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博士、教授、硕士生导师。 教学活动:主讲本科生课程:《Java语言程序设计》、《数据库原理与应用》、《计算机导论》、《计算机网络与网络安全》等。



专利 1. 基于本体的语义Web服务自动组合方法,发明专利,2019 2. 基于指数衰减窗口的个性化音乐推荐排序方法,发明专利,2019 相关技术研发: 1、负责国家科技支撑计划子项目“海量异构数据集成及面向服务的数据挖掘关键技术研究”(已完成) 2、负责国家科技支撑计划项目“网络音乐资源聚合行销及制播关键技术研究”(已完成) 3、负责横向项目“基于大数据分析的安全管理平台” 4、参与项目“视频智能创作平台及示范应用” 5、参与教育部重大项目“雄安新区数字创意产业研究院培育” 6、参与项目“大数据视域下我国重点高校舆情监测及媒体关注度排名系统开发” 7、负责校级工科规划项目“基于本体的语义Web搜索技术研究” 8、负责校级工科规划项目“数字版权管理在P2P流媒体的应用研究”(已完成) 9、负责校级工科规划项目“分布式渲染自适应调度策略研究”(已完成) 10、参与项目“媒体管理系统” 11、参与项目“基于三维激光扫描与打印技术的工艺美术品快速设计与生产定型的技术研究”


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

3. Analysis of Ultra HD Technology Development According to Human Visual System,刘杰锋,王永滨,李樱等, 论文,2018 4. Analysis of hot news based on big data,李樱,王永滨,吴林等,论文,2018 5. 足球视频语义检索软件V1.0,李樱,软件著作权,2018, 6. Research on construction of semantic dictionary in the football field,李樱等,论文,2017 7. 基于标签有向图的网络音乐聚合推荐方法,王永滨,伏文龙,李樱等,发明专利,2017 8. A semantic-based coherence micro-cluster recognition algorithm for hybrid web data stream,王永滨,李樱等,论文,2016 9. The improvement of page sorting algorithm for music users in Nutch,李樱等,论文,2016 10. Network music terminal system design and implementation based on IPTV set-top box,李樱等,论文,2016 11. 文化演出信息分层接入并行处理的互操作平台及方法,发明专利,2016 12. Visual C++开发从入门到精通,教材,2016 13. 网络音乐电台节目编排系统[NMRP]V1.0,安靖,曹轶臻,冯爽,伏文龙,李樱,软件著作权,2015 14. 面向互联网的在线协同音频制作系统[简称:IACP]V1.0,安靖,曹轶臻,冯爽,李樱,,软件著作权,2015 15. An Automatic Semantic Web Service Composition Method Based on Ontology,李樱等,论文,2015 16. Solving the Supermarket Shopping Route Planning Problem Based on Genetic Algorithm,李樱等,论文,2015 17. 计算机专业大数据处理方向教学体系建设思考,李樱,论文,2015 18. SPN-Based Performance analysis of troupes’ behaviors of sharing theatres,洪志国,冯爽,蒋伟,李樱,王永滨,论文,2015 19. Visualization in Media Big Data Analysis,Yingjian Qi,Xinyan Xu,Guoliang Shi, Ying Li, 论文,2015 20. Music Player Based on the Cordova Cross-Platform,李樱等,论文,2015 21. Online Music Integration System Based on Cloud Computing,尚文倩,李樱等,论文,2014 22. The optimization of weights in weighted hybrid recommendation algorithm,李樱等,论文,2014 23. 音乐领域本体的研究与构建,李樱等,论文,2014 24. 基于关系数据库的本体学习系统V1.0.0,软件著作权,2014 25. 基于词向量的本体映射系统[简称:本体映射系统]V1.0.0,软件著作权,2014 26. Research on a Theatre Recommendation System,李樱等,论文,2014 27. The Music Retrieval System Based on the Frequently-used Rules of Chinese Text,李樱等,论文,2014 28. Domain Concept Filtering Method Based on Word Embedding and Statistics,李樱等,论文,2014 29. Continual word embedding based for matching lightweight Ontologies,李樱等,2014 30. A High Performance Web Server Based on Asynchronous and Zero-copy,王永滨,李樱等,2014 31. The Design of The Online Collaborative Music Production System,李樱等,论文,2014 32. 环绕声演示与处理系统V1.0,软件著作权,2014 33. A Study on Distributed License Authorization System Based on Threshold Secret Sharing,李樱等,论文,2013 34. Implementation of Ontology Extraction Oriented to Non-normalized Database,李樱等,论文,2013 35. Improved Threshold Secret Sharing Distributed License Authorization System,李樱等,论文,2013 36. 面向广域网的动漫渲染任务分解支持方法及实现系统,王永滨,曹轶臻,洪志国,李樱,王琦,发明专利,2013 37. Natural Image Classification Based on Improved Support Vector Machine,齐英剑,李樱等,论文,2011 38. Performance under Failures of MapReduce Applications,Hui Jin,Kan Qiao,Xianhe Sun, Ying Li,论文,2010 39. THE APPLICATION OF GREY MODEL IN 3D MODEL BLIND WATERMARK,齐英剑,李樱等,论文,2010 40. 高负荷环境下多媒体素材检索系统研究,冯爽,李樱等,论文,2009 41. 广域网环境下分布式动漫渲染研究,李樱等,论文,2009 The Application of Data Mining in Satellite TV Broadcasting Monitoring,李樱等,论文2009
