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授課領域 19世紀東亞港口城市的商業媒體、科學與技術 學歷一覽 紐約州立大學賓漢頓分校 美國 歷史系 博士 2012 國立台灣大學 中華民國 歷史所 碩士 2000 國立台灣大學 中華民國 歷史系 學士 1996 經歷一覽 中央研究院 博士後研究台史所 妞約州立大學賓漢頓分校 助教歷史系 中央研究院 所助理 台史所(環境史研究群) 中央研究院 所助理 計畫名稱:(國科會)「研製台灣歷史文化與自然資源地圖集」 高雄市立新莊高中 代理教師(全職 陸軍395旅戰車一營(751營) 預官排長 裝步連義務役 ※學術榮譽 D. Kim Foundation 博士論文寫作獎學金,2010-2011 ※個人研究計畫 口岸英文報紙與十九世紀東亞的港際論述領域 (中研院主題計畫「西方經驗與近代中日交流的思想連鎖」之分支計畫)




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朱瑪瓏,2016年9月,〈外交情報與港際報業:以1874年臺灣事件日、中兩國輪船運兵消息為例〉,《中研院近史所集刊》,93期,頁1-39。 朱瑪瓏,2015年12月,〈「港際」工程:1875年來自日本的兩位荷蘭水利工程師對上海吳淞內沙的調查〉,《中研院近史所集刊》,90期, 頁55-93。 朱瑪瓏,2014年6月,〈自由貿易、帝國與情報:十九世紀三十年代《廣州紀事報》中的臺灣知識〉,《漢學研究》,32卷2期,頁49-82。。 朱瑪瓏,2004年7月,〈用GIS重新解讀日治時期兩套中比例尺地圖〉,《地圖:中華民國地圖學會會刊》,頁93-104。 專書(論文集)之一章 Marlon Zhu, Sept. 2015, “Media and the Environment in Treaty-Port China: The “Woosung Bar” Controversy in the 1870s”, editor(s): Ts’ui-jung Liu, Local Realities and Environmental Changes in the History of East Asia, pp. 88-118, New York: Routledge. 學術會議(研討會)論文 Marlon Zhu, Oct. 2015, “Heat, Consumption, and Tourism: the Making of Summer ‘Resorts’ in Treaty-port Shanghai in the Nineteenth Century”, paper presented at EAEH2015, Takamatsu, Japan: Association for East Asian Environmental History (AEAEH), 2015-10-22 ~ 2015-10-25. 朱瑪瓏,2015年10月,〈外交情報與港際報業:以1874年臺灣事件日、中兩國輪船運兵消息為例〉(Diplomatic Intelligence and the Inter-port Journalism: Focusing on the News of Steamer Trooping of Japan and China during the Formosa Incident of 1874),發表於「近代東亞國際秩序的變遷與原理」國際研討會,台北:中研院近史所,2015-10-13 ~ 2015-10-14。 朱瑪瓏,2015年7月,〈「異邦人中的異邦人」:赫德早年在滬、港英文報中的負面形象〉("A Stranger among Strangers": the Negative Image on Robert Hart in His Early Years in the Newspapers of Shanghai and Hong Kong),發表於紀念陳詩啟教授百年誕辰暨「中國海關與近代中國社會」研討會,廈門:廈門大學歷史系暨海關史研究中心,2015-07-04 ~ 2015-07-06。 Marlon Zhu, Jun. 2015, “Microbes, Newspaper Media, and the Pasteurization of East Asian Ports, 1880s-1890s”, paper presented at AAS-in-Asia, Taipei, 2015, Taipei: Association for Asian Studies, 2015-06-22 ~ 2015-06-24. Marlon Zhu, Mar. 2015, “Trans-lingual Journalism and the Inter-port Intelligence Regime on the Formosa Incident of 1874”, paper presented at Workshop for "Networks and Communication in East Asia and Beyond in the 19th and Early 20th Century", Surrey, UK: Royal Holloway, University of London, 2015-03-06 ~ 2015-03-07. 朱瑪瓏,2014年9月,〈信任的邊界: 1860年代香港與上海間的港際情報體制與滙豐銀行的成立〉(The Boundary of Trust: The Founding of the HSBC and the Inter-Port Intelligence Regime between Hong Kong and Shanghai in the 1860s),發表於2014年海洋史國際學術研討會:「亞洲海域間的信息傳遞與相互認識」,台北:中研院人文社會科學研究中心亞太區域研究專題中心,2014-09-18 ~ 2014-09-19。 