H. Zhao,, N. Qi, M. Ren, X. Zeng, Z. Zeng and Z. Yang*, Neural Barrier Certificates of NN-Controlled Continuous Systems via Counterexample-Guided Learning, accepted for publication in DAC'2024. (CCF-A)
X. Zeng, B. Liu, Z. Zeng, Z. Liu and Z. Yang*, Safe Controller Synthesis for Nonlinear Systems via Reinforcement Learning and PAC Approximation, accepted for publication in DAC'2024. (CCF-A).
N. Qi, D. Lydia, B. Liu, Z. Yang and Z. Zeng, Global Optimization for Heilbronn Problem of Convex Polygons Based on Bilinear Matrix Inequalities Solving, accepted for publication in Journal of System Science and Complexity, 2024.
Z.Yang, L.Zhang, X.Zeng,C.Tang,C.Peng,Z.Zeng,Hybrid Controller Synthesis for Nonlinear Systems Subject to Reach-avoid Constraints, CAV'2023, 304-325.(CCF-A)
H. Zhao, N. Qi, L. Dehbi, X. Zeng, Z. Yang*, Formal Synthesis of Neural Barrier Certificates for Continuous Systems via Counterexample Guided Learning. Accepted for publication in ACM Trans. Embedded Computing Systems (Special issue of EMSOFT'2023). (CCF-B)
J. Chao, Z. Zhou, H. Gao, J. Gong, Z. Yang*, Z. Zeng, Lydia Dehbi,Equivalent Transformation and Dual Stream Network Construction for Mobile Image Super-Resolution, CVPR'2023, 14102-14111. (CCF-A)
Z. Zhou, J.Chao, J.Gong, H. Gao, Z.Zeng and Z. Yang*, Enhancing Real-Time Super Resolution with Partial Convolution and Efficient Variance Attention. Accepted for publication in ACM'MM2023. (CCF-A)
X. Zeng, Z. Yang*, L. Zhang, X. Tang, Z. Zeng and Z. Liu, Safety Verification of Nonlinear Systems with Bayesian Neural Network Controllers. AAAI'2023,15278-15286, (Oral,CCF-A)
J. Chao, Z. Zhou, H. Gao, J. Gong, Z.Yang*, Z. Zeng, A Novel Learnable Interpolation Approach for Scale-Arbitrary Image Super-Resolution. IJCAI'2023, 564-572. (CCF-A)
H. Zhao, X. Zeng, N. Qi, Z. Yang* and Z. Zeng, Safe DNN-type Controller Synthesis for Nonlinear Systems via Meta Reinforcement Learning. Accepted for publication in DAC'2023. (CCF-A)
J. Gong, H. Gao,J. Chao, Z. Zhou, Z. Yang* and Z. Zeng, Kernel Estimation and Deconvolution for Blind Image Super-resolution, ICASSP'2023. (CCF-B)
Z. Yang, H. Zhao, L. Zhi, VerifyRealRoots: A Matlab Package for Computing Verified Real Solutions of Polynomial Systems of Equations and Inequalities. Journal of System Sciences and Complexity,36(2),866-883,2023. (JCR Q2)
X. Fu, Z. Yang*, H. Xue, J.Wang, Z. Zeng, Robust Training with Feature-Based Adversarial Examples, 26th ICPR,2957-2963.
H. Xue, X. Zeng, W. Lin, Z. Yang*, C. Peng and Z. Zeng, An RNN-Based Framework for the MILP Problem in Robustness Verification of Neural Networks.ACCV, 1842-1857, 2022.
X. Tang, Z. Yang*, X. Fu, J. Wang, Z. Zeng, Improving Adversarial Robustness of Deep Neural Networks via Linear Programming. TASE, 326-343, 2022.
Z. Zeng, Y. Xu, Y. Chen, Z. Yang, A Mechanical Method for Isolating Locally Optimal Points of Certain Radical Functions. CASC, 377-396, 2022.
