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王廷,华师大软件工程学院副教授,IEEE Senior Member,2015年博士毕业于香港科技大学,计算机科学与工程系,导师Prof.Mounir Hamdi(IEEE Fellow),2012年2月-2012年8月在中科院计算所访问研究。2015年-2016年加入贝尔实验室Bell Labs,任职Research Scientist;2016年7月加入华为上海研究所。目前主要研究方向包括机器学习,智能信息网络、云计算/边缘计算等。目前已在IEEE/ACM/Elsevier/Springer等国内外著名期刊和会议上发表论文60余篇,其中CCF A类/中科院一区论文23篇,B类/二区论文13篇,最佳论文2篇;申请中国发明专利20余项,申请美国发明专利2项,软件著作权6项,由Springer出版个人专著一本(英文版),作为副主编撰写《5GtoB从理论到实践》书籍一本(电子工业出版社出版)。主持1项科技部人工智能2030重大项目子课题;作为主要参与人(排名2)参与1项人工智能2030重大项目;主持1项个人成果转化项目;作为主要参与人参与1项深圳市市科委重大项目;主持1项教育部软硬件协同设计技术与应用教育部工程研究中心主任基金和1项上海市高可信计算重点实验室主任基金。目前担任期刊IITCIB(ICSES Interdisciplinary Transactions on Cloud Computing, IoT, and Big Data)创刊主编、期刊IEEE Access副主编、期刊Computer Communications技术编委,以及CET、JCNC、IJITCS、AJNC、JPHCI等期刊的编委;IEEE ACCC 2022大会主席;ISCIT 2022 Special Session Chair;EAI ICECI 2021 Workshop Chair;2018年在IEEE ICSESS国际会上做主旨报告;2021年在新加坡ACCC国际大会上做特邀报告;2021年在印度ICADCML国际会议上做主旨报告;担任IEEE Globecom、IEEE ICC、IEEE ICICS、SNSP、MSOTA、ICN、IWWCN、ICCTIA、ICCCC、ISSPI等国际会议的TPC成员;长期担任IEEE JSAC、IEEE TC、IEEE TPDS、IEEE/ACM TON、IEEE TCC、IEEE Access、Computer Networks、IEEE ICC、IEEE Globecom、IEEE HPSR、JoCCASA等国际期刊/会议的审稿专家。 工作经历 2020.4 - 至今, 华东师范大学,软件工程学院,副教授 2016.7 - 2020.2 华为(上海研究所),高级工程师 2015.8 - 2016.6 阿尔卡特朗讯贝尔实验室,研究科学家 2012.03 - 2012.08 中国科学院计算所,访问研究 荣誉及奖励 EAI ICECI 2021 Best Paper Award, 2021 IEEE MeditCom 2023唯一最佳论文奖(Best Paper Award), 2023 华东师范大学教学成果奖(研究生教育),特等奖,2023


ICN RG致力于以下几个方面的研究和实践:机器学习/深度学习、边缘计算、云计算、以及计算机网络系统优化算法设计及实现。具体包括: (1)机器学习系统:分布式机器学习、多智能体强化学习、联邦学习、小样本学习、大小模型协同 (2)智能信息网络:基于机器学习、深度学习等AI技术的智联网络 (3)智能边缘:AI驱动的边缘计算/雾计算 (4)可编程网络:软件定义网络(SDN)、网络功能虚拟化(NFV) (5)云计算和数据中心网络:云网协议、分布式计算、虚拟化、智能云


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Journal/Transactions Papers Ting Wang, Yuxiang Deng, Jiawei Mao, Mingsong Chen, Gang Liu, Jieming Di, Keqin Li. "Towards Intelligent Adaptive Edge Caching using Deep Reinforcement Learning", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2024. Ting Wang, Xin Jiang, Qin Li, Haibin Cai. "GreedW: A Flexible and Efficient Decentralized Framework for Distributed Machine Learning", IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), 2024. Zhonglei Duan, Ting Wang*. "Towards Learning-based Energy-Efficient Online Coordinated Virtual Network Embedding Framework", Computer Networks, 2024. Peng Yang, Yuning Jiang, Dingzhu Wen, Ting Wang*, Colin N. Jones, Yuanming Shi. "Decentralized Over-the-Air Federated Learning by Second-Order Optimization Method", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), 2023. Li'an Xie, Ting Wang*, Shuyi Du, Haibin Cai. "CERT-DF: A Computing-Efficient and Robust Distributed Deep Forest Framework with Low Communication Overhead", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2023. Ting Wang, Yuxiang Deng, Zhao Yang, Yang Wang, Haibin Cai. "Parameterized Deep Reinforcement Learning with Hybrid Action Space for Collaborative Task Offloading at the Edge", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023. Jiali Wang, Yijie Mao, Ting Wang*, Yuanming Shi. "Green Federated Learning Over Cloud-RAN with Limited Fronthual Capacity and Quantized Neural Networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), 2023. Ting Wang, Xi Fan, Kai Cheng, Xiao Du, Haibin Cai, Yang Wang. "Parameterized Deep Reinforcement Learning with Hybrid Action Space for Energy Efficient Data Center Networks", Computer Networks, 2023. Junkai Qian, Yuning Jiang, Xin Liu, Qiong Wang, Ting Wang*, Yuanming Shi, Wei Chen. "Federated Reinforcement Learning for Electric Vehicles Charging Control on Distribution Networks", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023. Yangming Zhao,Cheng Yang, Gongming Zhao,Yunfei Hou, Ting Wang, Chunming Qiao. "JointPS: Joint Parameter Server Placement and Flow Scheduling for Machine Learning Clusters", IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2023. Jinglian He, Yijie Mao, Yong Zhou, Ting Wang, Yuanming Shi. "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Empowered Green Wireless Networks with User Admission Control", IEEE Transactions on Communicatioins (TCOM), 2023. Ting Wang, Xiao Du, Mingsong Chen, Keqin Li. "Hierarchical Relational Graph Learning for Autonomous Multi-Robot Cooperative Navigation in Dynamic Environments", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 2023. Jiepin Ding, Mingsong Chen, Ting Wang, Junlong Zhou, Xin Fu, Keqin Li. "A Survey of AI-Enabled Dynamic Manufacturing Scheduling: From Directed Heuristic to Autonomous Learning", ACM Computing Surveys, 2023. Yisheng Song, Ting Wang*, Puyu Cai, Subrota K Mondal, Jyoti Prakash Sahoo. "A Comprehensive Survey of Few-shot Learning: Evolution, Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities", ACM Computing Surveys, 2023. Yutong Ye, Jieping Ding, Ting Wang, Junlong Zhou, Xian Wei, Mingsong Chen. "FairLight: Fairness-Aware Autonomous Traffic Signal Control with Hierarchical Action Space", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 2022 Xiao Du, Ting Wang*, Qiang Feng, Chenhui Ye, Tao Tao, Lu Wang, Yuanming Shi, Mingsong Chen. "Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Resource Management in 6G in-X Subnetworks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), 2022. Jun Xia, Tian Liu, Zhiwei Ling, Ting Wang, Xin Fu and Mingsong Chen, "PervasiveFL: Pervasive Federated Learning for Heterogeneous IoT Systems", CODES+ISSS and IEEE TCAD. Peng Yang, Yuning Jiang, Ting Wang*, Yong Zhou, Yuanming Shi, and Colin N. Jones, "Over-the-Air Federated Learning via Second-Order Optimization", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), 2022. Bo Li, Ting Wang*, Peng Yang, Mingsong Chen, Mounir Hamdi, "Rethinking Data Center Networks: Machine Learning Enables Network Intelligence", Journal of Communications and Information Networks (JCIN), 2022. Tian Liu, Jiahao Ding, Ting Wang, Miao Pan, Mingsong Chen, "Towards Fast and Accurate Federated Learning with non-IID Data for Cloud-Based IoT Applications", Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers (JCSC), 2022. Yang Wang, Yutong Li, Ting Wang*, Gang Liu, "Towards an Energy-Efficient Data Center Network Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning", Journal of Computer Networks, 2022. Li, Bo, Ting Wang*, Peng Yang, Mingsong Chen, Shui Yu, and Mounir Hamdi. "Machine Learning Empowered Intelligent Data Center Networking: A Survey." arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.13549 (2022). Zexi Chen, Ting Wang*, Haibin Cai, Subrota K. Mondal, and Jyoti Prakash Sahoo, "BLB-gcForest: A High-Performance Distributed Deep Forest with Adaptive sub-Forest Splitting", IEEE TPDS, 2021. Wupan Zhao, Yutong Ye, Jiepin Ding, Ting Wang, Tongquan Wei, Mingsong Chen, "IPDALight: Intensity- and Phase Duration-Aware Traffic Signal Control Based on Reinforcement Learning", Journal of Systems Architecture, 2021. Ting Wang, Gang Liu, "Software Defined Virtualized Access Network Supporting Network Slicing and Green Communication", Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2021. Gang Liu, Jinsong Wu, Ting Wang*, "Block-Chain Enabled Fog Resource Access and Granting", Journal of Intelligent and Converged Networks, 2021. Lu Wang, Jianhao Zhang, Ting Wang, Kaishun Wu, "A Fine-grained Multi-access Edge Computing Architecture for Cloud-network Integration", Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2021. T. Wang, Y. Wang, "An Efficient SDN-based Edge Computing Framework for Computation Offloading and Service Augmentation," ICSES Interdisciplinary Transactions on Cloud Computing, IoT, and Big Data (IITCIB), pp. 1-3, Mar. 2019. T. Wang, Y. Xia, J. Muppala, and M. Hamdi, "Achieving Energy Efficiency in Data Centers Using an Artificial Intelligence Abstraction Model", IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2018. T. Wang, L. Wang and M. Hamdi "A Cost-effective Low-latency Overlaid Torus-based Data Center Network Architecture", Journal of Computer Communications, 2018. Z. Su, T. Wang, and M. Hamdi, "JOTA: Joint Optimization for the Task Assignment of Sketch-based Measurement", Journal of Computer Communications, 2017. T. Wang, and M. Hamdi, "Presto:Towards Efficient Online Virtual Network Embedding in Virtualized Cloud Data Centers", Journal of Computer Networks, 2016. T. Wang, Z. Su, Y. Xia, B. Qin, and M. Hamdi, "Towards Cost-effective and Low Latency Data Center Network Architecture", Journal of Computer Communications, 2016. T. Wang, B. Qin, Z. Su, Y. Xia, M. Hamdi, S. Foufou, and R. Hamila, "Towards Bandwidth Guaranteed Energy Efficient Data Center Networking", Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (JoCCASA), 2015. Z. Su, T. Wang, Y. Xia, M. Hamdi, "CeMon: A Cost-effective Flow Monitoring System in Software Defined Networks", Journal of Computer Networks, 2015. T. Wang, Z. Su, Y. Xia, J. Muppala, and M. Hamdi, "Designing Efficient High Performance Server-Centric Data Center Network Architectures", Journal of Computer Networks, 2015. T. Wang, Z. Su, Y. Xia, and M. Hamdi, "Rethinking Data Center Networking: Architecture, Network Protocols, and Resource Sharing", Journal of IEEE Access, 2014. Conference/Symposium/Workshop Papers Xiao Du, Yutong Ye, Pengyu Zhang, Yaning Yang, Mingsong Chen, Ting Wang*, "Situation-Dependent Causal Influence-Based Cooperative Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning", 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2024 (AAAI-24). Jiali Wang, Yutong Ye, Ting Wang*, and Mingsong Chen*, "LWSA: A Learning-Based Workflow Scheduling Algorithm for Energy-Efficient UAV Delivery System", IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2023). Zhiwei Ling, Zhihao Yue, Jun Xia, Ting Wang, Mingsong Chen, Xiang Lian, "FedEntropy: Efficient Federated Learning for Non-IID Scenarios Using Maximum Entropy Judgment-based Client Selection", IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (IEEE ISPA), 2023. Jiali Wang, Yuning Jiang, Xin Liu, Ting Wang*, Yuanming Shi. "Federated Linear Bandit Learning via Over-the-air Computation", IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE Globecom), 2023. Jianguo Xue, Ting Wang*, Puyu Cai. "Towards Efficient Workflow Scheduling over Yarn Cluster using Deep Reinforcement Learning", IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE Globecom), 2023. Zhihao Yue, Jun Xia, Zhiwei Ling, Ming Hu, Ting Wang, Xian Wei, Mingsong Chen. "Model-Contrastive Learning for Backdoor Elimination", ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM), 2023. Jiali Wang, Yijie Mao, Ting Wang*, and Yuanming Shi. "Green Federated Learning over Cloud-RAN with Limited Fronthaul and Quantized Neural Networks", IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking, 2023. (Best Paper Award) Yutong Ye, Yingbo Zhou, Jiepin Ding, Ting Wang, Mingsong Chen, Xiang Lian. "InitLight: Initial Model Generation for Traffic Signal Control using Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning", International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2023. Zhao Yang, Yuxiang Deng, Ting Wang*, Haibin Cai. "Towards Efficient Task Offloading at the Edge based on Meta-Reinforcement Learning with Hybrid Action Space", IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC), 2023. Zekuan Fang, Fan Zhang, Ting Wang, Xiang Lian and Mingsong Chen. "MonitorLight: Reinforcement Learning-based Traffic Signal Control using Mixed Pressure Monitoring", ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2022. Ting Wang, Yang Peng, Zhihao Wang, and Haibin Cai. "Blocking Island Paradigm Enhanced Intelligent Coordinated Virtual Network Embedding Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning", IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON), 2022. Jun Xia, Ting Wang, Jieping Ding, Xian Wei, and Mingsong Chen. "Eliminating Backdoor Triggers for Deep Neural Networks Using Attention Relation Graph Distillation", International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2022. T. Wang, J. Mao, M. Chen, G. Liu, J. Di and S. Yu "ICE: Intelligent Caching at the Edge", IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE Globecom) 2021. J. Wang, S. Huang, X. Zeng, T. Wang, and Y. Shi "Multiuser Downlink Beamforming for URLLC in the Short Blocklength Regime", IEEE/CIC 10th International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC 2021), 2021. Y. Xia, J. Wu, J. Xia, T. Wang, and S. Mao "Multipath-aware TCP for Data Center Traffic Load-balancing", IEEE/ACM 29th International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQOS), 2021. S. Huang, Y. Zhou, T. Wang, and Y. Shi "Byzantine-Resilient Federated Machine Learning via Over-the-Air Computation", IEEE ICC 2021 Workshop on Edge Learning for 5G Mobile Networks and Beyond. Y. Yang, Y. Zhou, T. Wang, and Y. Shi "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Federated Learning with Privacy Guarantee", IEEE ICC 2021 Workshop on Edge Learning for 5G Mobile Networks and Beyond. M. Fu, Y. Zhou, Y. Shi, T. Wang, and W. Chen "UAV-Assisted Over-the-Air Computation", IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC '21, 2021. T. Wang, and Mounir Hamdi, "Enforcing Timely Network Policies Installation in OpenFlow-based Software Defined Networks", IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC '17, 2017. T. Wang, M. Hamdi, "An Efficient Framework for Online Virtual Network Embedding in Virtualized Cloud Data Centers", IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking, CloudNet '15, 2015. T. Wang, and M. Hamdi, "JieLin: A Scalable and Fault Tolerant Server-Centric Data Center Network Architecture", IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM '15, 2015. T. Wang, Z. Su, Y. Xia, and M. Hamdi, "CLOT: A Cost-effective Low-latency Overlaid Torus-based Network Architecture for Data Centers", IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC '15, 2015. Z. Su, T. Wang, M. Hamdi, "COSTA: Cross-layer Optimization for Sketch-based Software Defined Measurement Task Assignment", IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality and Service (IWQoS'15), 2015. T. Wang, Z. Su, Y. Xia, B. Qin, and M. Hamdi, "NovaCube: A Low Latency Torus-Based Network Architecture for Data Centers", IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM '14, 2014. T. Wang, Y. Xia, J. Muppala, M. Hamdi, and S. Foufou, "A General Framework For Performance Guaranteed Green Data Center Networking", IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM '14, 2014. Y. Xia, T. Wang, Zhiyang Su, M. Hamdi, "Fine-Grain Power Control for Combined Input-Crosspoint Queued Switches", IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM '14, 2014. Z. Su, T. Wang, Y. Xia, and M. Hamdi, "FlowCover: Low-cost Flow Monitoring Scheme in Software Defined Networks", IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM '14, 2014. T. Wang, Z. Su, Y. Xia, Y. Liu, J. Muppala and M. Hamdi, "SprintNet: A High Performance Server-Centric Network Architecture for Data Centers", IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC '14, 2014. T. Wang, Y. Xia, D. Lin, and M. Hamdi, "Improving the efficiency of server-centric data center network architectures", IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC '14, 2014. Z. Su, T. Wang, Y. Xia, and M. Hamdi, "CheetahFlow - Towards Low Latency Software-Defined Network", IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC '14, 2014.


