迄今已发表学术论文260多篇,其中160多篇属于SCI 收录期刊,多项成果被国内外同行引用,所取得的成果在国内外同行中有较大影响。
172. Chen, J.L.; Li, W.D.; Zhou, M.M., Pseudo core inverses of a sum of morphisms, Quaestiones Mathematicae, Doi: 10.2989/16073606.2020.1791275. (SCI)
171. Zou, H.L.; Chen, J.L.; Zhu, H.H.; Wei, Y.J., Characterizations for the n-strong Drazin invertibility in a ring, J. Algebra Appl., 2021,Doi. 10.1142/s0219498821501413. (SCI)
170. Xu, S.Z.; Wang, H.X.; Chen, J.L.; Chen, X.F.; Zhao, T.W., Generalized WD inverse, J. Algebra Appl., 2021,Doi. 10.1142/s0219498821500729. (SCI)
169. Chen, X.F., Chen, J.L., Right core inverses of a product and a companion matrix, Linear Multilinear Algebra, Doi: 10.1080/03081087.2019.1664398. (SCI)
168. Zhou, M.M.; Chen, J.L.; Zhou, Y.K., Weak group inverses in proper *-rings, J. Algebra Appl.,2020, Doi: 10.1142/S0219498820502382, (SCI)
167. Chen, J.L.; Mosic, D.; Xu, S.Z., On a new generalized inverse for Hilbert space operators, Quaestiones Mathematicae, Doi: 10.2989/16073606.2019.1619104. (SCI)
166. Zhou, M.M.; Chen, J.L.; Wang, D.G., The core inverses of linear combinations of two core invertible matrices, Linear Multilinear Algebra, Doi: 10.1080/03081087.2019.1615859. (SCI)
165. Gao, Y.F; Chen, J.L.; Patricio, P., Continuity of the core-EP inverse and its applications, Linear Multilinear Algebra, Doi: 10.1080/03081087.2019.1608899. (SCI)
164. Ke, Y.Y.; Chen, J.L.; Stanimirovic, Predrag.; Ciric, Miroslav, Characterizations and representations of outer inverse for matrices over a ring, Linear Multilinear Algebra, Doi: 10.1080/03081087.2019.1590302. (SCI)
163. Stanimirovic, Predrag S.; Katsikis, Vasilios N.; Zhang, Z. J.; Li, S.; Chen, J.L.; Zhou, M.M., Varying-parameter Zhang neural network for approximating some expressions involving outer inverses, Optimization Methods and Software, Doi: 10.1080/105567882019.1594806. (SCI)
162. Xu, S.Z.; Chen, J.L.; Benitez, J., Partial orders based on the CS decomposition, Ukrainian Math. J., 2020, 72(8), 1119-1133. (SCI)
161. Kourki, F.; Chen, J.L.; Li, W.X., On some n-C2 and strongly C2 extensions, Algebra Colloq., 2020, 27(3), 545-562. (SCI)
160. Gao, Y.F.; Chen, J.L.; Patricio, P., Weighted binary relations involving core-EP inverse, Front. Math. China, 2020, 15(4), 685-699.(SCI)
159. Gao, Y.F.; Chen, J.L.; Patricio, P., Representations and properties of the W-weighted core-EP inverse, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2020, 68(6), 1160-1174. (SCI)
158. Guo. L.; Zou, H.L.; Chen, J.L., The generalized Drazin inverse of operator matrices, Hacet. J. Math. Stat. 2020, 49(3),1134-1149. (SCI)
157. Shi, G.Q.; Chen, J.L.; Li, T.T.; Zhou, M.M., Jacobson’s lemma and cline’s formula for generalized inverses in a ring with involution. Comm. Algebra, 2020, 48(9), 3948-3961. (SCI)
156. Mosic, D.; Li, T.T.; Chen, J.L., Core inverse in Banach algebras, Banach J. Math. Anal., 2020, 14(2), 399-412.(SCI)
155. Zhou, M.M.; Chen, J.L., Characterizations and maximal class of elements related to pseudo core inverses. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales, Serie A. Matematicas, 2020, 114(2), paper No.104. (SCI)
