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夏光琼,女,汉族,四川富顺人。中共党员,博士,教授,博(硕)士生导师/博士后合作导师。分别于1992年、1995年毕业于四川大学光电科学技术系光学专业,获理学学士和硕士学位;2002年毕业于四川大学电子信息学院,获理学博士学位;2006年在美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)进行了为期半年的合作研究。1995年起一直在西南大学从事教学和科研工作。曾任二、三届重庆市光学学会副理事长,现为中国密码学会混沌保密通信专业委员会委员。 从事半导体激光非线性动力学、光混沌保密通信、微波光子学、光混沌雷达及光子储备池计算等方面的研究工作。主持完成科研课题10余项;在国内外主流学术刊物上发表论文逾200篇;受邀在相关国内外学术会议上作学术报告近20次;申请或授权国家专利10余项;2项成果获重庆市人民政府自然科学奖;已培养博士后、博/硕士生60多人。主要承担光学、非线性光学等本科和研究生课程的教学任务。



近年承担的主要科研项目 1、XX技术有限公司委托项目: XX激光XX关键技术 (保密项目), 2018.10- 2、国家自然科学基金面上项目: 基于垂直腔面发射激光器实时产生多路高速物理随机数的相关理论和技术探索(批准号: 61575163), 2016.01-2019.12 3、国家自然科学基金面上项目:1550nm垂直腔面发射激光器的非线性动力学及其在光生毫米波中的应用研究(批准号: 61275116), 2013.01-2016.12 4、国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于半导体激光器的10GHz带宽光纤超混沌保密通信理论与实验研究(批准号: 61078003), 2011.01-2013.12


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1、G. Xia (夏光琼), Z. Wu, J. Chen*, Y. Lu. Carrier deficit from the nominal threshold density and mode-supression ratio of an above-threshold biased semiconductor laser. Opt. Lett., 1994, 19(10): 731-733 2、G. Xia, Z. Wu, J. Chen*, Y. Lu. Studying semiconductor lasers with multimode rate equations. Appl. Opt., 1995, 34(9): 1523-1527 3、G. Xia*, Z. Wu, G. Lin. Rising and falling time of amplified picosecond optical pulses by semiconductor optical amplifiers. Opt. Commun., 2003, 227(1-3): 165-170 4、G. Xia*, Z. Wu, J. Wu. Theory and simulation of dual-channel optical chaotic communication system. Opt. Express, 2005, 13(9): 3445-3453 5、G. Xia*, Z. Wu, X. Jia. Theoretical investigation on commanding the bistability and self-pulsation of bistable semiconductor laser diode using delayed optoelectronic feedback. IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol., 2005, 23(12): 4296-4304 6、G. Xia*, S. C. Chan, J. M. Liu. Multistability in a semiconductor laser with optoelectronic feedback. Opt. Express, 2007, 15(2): 572-576 7、G. Xia*, Z. Wu, J. Liao. Theoretical investigations of cascaded chaotic synchronization and communication based on the optoelectronic negative feedback semiconductor lasers. Opt. Commun., 2009, 282(5): 1009-1015 8、G. Xia*, Z. Wu, Q. Yang, X. Lin. Modulation response performances of a Fabry-Perot semiconductor laser subject to light injection from another Fabry-Perot semiconductor laser. Chin. Sci. Bulletin, 2009, 54(20): 3643-3648 9、X. Jia, Z. Wu, G. Xia*. Analysis of bistable steady characteristics and dynamic stability of linearly tapered nonlinear bragg gratings. Opt. Express, 2004, 12(13): 2945-2953 10、J. Liu, Z. Wu, G. Xia*. Dual-channel chaos synchronization and communication based on unidirectionally coupled VCSELs with polarization-rotated optical feedback and polarization-rotated optical injection. Opt. Express, 2009, 17(15): 12619-12626 11、J. Wu, Z. Wu, G. Xia*, G. Feng. Evolution of time delay signature of chaos generated in a mutually delay-coupled semiconductor lasers system. Opt. Express, 2012, 20(2): 1741-1753 12、J. Wu, L. Zhao, Z. Wu, D. Lu, X. Tang, Z. Zhong, G. Xia*. Direct generation of broadband chaos by a monolithic integrated semiconductor laser chip. Opt. Express, 2013, 21(20): 23358-23364 13、Y. Li, Z. Wu*, Z. Zhong, X. Yang, S. Mao, G. Xia*. Time-delay signature of chaos in 1550 nm VCSELs with variable-polarization FBG feedback. Opt. Express, 