Editorial Activity: Lead Guest Editor of Special Issue Big Data and Cloud Computing: Innovations and Challenges in Electronics (SCIE, IF=2.690, CiteScore 3.7, JCR Q2). Founding Editor & Editor-in-Chief of ICSES Interdisciplinary Transactions on Cloud Computing, IoT, and Big Data (IITCIB), 2017-2021 Associate Editor of IEEE Access, 2018-2021 Editorial Board (Technical Committee) of Journal of Computer Communications, Elsvier Editorial Board Member of Journal of Autonomous Intelligence, EnPress Publisher Editorial Board Member of Journal of Progress in Human Computer Interaction Editorial Advisory Board member of Cambridge Scholars Publishing Telecommunication books Editorial Board Member of Journal of Current Electronics And Telecommunications(CET) Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Information Technology Convergence and Services (IJITCS) Editorial Board Member of Journals of Advances in Networks, Science Publishing Group (Science PG), 2017-2021 Editorial Board Member of Journal of Computer Software and Media Applications, EnPress Publisher Editorial Board Member of AR Research Publication & Conference World, 2017-2020. Lead Guest Editor for American Journal of Networks and Communications Lead Guest Editor for Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Conference Chair & Technical Program Committee Member: Conference Chair: The 3rd and 4th Asia Conference on Computers and Communications (ACCC 2022, 2023) TPC Member: IEEE Globecom 2021 SAC BD,2022. Workshop Chair: EAI ICECI 2021 - 2nd International Conference on Edge Computing and IoT: Systems, Management and Security TPC Member: ICICS 2021,2022 - the International Conference on Information and Communications Security. TPC Chair:The 2nd International Conference on Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning (ICADCML-2021), 15-16 Jan 2021, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India Chair of NFV-SDN Special Track: The Seventeenth International Conference on Networks, ICN 2018, April 22, 2018 to April 26, 2018 - Athens, Greece TPC Member: The 2nd International Conference on Sensor Networks and Signal Processing (SNSP 2019), Nov.19-22, 2019, Hualien, Taiwan TPC Member: The 2018 2nd International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization Technologies and Applications (MSOTA2018), November 25-26, 2018, Xiamen, China TPC Member: 4th International Conference of Networks, Communications, Wireless and Mobile Computing, August 25~26, 2018, Dubai, UAE TPC Member: The 2018 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modelling and Statistics Application, May 27-28, 2018, SANYA, China TPC Member: The Seventeenth International Conference on Networks, ICN 2018, April 22-26, 2018 - Athens, Greece TPC Member: The 18th International Conference on Networks, ICN 2019, March 24-28, Valencia, Spain TPC Member: The 2018 International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science, Suzhou, China, June 22-24, 2018 TPC Member: The 3rd annual International Workshop on Wireless Communication and Network (IWWCN2017), Beijing China, December 8-10, 2017 TPC Member: International Conference on Computer Technologies Innovations & Applications, ICCTIA 2015, 2016 TPC Member: Global Summit on Computer & Information Technology, GSCIT 2015, 2016, 2017 TPC Member: International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, ICACCI Doctoral Consortium 2015, 2016 TPC Member: International Conference on Architectural Research & Computer-Aided Design, ICARCAD, 2017 TPC Member: International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and System, 2016 Regular Reviewer: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC) IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN) IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC) IEEE Access Elsevier Journal of Computer Networks IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC Springer Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR) Elsevier Journal of Applied Computing and Informatics Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications The Springer Journal of Neural Computing and Applications The Journal of Supercomputing, Springer International Conference on Sensor Networks and Signal Processing (SNSP) Elsevier Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering Elsevier Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering Journal of Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering The International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet) KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, ICACCI Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering (JZUS)
