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区块链系统研发、分布式数据管理 自2016年以来一直专注于区块链相关领域的研究工作,尤其是在区块链数据管理方面有着深入的研究与实践,在区块链数据存储、交易执行、查询等多个区块链核心关键技术上做出了重要的突破,研究成果发表在SIGMOD、VLDB、ICDE、TKDE、CIKM等国际顶级数据管理会议和期刊上,同时作为技术骨干,获得1项国家科技进步二等奖,1项上海市科技进步一等奖,以及1项教育部科技进步一等奖。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Xiaodong Qi,Zhihao Chen,Zhao Zhang, Cheqing Jin, Aoying Zhou.S-Store: A Scalable Data Store towards Permissioned Blockchain Sharding. INFOCOM 2022 (Accepted).(CCF-A) Zhihao Chen, Qingqing Li, Xiaodong Qi, Zhao Zhang, Cheqing Jin, Aoying Zhou. BlockOPE: Efficient Order-Preserving Encryption for Permissioned Blockchain. ICDE 2022 (Accepted).(CCF-A) Zhihao Chen, Haizhen Zhuo, Quanqing Xu, Xiaodong Qi, Chengyu Zhu, Zhao Zhang, Cheqing Jin, Aoying Zhou, Ying Yan, Hui Zhang.SChain: A Scalable Consortium Blockchain Exploiting Intra- and Inter-Block Concurrency. VLDB 2021.(CCF-A) Xiaodong Qi, Zhihao Chen, Zhao Zhang, Cheqing Jin, Aoying Zhou, Haizhen Zhuo, Quanqing Xu. A Byzantine Fault Tolerant Storage for Permissioned Blockchain. SIGMOD 2021. (CCF-A) Xing Tong, Haibo Tang, Nan Jiang, Wei Fan, Yichen Gao, Sijia Deng, Zhao Zhang*, Cheqing Jin, Yingjie Yang, and Gang Qin, SQL-Middleware: Enabling the Blockchain with SQL, DASFAA 2021(CCF-B) Cheqing Jin, Shaifeng Pang, Xiadong Qi, Zhao Zhang*, Aoying Zhou. Concurrency Protocol Aiming at High Performance of Execution and Replay for Smart Contracts. TKDE 2021. (CCF-A) Zhiaho Chen, Xiaodong Qi, Xiaofan Du, Zhao Zhang, Cheqing Jin. PEEP: A Parallel Execution Engine for Permissioned Blockchain Systems. DASFAA 2021.(CCF-B) Xiaodong Qi,Zhao Zhang*, Cheqing Jin, Aoying Zhou.A Reliable Storage Partitioning for Permissioned Blockchain, TKDE 2020 (CCF-A) Qifeng Shao, Shuaifeng Pang, Zhao Zhang*, Cheqing Jin. Authenticated range query using SGX for blockchain light clients, DASFAA 2020.(CCF-B) Shuaifeng Pang, Qifeng Shao,Zhao Zhang*, Cheqing Jin. AuthQX: Enabling Authenticated Query overBlockchain via Intel SGX, DASFAA 2020. (CCF-B) Xiaodong Qi,Zhao Zhang*, Cheqing Jin, Aoying Zhou. BFT-Store: Storage Partition for Permissioned Blockchain via Erasure Coding, ICDE 2020. (CCF-A) 蔡磊,朱燕超,郭庆兴,张召*,金澈清 面向区块链的高效物化视图维护和可信查询. NDBC 2019 萨师煊优秀学生论文奖, 软件学报 2020。 Yanchao Zhu, Zhao Zhang*, Cheqing Jin, Aoying Zhou, Ying Yan. SEBDB: Semantics Empowered BlockChain DataBase. In proc. of IEEE ICDE 2019. (CCF-A) 邵奇峰, 张召*, 朱燕超, 周傲英 企业级区块链技术综述 软件学报 2019 黄建伟,张召*,钱卫宁, 分布式日志结构数据库系统的主键维护方法研究华东师范大学学报(自然科学版)2018.5(总第201期),pp 79-90 齐学成,朱燕超,邵奇峰,张召*,金澈清. 基于区块链的仓单管理系统.华东师大学报,2018,144-153 Jianwei Huang, Jinwei Guo, Zhao Zhang*, Weining Qian, Aoying Zhou. EfficientAuto-Increment Keys Generation for Distributed Log-Structured Storage Systems, WISE 2018 pp 225-239. (CCF-C) 邵奇峰,金澈清,张召,钱卫宁,周傲英. 区块链技术:架构及进展 计算机学报 2017. 齐学成 ,朱燕超,邵奇峰,张召*, 金澈清. 基于区块链的仓单管理系统, NDBC2017 Demo. Jing Wang ,Huiping Liu,Zhao Zhang*. Constrained Route Planning Based on the Regular Expression,CollaborateCom 2017. (CCF-C) Yanchao Zhu, Peng Cai, Weining Qian,Aoying Zhou, Zhao Zhang*. An Efficient Bulk Loading Approach of Secondary index in Distributed Log-Structed Data Stores, DASFAA 2017, pages 87-102. (CCF-B) 隆 飞,翁海星,高 明,张 召*. 