154. Zhou, M.M.; Chen, J.L.; Stanimirovic, P.S.; Katsikis, V.N.; Ma, H.F., Complex varying-parameter Zhang neural networks for computing core and core-EP inverse, Neural Processing Letters, 2020, 51, 1299-1329.(SCI)
153. Zhou, M.M.; Chen, J.L.; Zhu, X., The group inverse and core inverse of sum of two elements in a ring, Comm. Algebra, 2020, 48(2), 676-690. (SCI)
152. Li, T.T.; Chen, J.L.; Mosic D., Hua’s identity for the (1, 2)-inverse, Bulletin of the Iranian Math. Soc., 2020, 46(2), 323-330 (SCI)
151. Xu, S.Z.; Chen, J.L.; Mosic, D., New characterizations of the CMP inverse of matrices, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2020, 68(4), 790-804. (SCI)
150. Li, T.T.; Chen, J.L., The core invertibility of a companion matrix and a Hankel matrix, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2020, 68(3), 550-562. (SCI)
149. Chen, J.L.; Chen, X.F.; Zguitti, H., On the weighted pseudo Drazin invertible elements in associate rings and Banach algebras, Filomat, 2019, 33(19), 6359-6367. (SCI)
148. Xu, S.Z.; Chen,J.L., The Moore-Penrose inverse in rings with involution,
Filomat, 2019, 33(18), 5791-5802. (SCI)
147.Chen, J.L.; Xu, S.Z; Benitez, J.; Chen, X.F., Rank equalities related to a class of outer generalized inverse, Filomat, 2019, 33(17), 5611-5622. (SCI)
146. Zou, H.L.; Mosic, D.; Chen, J.L., The existence and representation of the Drazin inverse of a 2*2 block matrix over a ring, J. Algebra Appl., 2019, 18(11), 1950212, (SCI)
145. Li, T.T; Chen, J.L.; Wang, D.G.; Xu, S.Z., Core and dual core inverses of a sum of morphisms, Filomat, 2019, 33(10), 2931-2941. (SCI)
144. Xu, S.Z.;Chen, J.L.; Benitez, J., EP elements in rings with involution, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 2019, 42, 3409-3426. (SCI)
143. Li, T.T.; Chen, J.L.; Mosic D., The core inverses of differences and products of projections in rings with involution, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales, Serie A. Matematicas, 2019, 113, 3283-3296. (SCI)
142. Li, T.T.; Chen, J.L.; Zhou, M.M.; Wang, D.G., The core and dual core inverse of a morphism with kernel, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2019, 67(10), 1937-1947. (SCI)
141. Xu, S.Z.; Chen, J.L.; Benitez, J; Wang, D.G., Generalized core inverses of matrices, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 2019, 20(1), 565-584. (SCI)
140. Xu, S.Z.; Chen, J.L.; Benitez, J; Wang, D.G., Centralizer’s applications to the (b,c)-inverses in rings, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales, Serie A. Matematicas, 2019, 113(3), 1739-1746. (SCI)
139. Li, T.T.; Chen, J.L., The core and dual core inverse of a morphism with factorization, J. Algebra Appl., 2019,18(5), 1950098. (SCI)
138. Guo, L.; Chen, J.L.; Zou, H.L., Representations for the Drazin inverse of the sum of two matrices and its applications, Bulletin of the Iranian Math. Soc., 2019,45, 683-699. (SCI)
137. Gao, Y.F.; Chen, J.L., The pseudo core inverse of a lower triangular matrix, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales, Serie A. Matematicas, 2019, 113(2), 423-434. (SCI)
136. Ke, Y.Y.; Wang, L.; Chen, J.L., The core inverse of a product and 2*2 matrices, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 2019, 42, 51-66. (SCI)