朱瑪瓏,2014年8月,〈港際工程: 1875年來自日本的兩位荷蘭水利工程師對上海吳淞內沙的調查〉(Inter-Port Engineering: A Survey on the Woosung Bar near Shanghai by Two Dutch Hydrographic Engineers from Japan in 1875),發表於「全球視野下的中國近代史研究」國際學術研討會,台北:中研院近史所,2014-08-11 ~ 2014-08-13。 朱瑪瓏,2013年12月,〈自由貿易、帝國與情報:十九世紀三十年代《廣州紀事報》中的臺灣知識〉(Free Trade, Empire, and Intelligence: Knowledge of Formosa in the Canton Register in the 1830s),發表於2013中研院明清研究國際學術研討會,台北:中研院明清研究推動委員會,2013-12-05 ~ 2013-12-06。 Marlon Zhu, Nov. 2013, “Henry Piddington of Calcutta and the Law of Storms for Sailors in the Eastern Seas," paper presented at 2013 EASTS Network Conference, Tokyo: Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2013-11-15 ~ 2013-11-16. Marlon Zhu, Nov. 2013, “Making the Far Eastern Mercantile Public: Commercial Press and the Inter-port Intelligence in Nineteenth-Century East Asia”, paper presented at Dialogues between European and Asian Commercial Documents: Trade, Cultural Exchanges and Knowledge Making in Modern East-Asia, Hsin Tsu, Taiwan: Institute of Taiwan History, Department of History of National Tsing Hua University, 2013-11-01 ~ 2013-11-02. Marlon Zhu, Oct. 2013, “Media, Hydrographic Knowledge, and the Last Twelve Miles of the China Trade: The North China Herald and the Woosung Bar Controversy in the 1870s”, paper presented at EAEH2013, Hualian, Taiwan: Association for East Asian Environmental History, Institute of Taiwan History, 2013-10-24 ~ 2013-10-26. 朱瑪瓏,2012年7月,〈港際的文明絮語: 城市間商業網絡與十九世紀中國沿岸氣象學〉,發表於近代東亞城市的社會群體與社會網絡,台北:中研院近史所,2012-07-24。 Marlon Zhu, Oct. 2011, “Calculating Environmental Risk at Seas: Marine Insurance Companies and Typhoon Warning in Nineteenth-century Shanghai and Hong Kong”, paper presented at EAEH2011, Taipei, Taiwan: Association for East Asian Environmental History and Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, 2011-10-24 ~ 2011-10-26. Marlon Zhu, Oct. 2011, “Never Pure Synoptic Method: Networking of the British Meteorological Observation Network in the Treaty-port World”, paper presented at Pacific Neighborhood Consortium 2011 Annual Conference, Bangkok, Thailand: Pacific Neighborhood Consortium, 2011-10-19 ~ 2011-10-21. Marlon Zhu, Oct. 2010, “Certificating Itinerary: Inter-port Qualification Exams of Dr. William W. Myers’ Chinese Pupils in Western Medicine, 1886-1889”, paper presented at The Fifth Asian Society for the History of Medicine, Suwon, Korea: Asian Society for the History of Medicine, 2010-10-07 ~ 2010-10-09. 學位論文 Marlon Zhu, May. 2012, “Typhoons, Meteorological Intelligence, and the Inter-Port Mercantile Community in Nineteenth-Century China”, 322 pages, Department of History, Binghamton University, State University of New York.
