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工作经历 2017/04-至今,华东师范大学,经济与管理学部,研究员 2014/07-2017/03,上海财经大学,经济学院,副教授 2008/09 - 2014/06,上海财经大学,经济学院,讲师 开授课程 高级微观经济学,中级微观经济学,实证产业组织经济学,线性代数,概率统计 科研项目 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,71603159,中国汽车的国际贸易政策的理论和实证分析,2017-01至2019-12,17万元,结项,主持 华东师范大学2017年青年高层次引进人才,2017ECNU-HLYT005,中国新能源汽车产业政策的实证分析,2017-05至2019-12,30万元,结项,主持 上海市教育委员会科研创新项目,14ZS077,上海汽车牌照拍卖,北京汽车牌照摇号的影响,2014-01至2016-12,6万元,结项,主持 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,71371116,存在外部性的横向兼并中现金拍卖与利润份额拍卖的比较研究,2014-01至2017-12、51.2万元,结项,参加 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,71273162,资源配置效率与全要素生产率的微观实证研究,2013-01至2016-12,50万元,结项,参加


实证产业组织, 实证微观经济学, 国际贸易, 金融


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

“Buying Reputation as a Signal of Quality: Evidence from an Online Marketplace”(2020), with Lingfang (Ivy) Li, and Steve Tadelis, the Rand Journal of Economics, forthcoming. “Comparison between Uniform Tariff and Progressive Consumption Tax in the Chinese Automobile Industry”(2020), with Caixia Shen, Yanfei Wang, and Junji Xiao,Journal of Industrial Economics, forthcoming. “Market Equilibrium and Welfare Effects of a Fuel Tax in China: the Impact of Consumers' Response in Driving Patterns” (2019), with Jijun Tan and Junji Xiao, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 93, 20-43. “Demographics, Gender and Local Knowledge - Price Discrimination in China's Car Market” (2018), with Li-Zhong Chen, Wei-min Hu, and Radek Szulga, Economics Letters, 163, 172-174. “Welfare Analysis of the Vehicle Quota System in China” (2017), with Junji Xiao, and Wei-min Hu, International Economic Review, 58(1), 617-650. “Welfare Analysis of Tacit Coordination in the U.S. Airline Industry” (2017), Frontiers of Economics in China, 12(1), 66-93. “Collusion or Competition? Interfirm Relationships in the Chinese Auto Industry” (2014), with Wei-min Hu, and Junji Xiao, Journal of Industrial Economics, 62(1), 1-35. “Multimarket Contact in Italian Retail Banking: Competition and Welfare” (2013), with Jozsef Molnar, and Roberto Violi, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 31(5), 361-381.