W. Lin, Z. Yang*, Z. Ding, Reachable Set Estimation and Safety Verification of Nonlinear Systems via Iterative Sums of Squares Programming. Journal of System Sciences and Compelxity, 35(3), 1154-1172, 2022. (JCR Q2)
Z. Yang, Y. Zhang, W. Lin, X. Zeng, X. Tang, Z. Zeng and Z. Liu, An Iterative Scheme of Safe Reinforcement Learning for Nonlinear Systems via Barrier Certificate Generation. 33rd International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification(CAV'21), 467-490. (CCF-A)
Q. Zhao, X. Chen, M. Sha, Z. Yang, W. Lin, E. Tang and X. Li, Synthesizing ReLU Neural Networks with Two Hidden Layers as Barrier Certificates for Hybrid Systems. HSCC'21, 1-11. (CCF-B)
M. Sha, X. Chen, Y. Ji, Q. Zhao, Z. Yang, W. Lin, E. Tang, Q. Chen, X. Li, Synthesizing Barrier Certificates of Neural Network Controlled Continuous Systems via Approximations. DAC'2021,631:636. (CCF-A)
C. He, C. Peng, N. Li, X. Chen, Z. Yang, Z. Hu, CIFEF: Combining Implicit and Explicit Features for Frendship Inference in Location-Based Social Networks. KSEM,168-180,2020.
C. Liu, W. Lin and Z. Yang, Generating Adversarial Texts for Recurrent Neural Networks, ICANN, 39-51,2020.
X. Chen, C. Peng, W. Lin, Z. Yang*, Y. Zhang and X. Li, A Novel Approach for Solving the BMI Problem in Barrier Certificates Generation, 32nd International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification(CAV2020), 582-603.(CCF-A)
Z. Zeng, J. Wang, Z. Yang and K. Hidetsune, A Mechanical Proof of the Property of Derived Sets in General Topology(in Chinese), Science China, 2020,50:1-26.
Zhengfeng Yang, M. Wu, W. Lin, An Efficient Framework for Barrier Certificate Generation of Uncertain Nonlinear Hybrid Systems, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems(NAHS),100837, 2020. (JCR Q1)
Wang Lin, Zhengfeng Yang*, Xin Chen, Qingye. Zhao, Xuandong Li, Zhiming Liu and Jifeng He, Robustness Verification of Classification Deep Neural Networks via Linear Programming, CVPR2019, 11418-11427. (CCF-A)
Li-yong Shen, Sonia Perez-Diaz, Zhengfeng Yang*, Numerical Proper Reparametrization of Space Curves and Surfaces,Computer-Aided Design,116,Pages 1-16,2019. (CCF-B)
Zhenbing Zeng, Jianlin Wang, Zhengfeng Yang, Multi-Agent Automated Reasoning Toward to Machine Self-Aware(Case Study), TASE 2019.
Yifan Zhang, Zhengfeng Yang*, Wang Lin, Huibiao Zhu, Xin Chen, Xuandong Li, Safety Verification of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems Based on Bilinear Programming. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems(Special issue of EMSOFT2018) 37(11): 2768-2778,2018. (CCF-A)
Erdal Imamoglu, Erich L. Kaltofen, Zhengfeng Yang*:Sparse Polynomial Interpolation With Arbitrary Orthogonal Polynomial Bases. ISSAC 2018: 223-230.
Wenjun Du, Zhengfeng Yang*, Huibiao Zhu:A Fully Abstract Encoding for Sub Asynchronous Pi Calculus. TASE 2018: 17-27.
Chao Huang, Xin Chen, Wang Lin,Zhengfeng Yang* and Xuandong Li, Probabilistic Safety Verification of Stochastic Hybrid Systems Using Barrier Certificates,ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst.(Special issue of EMSOFT2017),16(5): 186:1-186:19,2017. (CCF-B)
Wang Lin, Min Wu, Zhengfeng Yang* and Zhenbing Zeng,Verification for non-polynomial hybrid systems using rational invariants, The Computer Journal,60(5), 675-689, 2017.(CCF-B)
Xia Zeng, Wang Lin, Zhengfeng Yang and Zhenbing Zeng, Linear Invariant Generation for Verification of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems via Conservative Approximation, Science China Information Sciences,60(3), 2017. (CCF-A)
Zhengfeng Yang, Chao Huang, Xin Chen, Wang Lin and Zhiming Liu, A Linear Programming Relaxation Based Approach for Generating Barrier Certificates of Hybrid Systems, the 21st International Symposium on Formal Methods(FM2016),721-738. (CCF-A)
Xia Zeng,Wang Lin, Zhengfeng Yang*, Xin Chen and Lilei Wang, Darboux-type Barrier Certificates for Safety Verification of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems, ACM/IEEE Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT),Article 11, 10 pages,2016. (CCF-B)
Min Tang, Zhengfeng Yang and Zhenbing Zeng, Resultant Elimination via Implicitation Equation Interpolation,Journal of System Sciences and Complexity,29(5):1411-1435,2016.
Erich L.Kaltofen and Zhengfeng Yang*, Sparse Multivariate Function Recovery With a Small Number of Evaluations, Journal of Symbolic Computation,75,209 - 218,2016.(CCF-B)
Zhengfeng Yang, Wang Lin and Min Wu, Exact verification of hybrid systems based on bilinear SOS representation. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 14(1), 1-19,2015. (CCF-B)
Erich L. Kaltofen and Zhengfeng Yang, Sparse multivariate function recovery with a high error rate in the evaluations, Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation , 280-287, 2014, ACM Press.
Wang Lin, Min Wu, Zhengfeng Yang and Zhenbing Zeng, Safety verification of nonlinear systems based on rational invariants, SNC'14 Proc. 2014 Internat. Symp. on Symbolic-numeric Comput.,107-108.
Wang Lin, Min Wu, Zhengfeng Yang and Zhenbing Zeng, Proving total correctness and generating preconditions for loop programs via symbolic-numeric computation methods, Frontiers of Computer Science 8(2), 192-202,2014.
Wang Lin, Min Wu, Zhengfeng Yang, Zhenbing Zeng,Exact safety verification of hybrid systems using sums-of-squares representation. Science China Information Sciences 57(5): 1-13, 2014. (CCF-A)
Min Wu, Zhengfeng Yang, Wang Lin, Domain-of-attraction estimation for uncertain non-polynomial systems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,19(9),3044-3052,2013.
Zhengfeng Yang, Lihong Zhi and Yijun Zhu, Verified Error Bounds for Real Solutions of Positive-dimensional Polynomial Systems, In Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation ,2013, pp371--378,ACM Press.
Erich L. Kaltofen and Zhengfeng Yang, Sparse multivariate function recovery from values with noise and outlier errors,In Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation ,2013, pp219--226,ACM Press.
Erich L. Kaltofen and Bin Li and Zhengfeng Yang and Lihong Zhi,Exact certification in global polynomial optimization via sums-of-squares of rational functions with rational coefficients,Journal of Symbolic Computation,2012,47(1):1-15.
Erich Kaltofen, Wen-shin Lee and Zhengfeng Yang, Fast estimates of Hankel matrix condition numbers and numeric sparse interpolation.In SNC'11 Proc. 2011 Internat. Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Comput. pages 130-136, ACM Press.
] Min Wu, Zhengfeng Yang, Generating invariants of hybrid systems via sums-of-squares of polynomials with rational coefficients. In SNC'11 Proc. 2011 Internat. Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Comput. pages 104-111, ACM Press.
Wang Lin, Min Wu, Zhengfeng Yang,and Zhenbing Zeng, Proving total correctness of loop programs via symbolic-numeric computation method, In MACIS'11Proc. of 4th International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences, pages 149-161.