2014, 22(16): 19610-19620 14、J. Chen, Z. Wu*, X. Tang, T. Deng, L. Fan, Z. Zhong, G. Xia*. Generation of polarization-resolved wideband unpredictability-enhanced chaotic signals based on vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers subject to chaotic optical injection. Opt. Express, 2015, 23(6): 7173-7183 15、X. Tang, Z. Wu*, J. Wu, T. Deng, J. Chen, L. Fan, Z. Zhong, G. Xia*. Tbits/s physical random bit generation based on mutually coupled semiconductor laser chaotic entropy source. Opt. Express, 2015, 23(26): 33130-33141 16、L. Fan, G. Xia*, J. Chen, X. Tang, Q. Liang, Z. Wu*, High-purity 60GHz band millimeter-wave generation based on optically injected semiconductor laser under subharmonic microwave modulation. Opt. Express, 2016, 24(16): 18252-18265 17、Y. Hou, G. Xia*, W. Yang, D. Wang, E. Jayaprasath, Z. Jiang, C. Hu, Z. Wu*. Prediction performance of reservoir computing system based on a semiconductor laser subject to double optical feedback and optical injection. Opt. Express, 2018, 26(8): 10211-10219 18、X. Lin, G. Xia*, Z. Shang, T. Deng, X. Tang, L. Fan, Z. Gao, Z. Wu*. Frequency-modulated continuous-wave generation based on an optically injected semiconductor laser with optical feedback stabilization. Opt. Express, 2019, 27(2): 1217-1225 19、D. Yue, Z. Wu*,Y. Hou, B. Cui, Y. Jin, M. Dai, G. Xia*. Performance optimization research of reservoir computing system based on an optical feedback semiconductor laser under electrical information injection, Opt. Express, 2019, 27(14): 19931-19939 20、X. Tan, Y. Hou, Z. Wu*, G. Xia*, Parallel information processing by a reservoir computing system based on a VCSEL subject to double optical feedback and optical injection, Opt. Express, 2019, 27(18): 26070-26079 21、Z. Zhong, Z. Wu*, G. Xia*. Experimental Investigation on the Time-delay Signature of Chaotic Output from a 1550 nm VCSEL Subject to FBG Feedback, Photon. Res., 2017, 5(1): 6-10 22、J. Wu, Z. Wu*, Y. Liu, L. Fan, X. Tang, G. Xia*. Simulation of bidirectional long-distance chaos communication performance in a novel fiber-optic chaos synchronization system. IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol., 2013, 31(3): 461-467 23、L. Fan, Z. Wu*, T. Deng, J. Wu, X. Tang, J. Chen, S. Mao, G. Xia*. Subharmonic Microwave Modulation Stabilization of Tunable Photonic Microwave Generated by Period-one Nonlinear Dynamics of an Optically Injected Semiconductor Laser. IEEE/OSA J. Lightwave Technol., 2014, 32(23): 4058-4064 24、J. Wu, Z. Wu, X. Tang, X. Lin, T. Deng, G. Xia*, G. Feng. Simultaneous generation of two sets of time delay signature eliminated chaotic signals by using mutually coupled semiconductor lasers. IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 2011, 23(12): 759-761 25、J. Wu, Z. Wu, G. Xia*, T. Deng, X. Lin, X. Tang, G. Feng. Isochronous synchronization between chaotic semiconductor lasers over 40-km fiber links. IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 2011, 23(24): 1854-1856 26、Y. Xie, X. Lin, T. Deng, Z. Wu, L. Fan, Z. Zhong, G. Xia*. Experimental observation of current-induced bistability in a semiconductor laser with positive optoelectronic feedback. IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 2012, 24(16): 1434-1436 27、J. Wu, Z. Wu*, L. Fan, X. Tang, W. Deng, G. Xia*. Experimental