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殷复莲,女,1982年5月出生,2010年毕业于哈尔滨工程大学,工学博士,同年任教于中国传媒大学信息与通信工程学院,2018年至2019年赴加拿大york大学访学1年。 主讲大数据与数据挖掘技术等课程,荣获中国传媒大学第八届“青年教师教学基本功大赛”二等奖、中国传媒大学首届“微课大赛”三等奖等教学奖励。 主持国家自然科学基金、国家新闻出版广电总局、北京市教委、国家互联网信息办公室网络社会工作局等科研项目20余项,发表SCI、EI等检索论文60余篇,荣获国家发明专利10余项。立足我校传媒特色,在有线电视大数据分析挖掘领域做出了突出贡献,荣获2017年北京市科学技术奖三等奖,荣获广播影视科技创新奖突出贡献奖、一等奖,中国电影电视技术学会科学进步奖一等奖,二等奖等多项科技奖励;相关论文荣获中国新闻技术工作者联合会、国家新闻出版广电总局电影专业委等优秀论文奖等近10项。 联合主办的“中传大数据”微信公众号每日向公众发布影视、舆情领域相关信息,取得了良好的社会口碑;与我校新闻学部多名教师合作,完成了多项省市地方政府项目,提供了良好的传媒、舆情等相关领域的数据支撑。



承担的主要科研项目 [1]61801440, 国家自然科学基金, 基于用户行为与媒体情感分析的存储资源贝叶斯分配策略研究, 主持 [2]GD1739, 国家新闻出版广电总局研究项目, 广播影视大数据业务发展研究, 主持 [3]BJSZ2016ZC041, 北京市教育委员会课题, 高校大学生新媒体社区关注热点事件分析, 主持 [4]HW16108, 国家互联网信息办公室网络社会工作局, 我国网民行为趋势及群体特点研究, 主持 [5]HG1715, 国家新闻出版广电总局广播科学研究院, 大数据技术应用趋势跟踪研究, 主持 [6]HG1744, 国家新闻出版广电总局广播科学研究院, 4K超高清产业链数据分析报告, 主持 [7]HG1720, 新华通讯社内蒙古分社, 内蒙古建区70周年宣传游戏开发, 主持 [8]HG1630, 北京中影新媒信息科技研究院, 中国新媒体影响力评价指数模型构建, 主持 [9]HG1705, 北京中传世界文化传媒有限公司, 网络最具影响力和最佳节目评价指数体系, 主持 [10]HG1706, 北京中传世界文化传媒有限公司, 中国艺人价值评价指数体系, 8万元, 主持 [11]HG1748, 北京天智联合文化传播有限公司, 央视《乡土》栏目数据分析报告, 主持 [12]HG1807, 芒市风平镇雅欣文化传媒工作室, 《90后群体画像》数据分析报告, 主持 [13]2012BAH37F03, 国家科技支撑计划课题, 立体视觉系统研发集成与内容服务, 子课题, 立体视觉内容服务关键技术研究及应用, 参与 [14]WHB2014-1, 国家文化科技提升计划项目, 国家文化宏观决策支持系统研究及应用, 参与 [15]2011-33, 国家新闻出版广电总局科研项目, 三网融合用户终端综合数据采集规范研究及DSS系统示范工程, 参与 [16]2012-24, 国家新闻出版广电总局科研项目, 全国有线电视网络业务和运营支撑系统技术体制研究, 参与 [17]2014-2-4, 国家新闻出版广电总局科研项目, 基于大数据面向新媒体的节目综合评价系统架构和方法研究, 参与 [18]2015-56, 国家新闻出版广电总局科研项目, 数字电影服务管理智能数据资源库模型建立关键技术研究, 参与 [19]2015-57, 国家新闻出版广电总局科研项目, 电影产业基础数据可视化系统应用研究, 参与 [20]HW18043, 中华全国新闻工作者协会, 北京市属媒体社会公益和民生报道综合评价报告(2017), 参与 [21]HW18082, 成都妇女联合会, 新媒环境下四川妇联视频制作方案, 参与


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1]YIN Fulian, Shao Xueying, WU Jianhong. Nearcasting Forwarding Behaviors and Information Propagation in Chinese Sina-Microblog. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering [2]YIN Fulian, CHAI Jianping, LIN Jiecong. Synthetic Decision Support of Broadcasting and Television System. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing [3]YIN Fulian, CHAI Jianping, WANG Hanlei, GAO Ya. Digital TV Program Recommendation System Based on Collaboration Filtering. Communications in Computer and Information Science20150600492076;ISTP收录,IDS号:BC0WL,入藏号WOS:000349707200086) [4]YIN Fulian, LU Lu, CHAI Jianping, YANG Yanbing. Combination Weighting Method based on Maximizing Deviations and Normalized Constraint Condition. International Journal of Security and its Applications [5]YIN Fulian, PAN Xingyi, LIU Huixin, CHAI Jianping. A Content-Based Approach to Recommend TV Programs with Delayering Tagging. International Journal of Media and Ubiquitous Engineering [6]YIN Fulian, PAN Xingyi, CHAI Jianping, ZHANG Wenwen. Analysis of Audience Interest and User Clustering Based on Program