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博士,教授,2013年获中国传媒大学电磁场与微波技术专业博士学位,2011-2012年在美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学当访问学者,从事通信天线技术研究。先后在多家企业从事移动通信、广播电视产品的研发。主要研究兴趣包括射频与微波电路、微波无源器件、天线技术、超表面等。在IEEE TAP,IEEE AWPL,MOTL,IEEE AP-S,APMC等期刊与会议发表论文50余篇,已授权发明专利3项,合编教材1本。



承担的主要科研项目 [1] 多极化MIMO天线设计理论及性能研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,参加 [2] 实现极宽带相消干涉的物理机制研究及其在共形超表面隐身中的应用,国家自然科学基金青年项目,参加 [3] 宽带微波探测技术测试验证,横向项目,主持 [4] 电磁脉冲模拟器天线开发,横向项目,主持 [5] 具有可调透波窗口的超宽带吸波天线罩设计理论和实现研究,传媒大学工科规划,主持


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Qingxin. Guo, Jianxun. Su, Zengrui. Li, Lamar Y. Yang and Jiming. Song, “Absorptive/ transmissive frequency selective surface with wide absorption band,”IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp:92314-92321, 2019. [2] Qingxin Guo, Zengrui. Li, Jianxun. Su, Lamar Y. Yang and Jiming. Song, “Dual-polarization absorptive/ transmissive frequency selective surface based on tripole elements,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 18, no. 5, pp: 961-965, May 2019. [3] Qingxin. Guo, Zengrui. Li, Jianxun. Su, Jiming. Song and Lamar Y. Yang, “Active frequency selective surface with wide reconfigurable passband,”IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp: 38348-38355, 2019. [4] Yao Lu, Jianxun Su, Jinbo Liu, Qingxin Guo, Hongcheng Yin, Zengrui Li, and Jiming Song, “Ultrawideband Monostatic and Bistatic RCS Reductions for Both Copolarization and Cross Polarization Based on Polarization Conversion and Destructive Interference,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 4936-4941, July 2019. [5] Qingxin Guo, Lu Chen,Zengrui. Li, “A pattern reconfigurable square loop antenna with 4 ports and its feeding network,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 60, pp:2964– 2968. Oct., 2018. [6] Dazhi Piao, Xingning Jia, Xiaochuan Ma, Qingxin Guo, and Zengrui Li, “Measured Performance Comparisons between Spatial Multiplexing and Beamforming Arrays in the 28 GHz Band,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2017, 7253623:1-9. [7] Zengrui, Li, Xiaole, Kang, Jianxun, Su, Qingxin, Guo, Yaoqing, Y. , and Junhong Wang, “A wideband end-fire conformal vivaldi antenna array mounted on a dielectric cone,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2016, 9812642:1-11. [8] 逯贵祯, 郭庆新, 曾冬冬, “多导体传输线的邻近效应和分布参数研究,”电波科学学报,第31卷第3期, 2016年6月, 611-615. [9] Qingxin Guo, “UWB bandpass filter with quad-notched bands using arrow-shaped resonators,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 57, pp:959-963. Feb, 2015. [10] Dazhi Piao, Lingyu Yang, Qingxin Guo, Yi Mao, and Zengrui Li, “Measurement-Based Performance Comparison of Colocated Tripolarized Loop and Dipole Antennas,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol. 63, no. 8, pp. 3371-3379, Aug. 2015. 会议论文 [1] Zhiwei Zhang, Qingxin Guo, and Zengrui Li, “Frequency selective rasorber based on tripole loops and tripole slots,” 2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (CSQRWC), Taiyuan, 2019. [2] Zhiqiang Zhao, Qingxin Guo, and Zengrui Li, “Frequency-selective surface with wide-range tunable passband,” 2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (CSQRWC), Taiyuan, 2019. [3] Yongzhi Li, Qingxin Guo, Lu Chen, and Zengrui Li, “Design of a frequency selective surface with a transmissive window and two bidirectional absorptive bands,” 2018 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES), Beijing, 2018. [4] Yixiao Diao, Qingxin Guo, Lu Chen, and Zengrui Li, “An absorptive/transmissive frequency selective surface with a high-selectivity passband,” 2018 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference (CSQRWC), Xuzhou, 2018. [5] Lu Chen, Qingxin Guo, and Zengrui Li, “An inductance loaded wideband square loop antenna with reconfigurable radiation pattern,” 2017 International Conference on Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES), Suzhou, 2017. [6] Lu Chen, Qingxin Guo, Ling Wang, Zengrui Li, “Low-profile inductance-loaded square loop antenna with steerable beam,” The sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP 2017), Xi’an, 2017. [7] Qingxin Guo, Guizhen Lu, and Zengrui Li, “Design of a broadband frequency selective surface for X band application,” 2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), Shanghai, 2016. [8] Chuiyong Kong, Qingxin Guo, Zengrui Li, and Zhuo Wu, “Wideband RCS reduction based on polarization conversion metasurface,” 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory (ISAPE), Guilin, 2016. [9] Lu Guizhen, Guo Qingxin, and Li Zengrui, “Study of the proximity effect and the distribution parameters of multi-conductor transmission line,” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT), Beijing, 2016.