135. Xu, S.Z.; Chen, J.L.;Mosic, D., On characterizations of special elements in rings with involution, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Ser. B. 2019, 40(1),65-78. (SCI)
134. Zhou, M.M.; Chen, J.L.; Li, T.T.; Wang, D.G., Three limit representations of the core-EP inverse, Filomat, 2018, 32(17),5887-5894. (SCI)
133. Gao, Y.F.; Chen, J.L.; Ke, Y.Y., *-DMP elements in *-semigroups and *-rings, Filomat, 2018, 32(9),3073-3085. (SCI)
132. Wang, H.X.; Chen, J.L., Weak group inverse, Open Math, 2018, 16: 1218-1232. (SCI)
131. Gao, Y.F.; Chen, J.L.; Patricio, P.; Wang, D.G., The pseudo core inverse of a companion matrix, Studia Sci. Math. Hung. 2018, 55(3), 407-420. (SCI)
130. Zou, H.L.; Chen, J.L.; Li, T.T.; Gao, Y.F.,Characterizations and representations of the inverse along an element, Bull. Malays. Math, Sci. Soc., 2018, 41(4), 1835-1857. (SCI)
129. Mosic, D. ; Zou, H.L.; Chen, J.L., On the (b,c)-inverse in rings, Filomat, 2018, 32(4), 1221-1231. (SCI)
128. Zou, H.L.; Chen, J.L.; Patricio,P., Reverse order law for the core inverse in rings, Mediterr. J. Math. (2018) 15: 145. (SCI)
127.Xu, S.Z.; Chen, J.L.; Benitez, J., Projections for generalized inverses. Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2018, 66(8), 1593-1605. (SCI)
126. Gao, Y.F.; Chen, J.L., Characterizations of *-DMP matrices over rings. Turkish J. Math., 2018, 42 : 786-796. (SCI)
125. Zhou, M. M. Chen, J.L., Integral representations of two generalized core inverses. Appl. Math. Computation, 333(2018),187-193.. (SCI)
124. Zou, H.L.; Chen, J.L.; Patricio, P., Characterizations of m-EP elements in rings. Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2018,66(6), 1244-1256. (SCI)
123. Li, T.T.; Chen, J.L., Characterizations of core and dual core inverses in rings with involution, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2018, 66(4), 717-730. (SCI).
122. Cai, J.; Chen, J.L., Least squares solutions of generalized inverse eigenvalue problem over Hermitian-Hamiltonian matrices with a submatrix constraint. Comp. Appl. Math., 2018, 37(1), 593-603. (SCI)
121. Ke, Y.Y.;Cvetkovic-Ilic,D.S.;Chen,J.L.;Visnjic,J., New results on (b,c)-inverses, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2018, 66(3), 447-458. (SCI)
120. Gao, Y.F.;Chen, J.L., Pseudo core inverses in rings with involution, Comm. Algebra, 46(2018), no.1, 38-50. (SCI)
119. Zhang, X.X.; Chen, J.L.,Wang, L., Generalized symmetric *-rings and Jacobson’s
lemma for Moore-Penrose inverse, Publ. Math Debrecen, 91/3-4(2017), 321-329. (SCI)
118. Zhang, X. X.; Xu, S. Z.; Chen, J. L., Core partial order in rings with involution, Filomat, 2017, 31(18), 5695-5701. (SCI)
117. Zou, H.L.; Chen, J.L.; Mosic, D., the Drazin invertibility of an anti-triangular matrix over a ring, Studia Sci. Math. Hung., 2017, 54(4), 489-508. (SCI)
116. Wang, L.; Castro-Gonzalez, N.; Chen, J.L., Characterizations of outer generalized inverses. Canad. Math. Bull., 60(2017), 861-871. (SCI)
115. Chen, J.L.; Zou, H.L.; Zhu, H.H.; Patricio, P., The one-sided inverse along an element in semigroups and rings, Mediterr. J. Math., 14(2017), no.5, 14: 208. (SCI)