Tags. International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology [7]YIN Fulian, WANG Yanyan, LU Lu. Research on a Combination Weighting Method of Broadcasting and Television Program Evaluation. Journal of Computers [8]YIN Fulian, ZHANG Beibei, LIAO Jingchun, LIU Jianbo. Research on Unequal Time Series Clustering for Hot Topics. Journal of Computers [9]YIN Fulian, ZHANG Beibei, SU Ge, ZHANG Ruizhe. Research on the Public Opinion Pre-warning Based on the Logistic Model. Proceedings of 2017 IEEE 8th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science [10]YIN Fulian, SU Pei, JIANG Yueqi, SU Ge. Research on Video Ratings Prediction and Survival Analysis. 2017 International Conference on Computer System, Electronics and Control [11]YIN Fulian, MA Yiming, ZHANG Congcong, SONG Jinbao. The Research about Public Sentiment Differences between the Belt and Road Countries on China’s Hot Issues. 2018 IEEE Third International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace [12]YIN Fulian, LIU Xiaowei, ZHANG Congcong, XU Rongge. Program Recommendation Algorithm Based on Tag Association Model. 15th International Conference Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation [13]YIN Fulian, SU Pei, SU Ge, LI Sitong. Entertainer Evaluation System Research Based on Index Model and Text Analysis. 2018 IEEE 3rd Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference [14]YIN Fulian, HE Xiating, PAN Xingyi, XU Rongge. Research of Sentiment Analysis based on Long-Sequence-Term-Memory Model. 2018 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Control and Computer Engineering [15]YIN Fulian, HE Xiating, LIU Zhixin. Research on Scrapy-Based Distributed Crawler System for Crawling Semi-structure Information at High Speed. Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computer and Communications [16]YIN Fulian, LIU Xiaowei, LI Sitong. Mining and Prediction of the Core Group in the Communication Network Based on Walk Trap and ARIMA Algorithm. 2018 11th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design [17]YIN Fulian, BAI Xuesong, CHAI Jianping. The Rapid Prediction of Playing Index in Accumulation on Video Websites. 2016 13th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing [18]YIN Fulian, WANG Yanyan, PENG Yujiang, ZHANG Ruizhe. Research on the Viewing Behaviors of Cable Television Users Based on Long-term Interest. 2017 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Big Data Analysis [19]YIN Fulian, ZHANG Beibei, Huang Bochen, ZHANG Lulin. An public Opinion Trend Prediction Method Based on Neural Network Algorithm. 2017 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications [20]YIN Fulian, BAI Xuesong, CHAI Jianping, ZHANG Wenwen. Analysis of TV Audience Flow Based on the Lingered Channel Matrex. 2017 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology
