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教育经历 2003.10- 2006.9,日本先端科学技术大学院大学,信息学部,博士研究生 1999.9 - 2002.6,复旦大学,计算机系,硕士研究生 1995.9 - 1999.6,华东师范大学,计算机系,本科 工作经历 2020.9 - 至今,华东师范大学,教务处副处长 2010.7 - 至今,华东师范大学,软件工程学院,副教授 2008.5 - 2010.4,日本信息通信研究机构,网络研究中心,专攻研究员 2006.10- 2008.4,日本先端科学技术大学院大学,信息学部,博士后研究员




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Chao Peng, Yiming Guo, Yao Chen, Qilin Rui, Zhengfeng Yang and Chenyang Xu, FedGM: Heterogeneous Federated Learning via Generative Learning and Mutual Distillation, 29th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2023), Limassol, Cyprus, August 2023. 339-351 Zhengfeng Yang, Li Zhang, Xia Zeng, Xiaochao Tang, Chao Peng, Zhenbing Zeng, Hybrid Controller Synthesis for Nonlinear Systems Subject to Reach-avoid Constraints, 35th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2023), Paris, France, July 2023. 304-325 Hao Xue, Xia Zeng, Wang Lin, Zhengfeng Yang, Chao Peng, Zhenbing Zeng: An RNN-Based Framework for the MILP Problem in Robustness Verification of Neural Networks. 2022 Asian Conference on Computer Vision(ACCV2022): 571-586 Chenchao Wang, Mengdan Wang, Yao Chen, Peng Zheng, Neal N. Xiong, CTHGAT: Category-aware and Time-aware Next Point-of-Interest via Heterogeneous Graph Attention Network, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2021), 2420-2426, Melbourne, Australia, October 2021. Rui Yang, Chao Peng, Chenchao Wang, Mengdan Wang, Yao Chen, Peng Zheng, Neal N. Xiong, CSAGAN: Channel and Spatial Attention-Guided Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2021), 3258-3265, Melbourne, Australia, October 2021. Mengdan Wang, Chao Peng, Rui Yang, Chenchao Wang, Yao Chen, Xiaohua Yu, GASKT: A Graph-Based Attentive Knowledge-Search Model for Knowledge Tracing, 14th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM 2021), LNCS 12815, 268-279, Tokyo, Japan, August 2021. Xin Chen, Chao Peng*, Wang Lin*, Zhengfeng Yang*, Yifan Zhang, Xuandong Li, A Novel Approach for Solving the BMI Problem in Barrier Certificates Generation, in the 32nd International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2020), Los Angeles, California, USA, July 2020. Cheng He, Chao Peng*, Na Li, Xiang Chen, Zhengfeng Yang and Zhenhao Hu, CIFEF: Combining implicit and explicit features for friendship inference in location-based social networks,in the 13th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM 2020), Hangzhou, China, August 2020. Jianlin Wang, Chao Peng*, Zhenbing Zeng*, A Formal Proof of the Soundness of the Hybrid CPS Clock Theory,in the International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE 2020), Hangzhou, China, July 2020. Zhenhao Hu, Chao Peng*, Cheng He, Haibin Cai, IO-aware Factorization Machine for User Response Prediction, in 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2020), Glasgow, UK, July 2020. Cheng He, Chao Peng, Na Li, Xiang Chen, Lanying Guo, Exploiting Spatiotemporal Features to Infer Friendship in Location-Based Social Networks, PRICAI 2018: Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018.8, Nanjing Lanying Guo, Chao Peng, Siyuan Chen and Cheng He, Reversible Programming Techniques for Shortest-Path, 2018 IEEE 37th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), 2018.11, USA Siyuan Chen, Chao Peng, Linsen Cai, Lanying Guo, A Deep Neural Network Model for Target-based Sentiment Analysis, 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2018.7, Brazil Lanying Guo, Chao Peng, Siyuan Chen and Cheng He, New Reversible Computing Algorithms for Shortest Paths Problem, The 6th International Conference on Information Technology: IoT and Smart City(ICIT), 2018.12, Hongkong (Best Presentation Award) Tong Wu, Siyuan Chen, Chao Peng*, Time-Efficient Algorithm on Degree Anonymization by Combination of Vertex and Edge Addition, International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (2017ASID), Xiamen, China, Oct. 2017. Kepi Zhang, Tong Wu, Siyuan Chen, Linsen Cai, Chao Peng*, A New Energy Efficient VM Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Computing Based on Dynamic Programming, in the 4th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud 2017): 249-254, NY, USA, 2017 Wenli Zhang, Lin Yang, Kepi Zhang, and Chao Peng*, Collaborate Algorithms for the Multi-channel Program Download Problem in VoD Applications, in the 12th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing (CollaborateCom 2016), Beijing, China, Nov. 2016. Xichen Wang, Weiwei Liu, Lin Yang, Wenli Zhang, Chao Peng*, A New Content-Centric Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, in the 22nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2016), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Aug. 2016. Weiwei Liu, Xichen Wang, Wenli Zhang, Lin Yang, Chao Peng*, Coordinative Simulation with SUMO and NS3 for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, in the 22nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2016), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Aug. 2016. Jingmin Shi, Chao Peng*, Qin Zhu, Pengfei Duan, There is a Will, There is a Way: A New Mechanism for Traffic Control Based on VTL and VANET, 16th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering, HASE 2015 240-246, 2015. Chao Peng*, Jie Zhou*, Binhai Zhu, Hong Zhu, Complexity Analysis and Algorithms for the Program Download Problem, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 29(1): 216-227 (2015). Qin Zhu, Chao Peng*, Jingmin Shi, Pengfei Duan, Cooperative Traffic Light Control Based On Semi-real-time Processing, International Journal of Automation and Control Engineering, 3(1): 9-17(2015). M. Inoue, M. Ohnishi, C. Peng, R. Li and H. Morino,NerveNet: A Future Regional Platform Network for Various Context-Aware Services with Sensors and Actuators, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E94-B, No.3, pp.618-629, March1, 2011. X. Han, C. Peng, D.S. Ye, D.H. Zhang, Dynamic Bin Packing with Unit Fraction Items Revisited, Information Processing Letter, Vol 110, Issue 23, pp. 1049–1054, November 15, 2010. C. Peng, Y. Tan, N.X. Xiong, L. T. Yang, H. Zhu, Approximation Algorithms for Inner-node Weighted Minimum Spanning Trees, Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol 24 No 3, pp.189-195, May 2009. C. Peng, Y. Tan, N.X. Xiong, L. T. Yang, J.H. Park., S.S. Kim, Adaptive Video-on-Demand Broadcasting in Ubiquitous Computing Environment, Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Springer, pp.479-488, April 2009. Chao Peng, Hong Shen, “A New Approximation Algorithm For Computing 2- Restricted Disjoint Paths, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, Volume E90-D, Number 2, Feb. 1, 2007. 蔡林森,彭超,陈思远,郭兰英,基于多样化特征卷积神经网络的情感分析,计算机工程,2018.4 陈思远, 彭超, 蔡林森, 郭兰英,一种用在特定目标情感分析的深度网络模型计软学院,计算机工程,2018.3 杨琳,章文利,朱沁,彭超,基于车联网的交通管控机制设计与验证杨琳,章文利,朱沁,彭超,计算机科学 44 (s1) :276-283,2017 高圣巍,彭超,一种改进的邻接关系可查询压缩算法,计算机工程,41(1):61-64,2015


IEEE会员,CCF会员,CCF理论计算机专委 General Chair‚ The 2012 International Workshop on Formal methOds for Real-time Distributed Systems (FORDS’12) TPC Member‚ International Conference on Networking and Computing (ICNC) 2011. Organizing Committee‚ The 3rd New Generation Network Workshop. TPC Member‚ The 5th IADIS Applied Computing 2008 Conference. Information Service Chair‚ The 6th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing‚ Applications and Technologies.
