本人热爱科研和教学工作,专业为企业战略管理。研究方向包括企业目标的设定(Organizational Goal Setting)、企业运营系统 (Organizational Control)、动荡的商业环境 (Environmental Turbulence)和国际创业(International Entrepreneurship)。研究成果发表在Journal of Business Ethics (F50); Journal of Business Research; Information & Management; Journal of Business and Psychology; International Journal of Information Management等国际期刊。研究成果在战略管理学会(SMS),管理学术会议(AOM),澳大利亚和新西兰管理学术会议(ANZAM)接收并展示。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项和上海市哲学社会科学规划课题一项。
企业目标的设定(Organizational Goal Setting)
企业运营系统 (Organizational Control)
动荡的商业环境 (Environmental Turbulence)
国际创业(International Entrepreneurship)
平台战略(Platform Strategy)
Feifei Yang*; Miles M. Yang (equal contribution); Examining motivation of IT vendors to share knowledge with clients. International Journal of Information Management, 2023, 102646.
Feifei Yang*, George A. Shinkle, Mirjam Goudsmit. The complementarity of control formalization and control flexibility: The moderating effects of competitive turbulence. Australian Journal of Management, 2022, 47, 773-792
Feifei Yang*; George A. Shinkle; Mirjam Goudsmit. The efficacy of organizational control interactions: External environmental uncertainty as a critical contingency, Journal of Business Research, 2022, 139, 855-868.
Feifei Yang*; Miles M. Yang; Does cross-cultural experience matter for new venture performance? The moderating role of socio-cognitive traits, Journal of Business Research, 2022, 138,38-51.
Yucheng Zhang; Zhongwei Hou; Feifei Yang*; Miles M. Yang; Zhiling Wang; Discovering the evolution of resource-based theory: Science mapping based on bibliometric analysis, Journal of Business Research, 2021, 137, 500-516.
George A. Shinkle; Miles, M. Yang; Feifei Yang*; John J. Elshaw; Deidra J. Schleicher; Enacting formal controls in information system development: Process guidance and goal importance, Information & Management, 2021, 58, 103430.
Feifei Yang*; Jiaqi Huang; Xiao Feng; Miles M. Yang; Decision-making in a dynamic task: effects of goal orientation on stocks and flows performance, Chinese Management Studies, 2020, 14(3), 695-713.
George A. Shinkle*; Mirjam Goudsmit; Chris J. Jackson; Feifei Yang*; Brian T. McCann; On establishing legitimate goal targets and their performance impact, Journal of Business Ethics, 2019, 157: 731-751.
Miles M Yang; Feifei Yang*; Tingru Cui; Ying-Chu Cheng; Analysing the dynamics of mental models using causal loop diagrams, Australian Journal of Management, 2019, 44(3): 495-512.
George A. Shinkle; Chris J. Jackson; Brian T. McCann; Mirjam Goudsmit; Feifei Yang; How to establish legitimate organizational goal targets, Organizational Dynamics, 2019, 48: 100658.
Miles M. Yang; Yucheng Zhang*; Feifei Yang*; How a reflection intervention improves the effect of learning goals on performance outcomes in a complex decision-making task, Journal of Business and Psychology, 2018, 33:579-593.