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教育经历 香港浸会大学地理系 博士 中山大学城市与资源规划系 硕士 中山大学城市与资源规划系 学士 工作经历 2008年至今,华东师范大学社会学系 2007-2008年,美国布朗大学社会学系,博士后 荣誉及奖励 留学生全英语课程Understanding Chinese City入选教育部“第二期来华留学英文授课品牌课程” 留学生全英语课程Understanding Chinese City获得上海高校外国留学生英语授课示范性课程证书(2018-2020)




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Li, L.M. 2021. To comply or not to comply? Migrants’ responses to educational barriers in large cities in China, Eurasian Geography and Economics, DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2021.2004183 李丽梅,2021.从街道之眼到城市之眼:智慧城市如何改变匿名性?信睿周报,第49期,2021-05-01. 李丽梅,杨澜,2020. 自己的房子:中国城镇女性住房路径分析,中国妇女报,2020-11-10. 006.http://www.cnwomen.com.cn/2020/11/10/99212312.html. 李丽梅,2019.城市革命:一个理论概念的嬗变研究,国际城市规划,Vol.34, No.6:41-48. 李丽梅,2019. 理解中国城市,上海市教育委员会,上海高校外国留学生英语授课示范性课程建设发展报告(2017),上海人民出版社。 李丽梅,2017. 谁拥有城市的权利?上海永久性迁移人口落户的社会地理研究,p.135-153,陈映芳主编,城市治理研究(第一卷):赋权、住宅供给与居住生活保障,上海交通大学出版社。 Li,L.M. 2016.The household registration (hukou) system in China: reforms and social consequences, with special reference to Shanghai, invited contribution to the Project on Developing an Online Case Study Repository for Social Science and General Education Courses at The Education University of Hong Kong. 李丽梅,陈映芳,李思名,中国城市户口和居住证制度下的公民身份等级分层,2015.南京社会科学,2:52-60. Li, L.M. and Li, S.M.2014. Living the networked life in the commodity housing estates: everyday use of online neighborhood forums and community participation in urban China, in Huang, Y.Q. and Li, S.M. eds. Polarized Residential Landscape in Chinese Cities: Housing Inequality in Chinese Cities,pp.181-197, Routledge. Li, L.M. and Li, S.M. 2013. Becoming homeowners: the emergence and use of online neighborhood forums in transitional urban China, Habitat International,38,232-239. Logan, J. and Li, L.M. 2012. The impact of housing tenure on residential segregation in Beijing, China, in Thomas Maloutas and Kuniko Fujita eds. Residential Segregation in Comparative Perspective: Making Sense of Contextual Diversity, pp.69-88, Ashgate Publishing. Li S.M., Zhu, Y.S. and Li, L.M. 2012. Neighborhood type, gatedness, and residential experiences in Chinese cities: a study of Guangzhou, Urban Geography, 237-255. 李丽梅,李思名, 2011. 团结就是力量:转型期中国城市小区论坛的出现和使用,宁越敏主编,中国城市研究(第四辑)北京: 商务出版社。 Li, L.M., Li, S.M. and Chen,Y.F. 2010. Better City, Better Life, But for Whom? The hukou and resident card system and the consequential citizenship stratification in Shanghai, City, Culture, and Society, 1, 145-154. Li, L.M. and Li, S.M. 2010. The impact of variations in urban registration within cities, in Whyte, M. ed. One Country, Two Societies: Rural-Urban Gap in Contemporary China, Boston: Harvard University Press, 188-215. 李丽梅,2010. 区位获得模型在城市居住空间形成过程分析中的应用,见周尚意,柴彦威主编,地理学评论,北京:商务出版社。 Li, L.M. and Li, S.M. 2009.Unity is strength:the emergence and use of online neighborhood forum in transitional urban China,Occasional Paper Series No.96, The Centre for China Urban & Regional Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University. Li, L.M., Li, S.M. and Chen, Y.F. 2009. How large has the gate of Chinese hukou system been opened?—managing and controlling the exploding metropolis, Occasional Paper Series No.95, The Centre for China Urban & Regional Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University. 李丽梅,李思名,2008.中国城镇住房制度改革:回顾与评价,载:李思名,陈峰,邵一鸣主编,持续与变迁:当代中国的政经、社会和空间发展,pp.383-412,香港:香港教育图书公司。 Li, S.M. and Li, L.M. 2006. Life course and housing tenure change in urban China: a study of Guangzhou, Housing Studies, 21(5), 653-670. 李思名,李丽梅,2005.转型时期中国城市居民生命历程和住房权属变化研究:以广州为例,见涂肇庆主编,机遇与挑战:21世纪两岸四地的人口变迁,pp.605-620, 北京:中国人口出版社。 李丽梅,保继刚,2005.基于旅游者-目的地相互作用的人地关系研究——以广西阳朔为例,中国旅游研究,1,4-16. 陶伟,李丽梅,2005. 香港城市游憩商业区空间结构演变模式,城市规划,6,69-75. Li, L.M. and Tao, W. 2003. Spatial structure evolution of system of recreation business district: a case study of Suzhou city, Chinese Geographical Science 13(4), 370-377. 保继刚,徐红罡,李丽梅,2001. John Ap,香港迪斯尼乐园对珠江三角洲的影响,旅游学刊,16(4),34-38. 李丽梅,保继刚,2000. 大学生旅游行为研究——以中山大学为例,桂林旅游高等专科学校学报,11(4),45-49,54.