114. Di, Z.X.; Wei, J.Q.; Zhang, X.X.; Chen, J.L., Tilting subcategories with respect to cotorsion triples in abelian categories, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section A: Mathematics, 147(2017), no.4, 703-726. (SCI)
113. Zhu, H.H.; Chen, J.L.; Patricio, P.; Mary, X., Centralizer’s applications to the inverse along an element. Appl. Math. Computation, 315(2017), 27-33. (SCI)
112. Ke, Y.Y.; Gao, Y.F.; Chen,J.L., Representations of the (b,c)-inverses in rings with involution. Filomat, 2017, 31(9), 2867-2875.(SCI)
111. Zou, H.L.; Mosic, D.; Chen, J.L., Generalized Drazininvertibility of product and sum of two elements in a Banach algebra and its applications, Turkish J. Math., 41(2017), 548-563. (SCI)
110. Cai, J.; Chen, J.L., Iterative solutions of generalized inverse eigenvalue problem for partially bisymmetric matrices, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 65(2017), no. 8, 1643-1654. (SCI)
109. Wang, L; Chen, J.L., Generalized invertibility in a corner ring, Filomat, 2017, 31(8), 2189-2194.(SCI)
108. Zou, H.L.; Chen,J.L., On the pseudo Drazin inverse of the sum of two elements in a Banach algebra, Filomat, 2017, 31(7), 2011-2022. (SCI)
107. Chen, J.L.; Ke, Y.Y.; Mosic, D., The reverse order law of the (b,c)-inverse in semigroups, Acta Math. Hungar, 151(2017), no.1, 181-198. (SCI)
106.Chen, J.L.; Zhu, H.H.; Patricio, P.; Zhang, Y.L., Characterizations and Representations of core and dual core inverses, Canad. Math. Bull., 60(2017), no.2, 269-282. (SCI)
105. Mosic, D.; Zou, H.L.; Chen,J.L., The generalized Drazin inverse of the sum in a Banach algebra, Ann. Funct. Anal., 8(2017), no.1,90-105. (SCI)
104. Di, Z.X.; Zhang, X.X.; Chen, J.L., Gorenstein AC-projective dimension of unbounded complexes, Comm Algebra, 45(2017),no.7, 2855-2866. (SCI)
103. Zhu, H.H.; Chen, J.L., Additive and product properties of Drazin inverses of elements in a ring. Bull. Malays.Math.Sci. Soc., 40(2017), no.1, 259-278. (SCI)
102. Zhu, H.H.; Chen, J.L.; Patricio,P., Reverse order law for the inverse along an element.Linear Multilinear Algebra, 65(2017), no.1, 166-177. (SCI)
101. Ke, Y.Y.; Wang, Z.; Chen, J.L., The (b,c)-inverse for products and lower triangular matrices, J. Algebra Appl., 16(2017), no.12, 1750222. (SCI)
100. Xu, S.Z.; Chen, J.L.; Zhang,X.X., New characterizations for core inverses in rings with involution, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 12(2017), no.1, 231-246. (SCI)
99. Zhu, H.H.; Chen,J.L.; Patricio,P. The Moore-Penrose inverse of differences and products of projectors in a ring with involution. Turkish J. Math. 40(2016), no.6,1316-1324, (SCI)
98. Du, F.P.; Chen, J.L., Perturbation analysis for the Moore-Penrose metric generalized inverse of closed linear operators in Banach spaces, Annals of Functional Analysis, 7(2016), no.2, 240-253. (SCI)
97. Di, Z.X., Zhang X.X., Ren, W., Chen, J.L., Relative derived categories with respect to subcategories, J. Algebra Appl., 15(2016),no.6, 1650108. (SCI)
96.Chen, X. L., Chen, J. L., Cotorsion dimensions relative to semidualizing modules, J. Algebra Appl.,15(2016),no.6, 1650104. (SCI)