demonstration of LD-based bidirectional fiber-optic chaos communication. IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 2013, 25(6): 587-590 28、Y. Xie, Z. Wu*, T. Deng, X. Tang, L. Fan, G. Xia*. Nonlinear dynamics of 1550 nm VCSELs subject to positive optoelectronic feedback. IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 2013, 25(16): 1605-1608 29、T. Deng, Z. Wu*, G. Xia*. Two-mode Coexistence in 1550nm VCSELs with Optical Feedback. IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 2015, 27(19): 2075-2078 30、W. Zhu, Z. Wu*, Z. Zhong, X. Yin, J. Song, L. Zhao, D. Lu, G. Xia*. Dynamics of a Monolithically Integrated Semiconductor Laser under Optical Injection. IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 2015, 27(20): 2119-2122 31、Z. Zhong, Z. Wu*, J. Song, L. Wang, T. Deng, G. Xia*. Polarization Dynamics of 1550-nm VCSELs Subject to Polarization-Preserved FBG Feedback. IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 2016, 28(9): 963-966 32、Z. Zhong, G. Lin*, Z. Wu*, J. Yang, J. Chen, L. Yi, G. Xia*, Tunable broadband chaotic signal synthesis from a WRC-FPLD subject to filtered feedback. IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 2017, 29(17): 1506-1509 33、X. Lin, G. Xia*, T. Yang, T. Deng, X. Tang, L. Fan, Z. Gao, Z. Wu*, Photonic Microwave Generation Based on an OISL by Subharmonic Modulation from an OEO, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 2019, 31(22): 1838-1841 34、Z. Zhong, Z. Wu, J. Wu, G. Xia*. Time Delay Signature Suppression of Polarization-Resolved Chaos Outputs from Two Mutually Coupled VCSELs. IEEE Photon. J., 2013, 5(2): 1500409 35、J. Chen, Z. Wu*, T. Deng, X. Tang, X. Yang, G. Xia*. Current- and Feedback-Induced State Bistability in a 1550 nm-VCSEL with Negative Optoelectronic Feedback, IEEE Photon. J., 2017, 9(1): 1500310 36、J. Chen, Z. Wu*, L. Fan, X. Tang, X. Lin, T. Deng, G. Xia*, Polarization bistability in a 1550 nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser subject to variable polarization optical injection. IEEE Photon. J., 2017, 9(2): 1502309 37、Y. Li, L. Fan, G. Xia*, Z. Wu*, Tunable and broadband microwave frequency comb generation using optically injected semiconductor laser nonlinear dynamics. IEEE Photon. J., 2017, 9(5): 5502607 38、Y. Hou, L. Yi, G. Xia*, Z. Wu*, Exploring High Quality Chaotic Signal Generation in Mutually Delay Coupled Semiconductor Lasers System. IEEE Photon. J., 2017, 9(5): 1505110 39、X. Lin, Z. Wu*, T. Deng, X. Tang, L. Fan, Z. Gao, G. Xia*, Generation of widely tunable narrow-linewidth photonic microwave signals based on an optoelectronic oscillator using an optically injected semiconductor laser as the active tunable microwave photonic filter, IEEE Photon. J., 2018, 10(6): 5502209 40、L. Fan, G. Xia*, T. Deng, X. Tang, X. Lin, Z. Gao, X. Xu, Z. Wu*, Generation of tunable and ultra-broadband microwave frequency combs based on a semiconductor laser subject to pulse injection from a current modulated laser. IEEE Photon. J., 2018, 10(6): 5502310 41、X. Tang, G. Xia*, C. Ran, T. Deng, X. Lin, L. Fan, Z. Gao, G. Lin*, Z. Wu*. Fast physical random bit generation based on a broadband chaotic entropy source originated from a filtered feedback WRC-FPLD, IEEE Photon. J., 2019, 11(2): 7800710 