基于LSM-Tree的分布式索引实现,华东师范大学学报(自然科学版),2016.05.12,(第5期):36~44. Qiangqiang Kang, Zhao Zhang, Cheqing Jin, and Aoying Zhou. A Product-Customer Matching Framework for Web 2.0 Applications. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering(Wise 2014), pages 489-504.(CCF-C) Qiangqiang Kang, Cheqing Jin, Zhao Zhang and Aoying Zhou. MemTest: A Novel Benchmark for In-Memory Database, Proceddings of Big Data Benchmarks, Performance Optimization, and Emerging Hardware Communities(BPOE05). 朱涛,周敏奇,张召,面向OceanBase的存储过程实现技术研究, 华东师大学报自然科学版,2014年第5期,(P281-289)。 康强强,金澈清,张召等,如何实现评测内存数据库的性能,如何实现评测内存数据库的性能,华东师大学报自然科学版,2014年第5期,(P320-329)。 Zhao Zhang, Cheqing Jin, Qiangqiang Kang. Reverse R-kranks Query,the 40th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2014), pages 785-796.(CCF-A) Cheqing Jin, Rong Zhang, Qiangqiang Kang, Zhao Zhang, Aoying Zhou. Probabilistic Reverse Top-k Queries, to appear in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2014).(CCF-B) Bin Zhao, Zhao Zhang, Weining Qian, Aoying Zhou. Identification of Collective Viewpoints on Microblogs. Data Knowl. Eng.(DKE) 87:374-393 (2013) (CCF-B) Zhao Zhang, Qiangqiang Kang, Cheqing Jin, Aoying Zhou. Reverse Ranking Query in Two Dimensions,the 9th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications(ADMA 2013), HangZhou,China, pages 348-359, 2013. 张召,申凯文,宫学庆逆向序敏感查询在广告投放中的应用,华东师大学报自然科学版 2013年第3期 ,(P26-P36) Zhao Zhang, Bin Zhao, Weining Qian, Aoying Zhou. Discovering Social Media Experts by Integrating Social Networks and Contents. Proceedings of the 23rd Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2012), Melbourne, Australia 2012:99-109 Zhao Zhang, Bin Zhao, Weining Qian, Aoying Zhou. Generating Profiles for a Lurking User by its Followings’ Social Context in Microblogs. Proceedings of the 9th Web Information System and Application Conference (Wisa 2012), Hainan, China 2012:135-140 Bin Zhao, Zhao Zhang, Yanhui Gu, Weining Qian, Aoying Zhou. Collective Viewpoint Identification of Low-Level Participation. Proceedings of the 14th Asia-Pacific Web Conference (APWeb 2012), Kunming, China 2012:330-341 (CCF-B) Zhao Zhang, Weining Qian, Aoying Zhou. Simultaneously Modeling Reply Networks and Contents to Generate User’s Profiles on Web Forum. Behavior Computing pages, 91-108 2012. Bin Zhao, Zhao Zhang, Yanhui Gu, Xueqing Gong, Weining Qian. Aoying Zhou Discovering Collective Viewpoints on Micro-blogging Events Based on Community and Temporal Aspects. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining (ADMA 2011), Beijing, China 2011:270-284 Zhao Zhang, Weining Qian, and Aoying Zhou. Searching Consultants in Web Forum, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications(DASFAA 2011) Workshops, Hong Kong, China 2011:369-377. 张召,钱卫宁,周傲英. 基于活跃用户特征的论坛广告投放,计算机研究与发展 8-13 NDBC 2009.