95. Zhu, H.H., Patricio, P., Chen, J.L., Zhang, Y.L., The inverse along a product and its applications, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 64(2016),no.5, 834-841. (SCI)
94. Di, Z.X.,; Wei, J.Q.,; Zhang, X.X.; Chen, J.L., On Balance for relative homology, Comm. Algebra, 44(2016),no.10, 4262-4276. (SCI)
93. Wang, L.,Zhu, X.; Chen, J.L., Additive property of Drazin invertibility of elements in a ring, Filomat, 30(2016), no.5, 1185-1193. (SCI)
92. Ke, Y.Y., Chen, J.L., The Bott-Duffin (e, f)-inverses and their applications, Linear Algebra Appl., 489(2016), 61-74. (SCI)
91. Zhu, H.H., Chen, J.L., Patricio, P., Further results on the inverse along an element in semigroups and rings. Linear Multilinear Algebra, 64(2016), no.3, 393-403. (SCI)
90. Di, Z.X., Liu, Z. K., Chen J.L., Stability of Gorenstein flat categories with respect to a semidualizing module, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 45(2015), no.6,1839-1859 (SCI)
89. Di, Z. X., Zhang, X. X., Chen, J.L., Balance for relative homology with respect to semidualizing modules, Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 52(2015), no.1,137-147.(SCI)
88. Wang, L., Chen, J.L., Further results on partial ordering and the generalized inverses, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 63(2015),no.2, 2419-2429.(SCI)
87. Zhu,H.H., Zhang, X.X., Chen,J.L. Generalized inverses of a factorization in a ring with involution, Linear Algebra Appl.472(2015), 142-150.(SCI)
86. Castro-Gonzalez, N., Chen, J.L., Wang, L., Further results on generalized inverses in rings with involution, Electronic J. Linear Algebra, 30(2015),118-134 (SCI)
85. Gao, Y.Y., Chen, J.L., Li, Y.L., Some *-clean group rings, Algebra Colloq., 22(2015), no.1, 169-180. (SCI)
84.Zhu,H.H., Chen, J.L. Patricio, P., Representations for the pseudo Drazin inverse of elements in a Banach algebra, Taiwanese J. Math., 19(2015),no.2, 349-362. (SCI)
83. Zhu, H.H., Chen, J.L., Additive property of pseudo Drazin inverse of elements in Banach algrebra, Filomat, 28(2014),no.9,1773-1781. (SCI)
82. Wang, L; Zhang,SS; Zhang, XX, Chen, JL, Mixed-type reverse order law for Moore-Penrose inverse of products of three elements in ring with involution, Filomat, 28(2014), no.10, 1997-2008. (SCI)
81. Chen, J.L., Zhu, H.H., Drazin invertibility of product and difference of idempotents in a ring, Filomat, 28(2014), no.6, 1133-1137. (SCI)
80. Shen, L., Chen, J.L., C2 property of column finite matrix rings. Ukrainian Math. J., 66(2014),no.12, 1718-1722. (SCI)
79. Zhu, H.H., Chen, J.L., Zhang, X.X., Patricio, P., The Moore-Penrose inverse of 2*2 matrices over a certain *-regular ring, Appl. Math. Computation, 246(2014), 263-267. (SCI)
78. Di, Z. X., Zhang, X.X., Liu, Z.K, Chen, J.L., Relative and Tate homology with respect to semidualizing modules, J. Algebra Appl., 13(2014),no.8, 1450058. (SCI)
77. Chen, J.L., Li, W.X., Shen, L., QF rings characterized by injectivities: a survey, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol.609, 2014. (ISTP)
76. Li, W.X., Chen, J.L., Shen, L, A fuzzy characterization of QF rings. J. Inequalities Appl., 2014, 2014:184. (SCI)
75. Zhu, H.H.,Zhang, X.X., Chen, J.L., Centralizers and their applications to generalized inverses, Linear Algebra Appl., 458(2014), 291-300. (SCI)