42、B. Jiang, Z. Wu*, T. Deng, J. Chen, F. Yang, J. Chen, Q. Liang, G. Xia*. Polarization Switching Characteristics of 1550-nm Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers Subject to Double Polarization Pulsed Injection, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., 2016, 52(11): 2400707 43、L. Fan, G. Xia*, X. Tang, T. Deng, J. Chen, X. Lin, Y. Li, Z. Wu*, Tunable ultra-broadband microwave frequency combs generation based on a current modulated semiconductor laser under optical injection. IEEE Access, 2017, 5: 17764-17771 44、X. Tang, G. Xia*, E. Jayaprasath, T. Deng, X. Lin, L. Fan, Z. Gao, Z. Wu*, Multi-channel physical random bits generation using a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser under chaotic optical injection. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 3565-3572 45、D. Wang, G. Xia*, Y. Hou, W. Yang, E. Jayaprasath, J. Chen, Z. Wu*. Theoretical investigation of state bistability between pure- and mixed-mode states in a 1550-nm VCSEL under parallel optical injection, IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 19791-19797 46、X. Xu, L. Fan, G. Xia*, Z. Wu*. Numerical Investigation on Ultra-broadband Tunable Microwave Frequency Comb Generation Using a Semiconductor Laser Under Regular Pulse Injection, IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 55284-55290 47、E. Jayaprasath, Y. Hou, Z. Wu*, G. Xia*. Anticipation in the polarization chaos synchronization of uni-directionally coupled vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with polarization-preserved optical injection. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 58482-58490 48、D. Yue, Z. Wu*, Y. Hou, G. Xia*, Effects of some operation parameters on the performance of a reservoir computing system based on a delay feedback semiconductor laser with information injection by current modulation, IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 128767-128773 49、X. Tang, Z. Wu*, J. Wu, T. Deng, L. Fan, Z. Zhong, J. Chen, G. Xia*. Generation of multi-channel high-speed physical random numbers originated from two chaotic signals of mutually coupled semiconductor lasers. Laser Phys. Lett., 2015, 12(1): 015003 50、T. Deng, G. Xia*, Z. Wu. Broadband chaos synchronization and communication based on mutually coupled VCSELs subjected to a bandwidth-enhanced chaotic signal injection. Nonlinear Dyn., 2014, 76(1): 399-407 51、Z. Gao, Z. Wu, L. Cao, G. Xia*. Chaos synchronization of optoelectronic coupled semiconductor lasers ring. Appl. Phys. B, 2009, 97(3): 645-651 52、Y. Hou, G. Xia*, E. Jayaprasath, D. Yue, Z. Wu*. Parallel Information Processing Using a Reservoir Computing System Based on Mutually Coupled Semiconductor Lasers. App. Phys. B, 2020, 126(3): Art. No. 40 (9ps) 53、T. Deng, Z. Wu, Y. Xie, J. Wu, X. Tang, L. Fan, K. Panajotov, G. Xia*. Impact of optical feedback on current-induced polarization behavior of 1550nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers. Appl. Opt., 2013, 52(16): 3833-3837 54、W. Yang, G. Xia*, E. Jayaprasath, Z. Jiang, Y. Hou, C. Hu, Z. Wu*, Experimental investigation on the nonlinear dynamics of two mutually coupled 1550 nm multi-transverse-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, Appl. Opt., 2019, 58(5): 1271-1275 55、Z. Jiang, Z. Wu, W. Yang, C. Hu, X. Lin, Y. Jin, M. Dai, B. Cui, D. Yue, G. Xia*, Numerical simulations on the narrow-linewidth photonic microwave generation based on a QD laser simultaneously subject to optical injection and optical feedback, Appl. Opt., 2020, 59(9): 2935-2941 56、J. Wu, Z. Wu, G. Xia*. Frequency locking in a semiconductor laser with double incoherent optical feedback. Phys. Lett. A, 2009, 374(2): 173-177 57、D. Wang, J. Chen, G. Xia*, Z. Wu*, State bistability between pure- and mixed-mode steady states in a 1550-nm VCSEL subject to parallel optical injection. Jap. J. Appl. Phys., 2017, 56(7): 070314 58、W. Yang, Z. Wu, G. Xia*. Influence of the bias current on the output characteristics of a mode-locked fiber ring laser consisting of two SOAs. Opt. Commun., 2005, 250(4-6): 384-388 59、Q. Yang, Z. Wu, J. Wu, G. Xia*. Influence of injection patterns on chaos synchronization performance between a multimode laser diode and a single-mode laser. Opt. Commun., 2008, 281(19): 5025-5030 60、Y. Xiao, T. Deng, Z. Wu, J. Wu, X. Lin, X. Tang, L. Zeng, G. Xia*. Chaos synchronization between arbitrary two response VCSELs in a broadband chaos network driven by a bandwidth-enhanced chaotic signal. Opt. Commun., 2012, 285(6): 1442-1448 61、P. Xiao, Z. Wu, J. Wu, L. Jiang, T. Deng, X. Tang, L. Fan, G. Xia*. Time-delay signature concealment of chaotic output in a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser with double variable-polarization optical feedback. Opt. Commun., 2013, 286: 339-343 62、L. Wang, Z. Wu*, J. Wu, G. Xia*. Long-Haul Dual-Channel Bidirectional Chaos Communication Based on Polarization-Resolved Chaos Synchronization between Twin 1550 nm VCSELs Subject to Variable-Polarization Optical Injection. Opt. Commun., 2015, 334: 214-221 63、X. Yang, J. Wu, Z. Wu*, Y. Li, L. Wang, G. Xia*. Time-delay signatures hidden in the phase of chaotic output of mutually delay-coupled vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers. Opt. Commun., 2015, 336: 262-268 64、J. Song, Z. Zhong, L. Wei, Z. Wu*, G. Xia*. Experimental investigations on nonlinear dynamics of a semiconductor laser subject to optical injection and fiber Bragg grating feedback. Opt. Commun., 2015, 354: 213-217 65、X. Yin, Z. Zhong, L. Zhao, D. Lu, H. Qiu, G. Xia*, Z. Wu*. Wide bandwidth chaotic signal generation in a monolithically integrated semiconductor laser via optical injection, Opt. Commun., 2015, 355: 551-557 66、Y. Hou, G. Xia*, E. Jayaprasath, D. Yue, W. Yang, Z. Wu*. Prediction and classification performances of reservoir computing system using mutually delay-coupled semiconductor lasers. Opt. Commun., 2019, 433: 215-220 67、H. kong, Z. Wu, J. Wu, X. Lin, Y. Xie, G. Xia*. Experimental observations on the nonlinear behaviors of DFB semiconductor lasers under external optical injection. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2008, 36(1): 18-24 68、E. Jayaprasath, Z. Wu*, S. Sivaprakasam, G. Xia*. Observation of additional delayed-time in chaos synchronization of uni-directionally coupled VCSELs. Chaos, 2018, 28(12): 123103 69、E. Jayaprasath, Z. Wu*, S. Sivaprakasam, Y. Hou, X. Tang, X. Lin, T. Deng, G. Xia*. Investigation of the effect of intra-cavity propagation delay in secure optical communication using chaotic semiconductor lasers. Photonics, 2019, 6(2): 49 70、任小丽, 吴正茂, 樊利, 夏光琼*. 双光注入分布反馈半导体激光器的非线性动力学态实验研究. 科学通报, 2014, 59(3): 259-266