Zijia Li, Zhengfeng Yang and Lihong Zhi, Blind image deconvolution via fast approximate GCD. In ISSAC'10 Proc. 2010 Internat. Symp. Symbolic Algebraic Comput. pages 155-162, ACM Press.
Liyong Shen, Min Wu, Zhengfeng Yang and Zhenbing Zeng, Generating Exact Nonlinear Ranking Functions by Symbolic-Numeric Hybrid Method,Journal of System Sciences and Complexity, 26 (2), 291-301,2013.
Erich Kaltofen, Zhengfeng Yang and Lihong Zhi, A Proof of the Monotone Column Permanent(MCP) Conjecture for Dimension 4 via Sums-Of-Squares of Rational Functions. In SNC′09 Proceedings, Pages 65-69, ACM Press.
Liyong Shen, Min Wu, Zhengfeng Yang and Zhenbing Zeng, Finding Positively Invariant Sets of a Class of Nonlinear Loops via Curve Fitting. In SNC′09 Proceedings, Pages 185-190, ACM Press, pages 167-174.
Liyong Shen, Min Wu and Zhengfeng Yang,Simplification of numerical rational surfaces. In 2009 International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization,pages 617-621.
Erich Kaltofen, Bin Li, Zhengfeng Yang,and Lihong Zhi,Exact certification of global optimality of approximate factorizations via rationalizing sums-of-squares with floating point scalars.In ISSAC 2008 Proceedings 2008 International Symposium on Symbolic Algebraic Computation ACM Press, New York, N.Y., 2008, pages 155-163.
Erich Kaltofen, John May, Zhengfeng Yang, and Lihong Zhi. Approximate factorization of multivariate polynomials using singular value decomposition. J. Symbolic Comput., 43(5):359-376.
Erich Kaltofen and Zhengfeng Yang, On exact and approximate interpolation of sparse rational functions. In ISSAC 2007 Proceedings 2007 International Symposium on Symbolic Algebraic Computation ACM Press, New York, N.Y., 2007, pages 203-210.
Erich Kaltofen, Bin Li, Kartik Sivaramakrishnan, Zhengfeng Yang,and Lihong Zhi. Lower bounds for approximate factorizations via semidefinite programming (extended abstract). In SNC′07 Proceedings 2007 International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Computation} ACM Press, New York, N.Y., 2007, pages 203-204.
Erich Kaltofen, Zhengfeng Yang and Lihong Zhi, On probabilistic analysis of randomization in hybrid symbolic-numeric algorithms. In SNC′07 Proceedings 2007 InternationalWorkshop on Symbolic-Numeric Computation ACM Press, New York, N.Y., 2007, pages11-17.
Erich Kaltofen, Zhengfeng Yang and Lihong Zhi, Approximate greatest common divisors of several polynomials with linearly constrained coefficients and singular polynomials. In ISSAC 2006 Proceedings 2006 International Symposium on Symbolic Algebraic Computation ACM Press, New York, N.Y., 2006, pages 169-176. Full version, 30 pages. Submitted, Nov. 2007.
Erich Kaltofen, Zhengfeng Yang and Lihong Zhi, Structured low rank approximation of a generalized Sylvester matrix, Proc. of the Seventh Asian Symposium on Computer Mathematics(Seoul,South Korea,2005),S. Pae and H. Park, Eds., Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Pages 219-222.
Bingyu Li, Zhengfeng Yang and Lihong Zhi, Fast low rank approximation of a Sylvester matrix by structured total least norm, J. JSSAC (Japan Society for Symbolic and Algebraic Computation), Vol. 11, No. 3-4, 165-174, 2005.
Shuhong Gao, Erich Kaltofen,John P. May,Zhengfeng Yang andLihong Zhi, Approximate factorization of multivariate polynomials via differential equations. In ISSAC 2004 Proceedings 2004 International Symposium on Symbolic Algebraic Computation ACM Press, New York, N.Y., 2004,