74. Liu,Q.L, Chen, J.L, Coherence and generalized morphic property of triangular matrix rings, Comm. Algebra, 42(2014), 2788-2799.(SCI)
73.Cui, J; Chen, JL, Pseudopolar matrix rings over local rings, J Algebra Appl. 13(2014), no.3, 1350109 (SCI)
72.Liao, YH; Chen JL; Cui, J, Cline’s formula for the generalized Drazin inverse, Bull. Malays. Math.Sci.Soc., (2)37(1), 2014, 37-42. (SCI)
71. Grover, Harpreet K; Wang, Z; Khurana,D; Chen,JL; Lam,TY, Sums of units in rings, J. Algebra Appl. 13(2014), no.1, 1350072 (SCI)
70. Zhang,XX; Zhang,SS; Chen, JL; Wang, L, Moore-Penrose invertibility of differences and products of projections in rings with involution, Linear Algebra Appl., 439(2013), 4101-4109.(SCI)
69. Chen, JL, Cui,J, Two questions of L. Vas on *-clean rings, Bull.Austral Math.Soc., 88(2013), 499-505. (SCI)
68. Cui,J; Chen,JL, Extensions of linearly McCoy rings, Bull.Korean Math. Soc., 50(2013), no.5, 1501-1511. (SCI)
67. Liao, YH.;Chen, JL, Approximations and cotorsion pairs related to a titling pair, Front. Math. China, 8(2013), no.6, 1367-1376.(SCI)
66. Wang, L; Chen JL, Mixed-type reverse-order of (AB)^(1,3), (AB)^(1,2,3) and (AB)^(1,3,4), Appl. Math. Comput. 222(2013),42-52. (SCI)
65. Cui,J.; Chen, JL, Characterizations of quasipolar rings, Comm. Algebra, 41(2013),no.9,3207-3217. (SCI)
64. Xin, DW; Chen, JL; Zhang,XX, Completely W-resolved complexes, Comm.Algebra ,41(2013), no.3,1094-1106 (SCI)
63. Xin, DW; Chen, JL; Zhang,XX, On Gorenstein FP-injective and Gorenstein flat complexes, Comm. Algebra, 41(2013),no.4,1247-1267 (SCI)
62. Li, WX; Chen,JL, When CF rings are Artinian, J. Algebra Appl. 12(2013), no.4, 1250059 (SCI)
61. Li, WX; Chen,JL; Kourki, F, On Strongly C2 modules and D2 modules, J. Algebra Appl. 12(2013),no.7, 1350029 (SCI)
60. Zeng, Y D; Chen, JL, Resolutions and dimensions of relative injective Modules and relative flat modules, Bull. Korean Math.Soc, 50(2013), no.1,11-24. (SCI)
59.Liu, QL; Chen,JL, On (m,n)-injectivity and coherence of rings, Publ. Math Debrecen 82(2013),no.1,77-90
58. Liu, QL; Chen, JL, C.P. modules and their applications, Turkish J.Math.37(2013), no.1,8-17. (SCI)
57. Ying, ZL; Chen, Jianlong On quasipolar rings. Algebra Colloq.19 (2012), no. 4, 683–692. (SCI)
56.Cui, Jian; Chen, Jianlong A class of quasipolar rings. Comm. Algebra 40 (2012), no. 12, 4471–4482.
55. Zhuang, Guifen; Chen, Jianlong; Cvetković-Ilić, Dragana S.; Wei, Yimin Additive property of Drazin
invertibility of elements in a ring. Linear Multilinear Algebra60 (2012), no. 8, 903–910. (SCI)
54. Wang, Zhou; Chen, Jianlong Pseudo Drazin inverses in associative rings and Banach algebras.Linear
Algebra Appl.437 (2012), no. 6, 1332–1345. (SCI)
53. Cui, Jian; Chen, Jianlong On α-skew McCoy modules. Turkish J. Math.36 (2012), no. 2, 217–229. (SCI)
52.Zan,Libo,Chen,Jianlong,Principally quasi-Baer properties of Group rings, Studia.Sci.Math.Hung., 49
(2012),no.4, 454-465. (SCI)
51. Wang,Z; Chen,JL; Khurana,Dinesh; Lam, TY, Rings of idempotent stable range one, Algebras and Representation Theory, 15(2012), no,1,195-200. (SCI)
