〈傳統主義、反傳統主義與台灣人類學的發展〉。徐正光、黃應貴編《台灣人類學的發展:回顧與展望》台北:中央研究院民族學研究所。頁 197-210. ◾1999b “Introduction,” (Huang and Hsu), in Huang and Hsu eds., Imagining China: Regional Division and National Unity, Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica. Pps. 1-20. ◾1999c “Contrasting Rural Reform in North versus South China,” in Huang and Hsu eds., Imagining China: Regional Division and National Unity, Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica. Pps. 200-220. ◾2000a “Customs and Culture,” in Y. M. Yeung and David K.Y. Chu, eds. Fujian: A Coastal Province in Transition and Transformation. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, pps. 507-527. ◾2000b 〈序〉 於李菁著 《人情社會:人際關係與自我觀的建構》。香港:全球出版社。頁 ix-xx. 2002 Four entries, “Chinese New Year,” “Qin Ming,” “Mid-Autumn Festival,” and “Dragon Boat Racing,” in Karen Christensen and David Levinson eds. Encyclopedia of Modern Asia. Six volumes, published by Scribners. ◾2003 “Preface.” In Korean translation of The Spiral Road: Change in a Chinese Village Through the Eyes of a Communist Party Leader. Published by Yeesan Publishing Co., Seoul, Korea. ◾2006 “A Chinese Diasporic Community in Northern Thailand: Contested Political Loyalty and Shifting Ethnicity.” In C. B. Tan ed. Chinese Transnational Networks. Pps. 172-190. London: Routledge Publications. ◾2008a 〈東亞小米文化源流〉 (Origin and Dispersion Millet in East Asia), 《知識響宴:四》(Feast on Knowledge, Number Four). 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亞洲社會科學論壇會會長 President, Association for Asian Social Science Research Council, 2013-15. ◾唐獎基金會漢學委員會委員Committee Member of Sinology Award, Tang Prize Selection Committee, 2013-16. ◾科技部杜聰明獎審議委員會委員Committee Member of Du Cong-ming Award Committee, Ministry of Science & Technology, 2016- ◾行政院傑出科學貢獻獎審議會委員Committee Member of the Outstanding Scientific Contribution of the Executive Yuan, 2016-17. ◾總統科學獎審議委員會委員 Committee Member of the President’s Science Award of Taiwan, 2016-17. ◾太平洋科學協會執行委員Executive Committee Member of the Pacific Science Association, 2016-2020.