50. Zhuang GF; Chen JL, Cui,J. Jacobson’s lemma for the generalized Drazin inverse. Linear Algebra Appl.,
436(2012),no.3, 742-746. (SCI)
49. Cui, J; Chen, JL, Quasipolar triangular matrix rings over local rings, Comm. Algebra, 40(2012), no.2,
784-794 (SCI)
48. Cui, J; Chen,JL, When is a 2*2 matrix ring over a commutative local ring quasipolar? Comm. Algebra,
39(2011), no. 9, 3212-3221. (SCI)
47. Cui J; Chen JL, On McCoy modules, Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 48(2011), no. 1,23-33. (SCI)
46. Zeng, YD; Chen JL, Envelopes and covers by modules of finite FP-injective dimensions, Comm. Algebra, 38(2010), no.10, 3851-3867. (SCI)
45.Zhang, CP; Chen, JL, Weak alpha-skew Armendariz rings, J. Korean Math. Soc. 47(2010),no.3, 455-466. (SCI)
44. Huang, QH; Chen,JL, Morphic properties of extensions of rings, Algebra Colloq., 17(2010), no.2, 337- 344. (SCI)
43. Yao, LL; Chen, JL, Co-*(s)-modules. Front. Math. China5(2010), no.4, 747-756. (SCI)
42. Yao, LL; Chen, JL, Co-*n-modules. Algebra Colloq.17(2010), no. 3, 447-456. (SCI)
41. Chen, JL; Jin, XQ, The generalized superoptimal preconditioner. Linear Algebra and its Appl. 432 (2010), No.1, 203-217. (SCI)
40. Chen, JL; Wang, Z; Zhou, YQ, Rings in which elements are uniquely the sum of an idempotent and a
unit that commute.J. Pure Appl. Algebra 213(2009), no. 2, 215-223. (SCI)
39. Wang, Z; Chen JL.,2-clean ring,Can. Math. Bull.52(2009), No.1,145-153. (SCI)
38. Zhang,CP;Chen,JL., alpha-skew Armendariz modules and alpha-semi commutative modules. Taiwanese J. Math . 12(2008), No.2,473-486. (SCI)
37. Zhang, XX;Chen,JL, Properties of modules and rings relative to some matrices.Comm.Algebra, 36(2008),No.10,3682-3707. (SCI)
36. Chen, JL; Shen, L.; Zhou, Y., Characterization of QF rings. Comm. Algebra 35(2007), no. 1, 281-288. (SCI)
35. Chen, JL; Zhou YQ, Strongly clean power series rings. Proc. Edinburgh Math.Soc., 50(2007),73-85. (SCI)
34. Lie, Z; Chen, JL; Ying,ZL, A question on McCoy rings.Bull. Austral Math.Soc. 76(2007), No.1, 137-141. (SCI)
33. Wang, Z; Chen,JL, A note on clean rings.Algebra Colloq., 14(2007), No.3, 537-540. (SCI)
32. Zhang, XX; Chen,JL, A note on relative flatness and coherence,Comm. Algebra, 35(2007), 3321-3330. (SCI)
31. Shen, L; Chen,JL, On strong goldie dimension. Comm.Algebra, 35(2007), No.10,3018-3025.(SCI)
30. Chen, JL; Nicholson, WK.; Zhou, YQ, Group rings in which every elements is uniquely the sum of a unit and an idempotent. J. Algebra 306(2006), no. 2, 453-460. (SCI)
29. Chen, JL; Yang, XD; Zhou, YQ, On strongly clean matrix and triangular matrix rings, Comm. Algebra 34(2006), no. 10, 3659-3674. (SCI)
28. Chen, JL; Yang, XD; Zhou, YQ, When is the $2\times 2$ matrix ring over a commutative local ring strongly clean? J. Algebra 301(2006), no. 1, 280-293. (SCI)
27. Chen, JL; Li, YL; Zhou, YQ, Morphic group rings. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 205(2006), no. 3, 621-639. (SCI)
26. Chen, JL; Zhou, YQ, Extension of injectivity and coherent rings. Comm. Algebra 34(2006), no.1, 275-288. (SCI)
25. Shen L; Chen JL, New characterizations of Quasi-Frobenius rings, Comm. Algebra, 34(2006), No.6, 2157-2165. (SCI)
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